> Even the gasoline price is cheaper here than in Europe, there are hidden
> costs!
> Must free the hands of the decision makers to commit more military
> involvement in Middle East. Besides the $32/barrel we are paying for the
> crude, according the national accounting office. Adding the cost of the
> military build up to protect the oil resources, the final price tag is
> $126/barrel. When you go to gas stations, you are paying more than the
> price. Some other tax money had slipped out of your pockets and go to the
> middle east. Besides the evil master Bin Laden said he vows  get American
> Air bases out of Saudi Arabia. If we do not need that many oil, maybe we
> finally give him what he wants.  Corn oil or other types of renewable
> is like Green Gold at home, why bother to tap on somebody's pots of Black
> Gold.
> Removing Iraqi leader is not the only solution, we are paying the money
> these unstable leaders to buy weapons of mass destruction.  You fight him
> then pay for his oil, you give him the money to kick you back.  Drain his
> financial resources, then
> maybe we do need those weapon inspection or waging a war.  It's all our
> money that is buying gasoline that sustains this strong
> man in Iraq!  We create our own monster!
> Brave men and women out there to protect oil resources, just because we
> that many!  If we could stop dependence on imported oil, those brave
> soldiers can come home to their loved ones.
> Blood will be on our hands, should find a way to switch to BioDiesel or
> other transportation!
> It's better than just yelling anti-war slogans, the government must
> presence in Middle East.
> Unless we don't need that many oil, then we are the guilty ones!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Damian J. Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <biofuel@yahoogroups.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 9:13 AM
> Subject: Re: [biofuel] Taxed To DEATH
> >
> > I was in Costco over the weekend and looked at the price of corn oil. It
> > was about $3.20 a gallon. If nature, or nature's God, has provided us
> > with a vast supply of naturally occurring petroleum, it seems like it
> > does not make economic sense to make bio fuels, even if you had no tax
> > all. Even with the tax, gasoline is only $1.50 a gallon, and that is in
> > the middle of a crisis of the world oil supply because of the prospect
> > of another Gulf War and also the political crisis in Venezuela. So,
> > if there were no tax on gasoline, or a lot less, it would be even more
> > favorable than biofuels.  It does not seem to make sense to do the
> > chemistry yourself when it has already been done for you, and there are
> > vast untapped resources of it sitting in the ground. If we ever run out
> > of petroleum, we can always still grow corn and turn it into corn oil
> > or alcohol to burn. But for now, both are economically a bad idea.
> >
> > It is analagous to turning lead into gold. It can be done today with our
> > knowledge of nuclear physics, but the cost of doing so is more than the
> > market price of gold. Why make gold when there is an abundant supply
> > sitting in the ground just waiting to be mined?
> >
> > There is virtue in not being dependant on Middle Eastern oil, mostly
> > because it is foolish to tie our national economy, and hence its
> > to a region of the world devoid of democracy and social justice, where
> > most of the countries are backward dictatorships. Even our "friends"
> > the Saudis, are a backward corrupt dictatorship.
> >
> > Damian Anderson
> >
> >
> > On Tue, 28 Jan 2003, murdoch wrote:
> >
> > >There is a discussion group for the air car here:
> > >http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/mdiaircar/
> > >
> > >I've always thought it was an interesting concept and I try to keep my
> > >eye on it, though they have not impressed me as really making progress
> > >yet in business.  Perhaps they will yet.  Their business model seems
> > >to be to franchise out their idea in some way.  I'm not a fan of that.
> > >
> > >The air car was mentioned a few years ago in relation to trying to
> > >help Mexico City cure some of its air pollution problems (i.e., zero
> > >non-air emissions at the vehicle).
> > >
> > >As to the derivations of petroleum, I guess there could be some
> > >debate, but anyway, I just tend to think of all bio and other fuels
> > >outside of ground-sourced as "synthetic" insofar as they're made by
> > >man taking action to do some chemistry.
> >
> > --
> > Damian J. Anderson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >
> >
> > Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> > http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel.html
> >
> > Biofuels list archives:
> > http://archive.nnytech.net/
> >
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> >

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