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Bruce Mulliken
Editor and Publisher
Green Energy News Inc.

ENERGIES...  week of March 3, 2002

     POLLUTION, HEALTH AND FUEL EFFICIENCY. The Journal of the American
Medical Association (JAMA) published a study this week - Lung Cancer,
Cardiopulmonary Mortality and Long Term Exposure to Fine Particulate Air
     J.D. Powers, a well known global marketing information services
firm, published a survey this week - The Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Consumer Acceptance Study.
     There's a connection between the two.
     The JAMA study, which included more than 500,000 participants who
enrolled 20 years ago in an American Cancer Society survey on cancer
prevention, showed that long-term exposure to air pollution -living in
some of America's largest cities - significantly raises the possibility
of dying from lung cancer. The risk for lung cancer is about the same as
a non-smoker living with a smoker.
     The J.D. Powers survey showed that 30 percent of new vehicle buyers
would definitely consider purchasing a hybrid-electric vehicle. Another
30 percent indicated a strong consideration for the purchase of the
technology. Overwhelmingly, vehicle buyers want the hybrid option in
their vehicle choice.
     Of the more 5200 new vehicle buyers in the survey, women leaned
towards hybrids more than men. Both wanted hybrids in their vehicle
segments (small car buyers wanted small hybrids, SUV buyers wanted
hybrid SUV's for example). Men and women based their considerations on
the environment, fuel prices, U.S. dependency on imported oil and the
inclusion of tax incentives as part of a purchase.
     The connection? People seem willing to buy vehicles in large numbers
that saved fuel and reduced pollution if those vehicles were available.
In turn, their purchase would help save lives. It's that simple. Visit
JAMA at , J.D. Powers at .

     WORLD PARTNERS?  Governments of the U.S. and Canada have agreed to
expand and intensify their existing bilateral efforts to address global
climate change. All nations could work in partnership on this effort. If
Canada and the U.S., why not everyone?
     Canada and the U.S. will cooperate on issues such as climate change
science and research, technology development, carbon sequestration,
emissions measurement and accounting, capacity building in developing
countries, carbon sinks, targeted measures to spur the uptake of cleaner
technology and market based approaches to the same.
     Mentioned as possible, specific areas of cooperation will be in the
development of clean coal (which would be more appropriately named
cleaner coal), carbon dioxide capture and storage, expanded use of
cogeneration and more renewable sources of energy and the use of
sustainable agriculture and forestry management to reduce net greenhouse
gas emissions.
     Canada will be considering ratification of the Kyoto Protocol later
this year. With ratification, Canada will have to reduce emissions
through government mandate.  But the U.S. has no plans to ratify Kyoto,
but wants industry to voluntarily reduce emissions. That voluntarism
would be spurred by government incentives - tax breaks, for instance.
Visit Environment Canada at (click Media Room, News

     SOLAR POWER FOR EFFICIENT ENERGY. Let's be honest. Photovoltaic
solar power has some faults. It's relatively expensive. It's not very
efficient. And for the amount of power output, it takes up a lot of real
     Certainly solar manufacturers and developers are working on many
ways to correct and work around these faults. One of them is to connect
solar panels only to highly energy-efficient devices. The more efficient
the device, the less solar electricity needs to be generated and overall
system cost and size goes down.
     This notion is now reality for one Whole Foods Market (tm) natural
and organic supermarket in Berkeley, California. A newly installed 33
kilowatt rooftop solar array is used only to power the store's DC
(direct current) fluorescent lighting.
     Fluorescent lighting in itself is efficient, but further
efficiencies are gained by using the solar panel's DC current directly
to power the lighting.  (Typically solar power is converted - at a loss
of usable electricity - from DC to AC (alternating current) for use in
buildings. This loss is avoided with the Whole Foods installation.)
     Reflective roofing materials were also used and the PowerLight solar
panels provide additional insulation for the building. The DC lighting
system was provided by Nextek Power Systems. Visit PowerLight at , Nextek at .

     NEXT GENERATION LIGHT BULB?  Even more energy efficient than compact
fluorescent or conventional fluorescent lighting are light emitting
diodes (LED's).  LED's can use up to 90% less electricity than
incandescent light bulbs. They are also durable and can last up to
100,000 hours.
     LED's come in a variety of colors, but a white light that is
pleasing to the eye - and that consumers would accept - has been the big
challenge for LED manufacturers for a few years now.
     Lumileds is the first to develop an experimental white light
headlamp for use in cars. Though we wouldn't want a car headlamp for our
bedside reading light, this development does show that LED's can be
powerful enough for general lighting.  Overall, considerable progress is
being made on the technology. (LED headlamps in cars would save a bit of
fuel too.)
     Lumileds is a joint venture of Agilent Technologies and Philips
Lighting. Visit them at .

     WORLD WIND WATCH.  Just as the U.S. economy is showing signs of
life, President Bush has signed an economic stimulus bill that includes
the reinstatement of the Production Tax Credit (PTC) for wind power, and
other renewables.
     The extension of the PTC through 2007 means that companies like
Vestas Wind Systems will likely push forward with plans to build a
turbine plant in the U.S.- read new job creation.  Enron Wind, soon to
become part of GE Power Systems, could become a bigger player in the
wind turbine business. And NEG-Micon might reconsider plans to expand
their production capability in the U.S.
     If the U.S economy returns to growth, look for more wind power
facilities. Wind power developers are more likely to add capacity in a
growing economy that is willing and able to purchase the green
     The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), the European Wind
Energy Association (EWEA) and the Indian Wind Energy Association are
jointly reporting that wind turbine installations grew by 45 percent or
6500 megawatts in 2001. Worldwide the wind now supplies enough power for
the equivalent of more than 10 million homes. Visit the AWEA at , the EWEA at .
     Eurowind AB of Sweden has announced plans to build a 200 turbine
offshore wind farm on the Kriegers Flak shallows in the southern Baltic
Sea, about 35 miles south of Trelleborg and inside Sweden's economic
zone. Completion date for the Kriegers is 2006-07. Visit Eurowind at .
    Wind turbine company Gamesa and Spanish power company Union Fenosa
will work with Australian company TME to study wind projects in
Australia. The partnership could lead to 14 new wind farms in the
country with a combined capacity of 450 megawatts. Visit Gamesa at .

  NEW! NEW! NEW! ... NewsLinks ...

--- Actor/Environmentalist Ed Begley, Jr. is First Retail Customer of a
Toyota RAV4-EV (click About Toyota, News)

--- AstroPower Products Generate More Electricity Than Expected in Two
California Solar Electric Power Plants

--- Energy Storage Council Seeks National Goal for Electricity Storage (click News Releases) (3/4/02)

--- Southwest Research Institute (tm) Releases Vehicle Simulation Tool (click What's New, News Releases) (3/4/02)

--- Altair Nanotechnologies Enters Into Agreement with Japanese
Conglomerate - Leading Exporter of International Goods and Services to
Introduce Altair Nanomaterials and Products to Battery Manufacturers as
well as the Japanese Automobile Industry (click Corporate Info) (3/5/02)

--- Magnetek Power Products Make Inroads in Transportation - UTC Fuel
Cells' Power Plant for Ford Incorporates Magnetek Power Conditioner -
Magnetek Provides Advanced Power Supply for Segway (tm) Human
Transporter  (3/5/02)

--- CO2SIM Announces Advisory Panel (click Media)

--- Electric Fuel's Zinc-Air Bus Washington, DC Demonstration Slated for
March 13 (3/6/02)

--- Orbital Receives Clean Air Excellence Award From U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (click Investor Relations,
News Releases) (3/6/02)

--- Altair Expands Battery Material Technologies (click Corporate Info) (3/7/02)

--- Global Solar Energy Completes 1.4 Mw Solar Power Station; Signs
Agreement to Enlarge System to 2.4 Mw (click
Media Center) (3/7/02)

     Send ENERGIES to a friend or colleague. Visit Green Energy News on
the web at . For ENERGIES paid and free trial
subscriptions please visit the web site. Copyright Green Energy News
Inc. 3/9/02 vol.6 no.49

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