I've been thinking about a way to let me use 100% biodiesel in my Jetta
TDI wagon, and wanted to see what others had for input.
        First, I'm wondering if just an inline heater on the fuel line
just before the engine (like the VEG-therm heater sold at
It just uses the battery/alternator to heat the fuel, aiming for 70
degrees celsius. Turning this on shortly before starting the engine (could
be done by a remote before I get to the car, or just a switch in the car,
but then I'd need to sit there for a bit while it warms up) should warm up
the fuel just before the injectors so that it's nice and liquidy (whereas
at temps below 30-35ish degrees fahrenheit it would be somewhat gooey).
So, the engine *should* then be able to start on that nice warm fuel.
        The TDI also sends more fuel to the engine than actually gets
ignited in the cylinders, with some of it being warmed by the engine (as
well as the heater if I install one), and then circulating back to the
fuel tank, where it warms the fuel. So, once the engine is started, this
*might* be enough to warm all of the biodiesel to the point that it is
nice and liquidy. But, the concern is - before all the fuel gets warmed up
enough, it may just put too much stress on the fuel pump. The fuel pump
is right next to the engine, and pulls fuel to it. The heater would have
to be just behind the pump (away from the engine), so it would warm up the
fuel behind it, but not necessarily the fuel IN it. So, that might not

        The second option is to use an SVO system, with me leaning towards
the one sold by Greasel (www.greasel.com). In the winter, I could put
petro diesel (with cold weather additives) in the main tank, and 100%
biodiesel in the auxillary tank. Essentially operating it in the same
manner as if I were running it on SVO (which I might do in the summer).

So, what do people think - is the SVO setup necessary, or could I just use
the heater to run on biodiesel in the winter?


Michael S. Briggs               "Never judge a man until you've
UNH Physics Department          walked a mile in his shoes. Then
(603) 862-2828                  when you do judge him, you'll be
                                a mile away and you'll have
                                his shoes."

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