--- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all

Sorry, that took a bit longer than expected (what a surprise -
doesn't everything?). So we moved house, as well as project, to a
small village in Ichijima Prefecture. The move went fine, but...
Another story, or several, for later, not uninteresting, and
pertinent to some previous threads.

Second but - computer problems, or rather keyboard problems, so I was
unable to connect until Saturday, and all I could accomplish then was
to clear some backlogged messages. Including one from a guy who'd
decided his previous message, still backlogged from the day before,
had been "censored" because this list did not consider it "as
politically correct". Sheesh! I did say things might be a bit slow
until I managed to get online again, but I thought that might happen.
Thanks for your understanding, pal.  :-(

Anyway, keyboard's working fine now - got all clogged up with city
dust in Osaka. We had a nice clean modern flat there, but still it
was dusty. Where does all this dust come from?? I wanted to take it
apart and clean it, as I've often done before, but, um, you can't do
that with a G4 keyboard, it doesn't come apart. They designed it for
some other planet I guess. I asked a Mac list, one guy told me to put
it in the dishwasher. I thought he was kidding, but several others
said the same - soap and warm water, rinse thoroughly, dry
thoroughly. And it worked, amazing - good as new.

Meanwhile we've found a couple of diesel vans, and we'll buy one of
them by the weekend. Then we're in business - lots of potential round

Too much to do right now, and I haven't read all the incoming
messages over the last few days yet. I'll catch up soon, meanwhile no
more delays on moderator tasks and so on. And no, no censorship
either thankyou, and sod anything called "PC".


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