Dear Gumpon, hello and welcome

>Dear Keith
>    Thank you for taking the action in this arguing. Sometimes I feel sick to
>read through all these. I would like it to be more biofuel news in this

I'm so glad you said that. I keep reminding all these noisy 
Westerners here that there are many people on the list, the majority 
perhaps, who come from other countries and other cultures. I wish 
they'd post more, and I think this kind of argument might be a major 
reason that they don't. I really hope it stops now, of its own 
accord, rather than my having to stop it. Like it or not, biofuels is 
a political subject, but this argument is now far beyond that.

Come on, Gumpon, let's change the subject, eh? And the whole focus. 
How're you getting on with the palm oil in Thailand? How's the 
biodiesel train from Had Yai running? Please give us some news of how 
you're doing.

Michael sent me two photographs of your three-tray sprinkler cooler 
and a plan of the condensor. Clever! I didn't really understand the 
plan though (I'm dumb!). Would you care to discuss the system a bit? 
I'm sure many people here would be interested - it's about running 
the biodiesel process at or close to the boiling point of methanol 
and constantly recycling the methanol via a condensor, the recycled 
meth re-entering the reactor at the bottom. Have I got it right? 
Interesting, yes. Do you think I could upload the pictures and a 
description at the Journey to Forever website?

It's more than 10 years since I was in Thailand. I really like 
Thailand. Lucky you! (I really like Japan too, but of course it's 
completely different to Thailand.)

Regards, and thanks!


>Keith Addison wrote:
> > I've already said this once, that should be enough. No more offensive
> > language please, in the "Re: The impression you are making Was:WHOA!!
> > - Politics" thread or anywhere else. Moderator's directives are not
> > to be ignored.
> >
> > Thankyou.
> >
> > Keith Addison
> > Moderator
> >
> > >Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 15:59:46 +0900
> > >To:
> > >From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >Subject: WHOA!! - was Re: [biofuel] Re: Politics
> > >
> > >Hey guys, that's enough of this, fight as much as you want but stop
> > >being offensive. If you really have to insult somebody, at least be
> > >polite about it. :-) Sheesh, everybody getting cross and yelling at
> > >each other, wannabe topic-cops walking out in high dudgeon, half the
> > >Americans cowering under their beds for fear of the NWO or a Bin
> > >Laden nuke or both, the other half waving their flags... and Hakan
> > >saying he doesn't like talking about politics, but he started it!
> > >LOL! Never mind, Hakan, you're welcome.
> > >
> > >Anyway, stop being offensive, no need for it, and there are plenty
> > >of people here from other cultures who will indeed find it
> > >offensive, and perhaps not only from other cultures. So have a care.
> > >
> > >Thanks
> > >
> > >Keith
> > >Moderator

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