Mommy, There's A Monster Under My Bed! (A Review Of Global Warming 
And Other Eco-Myths) 

Beginning with the publication of "Silent Spring", the environmental 
movement has become progressively disconnected from science and more 
rigidly defined by a utopian ideology. Based primarily on 
exaggerations, distortions, and a willful neglect of valid scientific 
data that runs contrary to their preaching's, the movement continues 
to advance an agenda that, while posing as society's savior, condemns 
millions to poverty and disease. Aided by contemporary press-
release "journalism" and the "want-it-to-be-true" attitudes on the 
part of those reporting the stories, their claims go unchallenged, 
becoming part of the "conventional wisdom." But information about the 
true state of the world environment is available; it's just difficult 
for to find among the hysteria. Fortunately, Ronald Bailey, of the 
Competitive Enterprise Institute, is trying to change that.

As the editor of the recently published "Global Warming and Other Eco-
Myths", Mr. Bailey has assembled a group of the most respected 
researchers in their respective fields to explain the truth in their 
areas of interest. The list of contributors includes, among others, 
Dr. John R. Christy, Director of the Earth System Science Center at 
the University of Alabama, Huntsville, and Lead Author of the UN's 
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Global Warming]; Dr. 
Norman Borlaug, Distinguished Professor of International Agriculture 
at Texas A&M and the driving force behind the "Green Revolution" 
[Biotechnology]; Dr. Nicholas Eberstadt, Harvard Center for 
Population and Development Studies [Population and Resources]; Dr. C. 
S. Prakash, Director of the Center for Plant Biotechnology Research, 
Tuskegee University, Alabama [Genetically modified plants]. Along 
with their colleagues, and in only eleven chapters, they manage to 
address the major claims of environmental theology: Global Warming, 
population control, "sustainable" development, Genetically-modified 
foods, "synthetic" chemicals, energy production and the widely 
cited "precautionary principle." And, surprisingly, the book is both 
readable and understandable. I say "surprisingly" because, too often, 
experts in a field tend to fall back on unfamiliar phrasing and 
jargon specific to their specialty. That tendency is refreshingly 
absent in this book.

And the contents? Let's start at the beginning, quoting Dr. Christy 
on the IPCC "Summary for Policymakers", the most quoted portion of 
the report: "·the brief account of the main points·was actually 
edited and approved by a political body." Or "Statements·that 
thousands of IPCC scientists agree on anything is simply untrue and 
misrepresents the process." The article on Global Warming is well 
worth reading in its entirety. You should read the article on 
biotechnology, written by Dr. Borlaug. You've heard the protests 
over "Frankenfood." How about the fact that, if crop yields remained 
at 1950's levels, current production would require three times the 
land area now under cultivation?  Or that "Organic" production would 
be a miserable failure as a replacement for current practices? Where 
you aware that distribution, not production, is the root cause of 
world hunger? If you read Dr. Eberstadt's article on Population, 
you'll find that global fertility rates are dropping, not increasing; 
that population rates increased because of falling death rates, not 
births. And that is interpreted as a bad thing?

Other chapters recount the DDT charade, including the ongoing costs 
in human life resulting from its ban; the illogical debate over 
energy supplies and "alternative" sources; the widespread acceptance 
of the "Precautionary Principle", whose main object is to stop the 
development of the human race.

Thomas Huxley wrote, "Science ... warns me to be careful how I adopt 
a view which jumps with my preconceptions, and to require stronger 
evidence for such belief than for one to which I was previously 
hostile. My business is to teach my aspirations to conform themselves 
to fact, not to try and make facts harmonize with my aspirations." 
The environmental movement has turned this expectation of science 
upside down in the pursuit of a blindingly utopian concept of how the 
world should be. If successful in their quest, you can expect that 
your life span will shorten, your costs will increase, your choices 
will become limited and your children's future will be compromised. 
Sounds too drastic? Consider that the very things the ideological 
environmentalists work to eliminate or retard are the same things 
that contribute to the elimination of disease, poverty and hunger in 
less-developed areas of the world. And you will not be immune to that 

Read the book. You can have an influence, but only if you are aware 
of the consequences and willing to get involved. "Global Warming and 
Other Eco-Myths" is an excellent roadmap through the forest of 
misinformation and mythology. And you might start with your school-
age children.,03293.cfm

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