Planet Ark :
US EPA, ethanol industry to meet on pollution probe

USA: May 22, 2002

WASHINGTON - The U.S. ethanol industry, suspected by the government 
of violating the Clean Air Act, will sit down with the Environmental 
Protection Agency early next month to hammer out a compromise that 
would avoid numerous federal investigations.

Industry officials have indicated they would seek a quick resolution 
with the EPA, to avoid any disruptions their efforts to triple 
production of the corn-based gasoline additive over the next decade.

A recent EPA investigation found several ethanol production 
facilities were emitting air pollutants such as carbon monoxide at a 
much greater rate than previously stated by the companies. EPA claims 
the problem is industry-wide.

EPA said it will meet with at least 21 Midwestern ethanol companies 
at its agency's Chicago office on June 3. The two sides were expected 
to meet earlier this month, but the talks were rescheduled due to a 
scheduling conflict.

Companies invited to attend include agribusiness giant Archer Daniels 
Midland and farm cooperative Land O'Lakes.

EPA said the primary source of pollution at ethanol plants was the 
drying process that turns the "mash," or corn residue, into livestock 

The industry has said it did not know of the problem until EPA began 
performing new environmental tests last autumn.

EPA said if an agreement could not be reached at the meeting, the 
agency would remedy the violations company-by-company.

Environmental groups have expressed concerns the EPA might use the 
private meeting to cut a favorable deal with the ethanol industry.

An energy bill passed last month by the U.S. Senate would triple 
ethanol use by 2012. That provision is expected to emerge in a final 
energy bill that will be negotiated by lawmakers in both the House 
and Senate over the next few weeks.


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