Yeah, good ole Steve Spence has some good stuff occasionally, but he is a
bit off the wall... I am still giggling over the blue flame is clean and the
yellow flame is dirty... not to mention that there is NO pollution when your
burn alcohol... And the bald face BS about earthquakes being caused by
pumping out oil.... AHEHEHEHEH!

I rest my case that the AE goof balls need to be a bit less goofy and a bit
more practical... else nobody will listen, unless they are tuning in to
"comic relief"

Laughing Max

Subject: Re: Making Ethanol Fuel

> On Sat, 11 May 2002, Steve Spence wrote:
> > Alcohol - the clean Fuel!
> > As earlier generations who used alcohol lamps will testify, alcohol
> > clean, does not pollute, and can be burned in a closed room without
toxic or
> > odor effects - without the need for mechanical ventilation systems.
> > it is such a clean burning fuel, you need not use smog-devices on your
> > engine as you are emitting only carbon dioxide (which is essential for
> > plant life to produce clean fresh oxygen) and water.  So if you are
> > only alcohol as a fuel, you can remove your smog devices and recover the
> I'm sorry, but that's just wrong. Running an engine on alcohol does not
> emit "only carbon dioxide" as pollutants. When you burn ANYTHING, you
> produce nitrogen oxides, simply because our atmosphere is composed of such
> a large percentage of nitrogen. Sure, if you burned alcohol in an
> atmosphere of pure oxygen you wouldn't produce any NOx, but that's just
> not realistic. Emissions from an alcohol burning engine are mildly cleaner
> than from a gasoline burning engine. Now, when you factor in that the
> carbon dioxide produced from burning alcohol actually came from plants,
> and would be consumed again to make more plants (to make more sugar,
> etc.), then there is in effect no net production of CO2 from burning
> alcohol, which is where the benefit is.
> I don't object to saying alcohol is a cleaner fuel, but please,
> get it right. The cleanliness comes from the net zero production of CO2.
> There are still other pollutants emitted (including CO, NOx).
> > Alcohol burns more completely than gasoline.  You may recall the days
> > spark plugs were wired to the tailpipes of cars to make flames shoot out
> > tailpipes.  This occurred because the gasoline was not being completely
> > burned in the engine.  It passed right through the engine and out the
> > exhaust system.
> That was back when internal combustion engines were very inefficient. A
> well tuned modern engine with electronic fuel injection burns the gasoline
> nearly completely. And alcohol would not burn any more completely than
> gasoline, in a properly tuned engine. It all comes down to things like
> having the proper Air to fuel ratio, having the valves open and close at
> the right times, etc. Old engines had unburned gas coming out the tailpipe
> not because they were using gasoline, but because the design of the
> engine was bad, allowing fuel to be injected into the cylinder, and some
> of it go right out the exhaust valve before it closed. That would happen
> with alcohol too.
> > This seems to be the decade to "Save the Earth" and most organizations
> > focusing on subjects pertaining to the things on the earth's surface.
> > is and excellent movement.  Now let us take a moment to examine what is
> > happening to our earth below it's surface.  Every day our earth is being
> > hollowed out by the removal of nearly 50 millions barrels of oil.  These
> > wells are leaving voids all over our planet, and the oil turned into
> > and the fuel going up into smoke.  What happens to the vacancy left by
> > oil?  Some remain vacant holes and others are filled with seeping water.
> > Many experts agree that the earth's water table is lowered by about
> > feet each year.
> What?!?!?!! No way.
> I agree that it's not a good idea to pump out fluids from the
> earth's crust like we are, but please, get your facts right. Besides, the
> earth isn't being "hollowed out". When oil is pumped out of the ground, it
> doesn't leave huge caverns, because the oil is primarily within porous
> rock. So the oil is simply being pulled out of the rock, leaving porous
> rock with air in there instead of oil.
> > and "earthquakes".  From Alaska to Mexico there have been many huge
> > and we feel that it is more than coincidental that this coastal area is
> > where so much oil is being pumped out daily.
> Mmmm.... how much oil is pumped out of the coastline from Alaska to
> Mexico? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe it's somewhere
> pretty close to none.
> > There is an Alternative
> > Alcohol has been a proven product and motor fuel for nearly a century.
> > comes from products grown on top of the earth surface.  It is
> > It emits only CO2 (carbon dioxide) which is essential to plant life, and
> > water, which is essential to most all types of life.
> No. I agree that alcohol is a better fuel, but please, get your facts
> straight. Otherwise you're just allowing anyone who's pro-oil to pick
> plenty of holes in your argument. Burning alcohol does pollute, as burning
> anything creates nirtous oxides. You say it emits only CO2 which is
> essential to plant life. CO2 is the main greenhouse gas, so emitting it is
> NOT a good thing. The reason why alcohol is better than gasoline is
> because the alcohol is made by growing plants, and the CO2 it emits is no
> greater than the amount of CO2 the plants use in the process of growing,
> before they are made into alcohol. So the nice thing about alcohol (or
> biodiesel, or vegetable oil) is that the net production of CO2 is zero.
> > Gasoline emits mostly carbon monoxide which is most commonly known as a
> > fatal poison to most forms of life.
> Wrong! Burning gasoline emits mostly carbon dioxide. So if you go with
> your argument of "carbon dioxide is essential to plant life", then based
> on your argument gasoline is just as "clean". A *small* amount of carbon
> monoxide is created from burning either gasoline or alcohol. Mostly
> carbon dioxide is created, which is a greenhouse gas, and undesirable.
> > Alcohol and Gasoline (Gasohol)
> > There are few advantages in mixing alcohol and gasoline together.  If
> There are advantages to mixing alcohol and gasoline. Starting a car
> on alcohol is rather difficult, particularly in cold climates. So, having
> a small amount of gasoline in there to help with starting is nice
> (alternatively, a separate small tank of gasoline could be used for
> starting).
> > intend to do so, you will need at least 195 proof alcohol to avoid
> > separation of the alcohol and gasoline.  But 160 to 180 proof ETHANOL
> > straight is A MUCH
> >
> >
> >
> > BETTER FUEL.  We urge you to conduct your own simple comparison test by
> > placing a small amount of alcohol and a small amount of gasoline into
> > separate containers, and light each fuel afire.  You will notice a
> > difference in the clean blue flame of the alcohol and the dirty yellow
> So you're saying that a yellow flame is dirty, and a blue flame is clean?
> Mmmm... no. I have a torch at work that I burn methane in, and I can make
> the flame either yellow or blue. So is it clean or dirty? The color is a
> result of the heat of the flame, which is a result of the air to fuel
> ratio. That's why if you want to run an internal combustion engine
> designed for gasoline on alcohol, you need to tinker with the fuel
> injection to get the air to fuel ratio right.
> Mike

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