A cover up to hide a serious problem?

Concern at 'secret' GM crops disposal

There are five small-scale GM trials in Scotland

Questions are to be raised in the Scottish Parliament over reports that
genetically modified crops have been secretly destroyed.
The Scottish National Party says ministers apparently authorised the burial
of crops from a trial site in the Highlands at a site in England.

The SNP is to question why this is necessary when Scotland has more than 200
landfill sites of its own.

More than 100 tonnes of GM oilseed rape were allegedly taken from a trial
site near Munlochy, on the Black Isle, to an undisclosed landfill site south
of the border.

      We are not keen to say where the GM oilseed rape was taken

      Scottish Executive spokesman

The SNP's environment spokesman, Bruce Crawford accused environment minister
Ross Finnie of "secrecy" and said the removal of the crops had "all the
hallmarks of a military operation".

Trial crops have to be disposed of to make sure they do not enter the food
chain but the SNP and anti GM campaigners are concerned over claims made in
the Sunday Mail that they were taken under the cover of darkness in a convoy
of lorries.

A Scottish Executive spokesman said the destruction of crops is not its

However, he did confirm that oilseed rape from the Highlands was disposed of
outside Scotland.

The paper was told by the executive: "We are not keen to say where the GM
oilseed rape was taken but we can confirm it was transported to a landfill
site outside Scotland.

"The crop had to be destroyed because it was grown purely for research
purposes and does not have the necessary approvals for consumption in this

"Decisions on GM releases in Scotland are the responsibility of Scottish
Ministers while the harvesting and destruction of crops are the
responsibility of the consent holder."

The SNP's environment spokesman, Bruce Crawford, said the executive need to
demonstrate the openness they promised Scotland when they came into power.

'Secrecy and mystery'

He said: "So much for the open and transparent government that this
executive promised to the Scottish people.

"Ross Finnie is quick to tell us that GM crops are safe, however when it
comes to the disposal of crops it is surrounded by secrecy and mystery and
has all the hallmarks of a military operation."

He added: "I will be tabling questions in the Scottish Parliament on Monday
demanding answers from the minister."

There are five small-scale GM trials in Scotland, four involve oilseed rape
and the other, potatoes.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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