If you're going to reply, please cc to the Biofuels-biz list so he sees it.


>To: <biofuels-biz@yahoogroups.com>
>Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 18:58:10 -0800
>From: "Nathan Cheng" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: [biofuels-biz] Hemp Industry Wins Stay On Food Ban
>Reply-To: biofuels-biz@yahoogroups.com
>If a person is committed to using ethanol for fuel, would he/she add
>anything else for whatever reason? I.e. What things need to be added to the
>ethanol to produce the ideal gallon of auto fuel? How about some regular
>gasoline to make it poisonous, bad smelling, and bad tasting to underage
>would-be drinkers? Are there other things from renewable sources that could
>be added instead for the same effect?
>I took a look at the HempCar website, and found it quite UNimpressive. They
>seem to have an ulterior motive--to get marijuana legalized. I hate
>marijuana and I hate what it stands for. They claim that the high-fiber hemp
>they want legalized has been specially engineered by the French so that it
>is impossible to get high off of it, and then they go from there right into
>a big schpiel about how wonderful marijuana is and that it has never killed
>anybody. Sick. No thanks.
>If they really wanted to do the biofuel cause a favor, they'd be pouring
>money into trying to figure out how to breed something from hemp that has
>all the biofuel-happy stuff in its genes but none of the dope-head-happy
>stuff, and then they'd name it something other than hemp and drop the
>marijuana crap. But no, instead they're driving around in their little car
>trying to give hemp a good name so they can push marijuana. A little strong
>on the criticism, I'll admit; but that's the impression I get.
>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: Keith Addison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Sent: Monday, March 11, 2002 16:45 PM
>  To: Nathan Cheng
>  Cc: biofuels-biz@yahoogroups.com
>  Subject: RE: [biofuels-biz] Hemp Industry Wins Stay On Food Ban
>  >What does a mind-altering drug have to do with biofuel? Please advise.
>  >
>  >Thanks,
>  >
>  >Nathan
>  Hello Nathan
>  There are at least two "mind-altering drugs" that have a lot to do
>  with biofuels. One is ethanol, the other is hemp. Ethanol is used
>  directly as a fuel, whereas industrial hemp, which contains
>  insignificant quantities of THC, and is therefore not a mind-altering
>  drug, is a highly promising biofuels crop, producing oil to make
>  biodiesel and biomass to produce biomass energy, and more besides.
>  "Industrial hemp is non-psychoactive low THC varieties of the
>  cannabis sativa plant. Currently, it is illegal for U.S. farmers to
>  grow hemp because it is improperly classified as a "drug" under the
>  Controlled Substances Act."
>  Try a Google search for "industrial hemp".
>  http://www.hempcar.org (see DEA Hemp Ban and Hemp and the Law)
>  http://VoteHemp.com
>  http://www.fuelandfiber.com
>  Etc etc etc.
>  Keith Addison
>  Journey to Forever
>  Handmade Projects
>  Osaka, Japan
>  http://journeytoforever.org/
>  >-----Original Message-----
>  >From: Keith Addison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  >Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2002 21:23 PM
>  >To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
>  >Cc: biofuels-biz@yahoogroups.com
>  >Subject: [biofuels-biz] Hemp Industry Wins Stay On Food Ban
>  >
>  ><http://ens-news.com/ens/mar2002/2002L-03-08-09.html>http://ens-news.
>  >com/ens/mar2002/2002L-03-08-09.html
>  >Environment News Service: AmeriScan: March 8, 2002
>  >Hemp Industry Wins Stay On Food Ban
>  >
>  >SAN FRANCISCO, California, March 8, 2002 (ENS) - A federal appeals
>  >court has granted a request by the hemp industry to block a U.S. Drug
>  >Enforcement Administration's (DEA) rule aimed at banning the sale of
>  >foods containing hemp.
>  >
>  >The rule, issued October 9, 2001, banning any edible item containing
>  >hemp seed or oil that contains "any THC." Under the authority of the
>  >Controlled Substances Act of 1970, the agency gave consumers and
>  >retailers until February 6 to "dispose" of such products. The appeals
>  >court later extended that deadline until March 18.
>  >
>  >THC, tetrahydrocannabinol, is the psychoactive ingredient in
>  >marijuana, a hemp plant. Sterilized hemp seed and oil are exempted
>  >from the Controlled Substances Act under the statutory definition of
>  >marijuana, just as poppy seeds are exempted under the statutory
>  >definition of the opium poppy.
>  >
>  >The Hemp Industries Association (HIA) and several major hemp food
>  >companies in the U.S. and Canada had asked the court to stay
>  >implementation of the DEA rule to allow the court to hear a challenge
>  >to the rule.
>  >
>  >"The Court's order effectively prevents DEA from enforcing its
>  >'Interpretive Rule' until a final ruling by the Court on the validity
>  >of DEA's action," said Joe Sandler, counsel for the HIA. "With this
>  >stay in effect, all those who sell, import, manufacture, distribute
>  >and retail edible hemp oil and seed, and oil and seed products, can
>  >continue those activities secure in the knowledge that such products
>  >remain perfectly lawful."
>  >
>  >The DEA received more than 115,000 public comments from hemp food and
>  >body care consumers and manufacturers opposing the agency's
>  >regulation. The Body Shop collected most of the comments at their 300
>  >personal care stores nationwide, and the independent group Vote Hemp
>  >generated about 5,000 comments through their website at:
>  ><http://www.VoteHemp.com.>http://www.VoteHemp.com.
>  >
>  >Several members of Congress and state legislatures have also sent
>  >comments to the DEA critical of the new rule.
>  >
>  >"The DEA has no public support for the new hemp food rule," said Eric
>  >Steenstra, president of VoteHemp. "After examining the public
>  >comments, it is clear that the DEA is out of touch with the general
>  >public which is informed about the compelling nutritional and legal
>  >arguments in support of healthy hemp food products."

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