>What doesn't the article hold back on, the truth or BS.   Do you really
>believe Secretary of State Colin Powell plagiarized material from a college
>student for his speech to the United Nations.  He has the total U.S.
>Intelligence gathering agencies to use at his disposal, and he plagiarized
>from a college student. I believe the article is a little full of something.

Yes, Harley, I suppose anything that's outside the view of a keyhole 
vision can be dubbed "BS", that makes everything so easy and 

Buty really, couldn't you even take the trouble to get your denial 
right? It doesn't say Powell plagiarized it, he quoted from Mr 
Blair's document, and *that* was plagiarized. Doesn't matter, it's 
all BS anyway, eh?

Apart from that little quibble, regarding the alleged input of the 
U.S. Intelligence gathering agencies, you seem to have missed this 
bit somehow that Hoagy posted as well:

Split at C.I.A. and F.B.I. on Iraqi Ties to Al Qaeda
New York Times, February 2, 2003

This is not at all the only such story - here's another current one:

MI6 and CIA: the new enemy within
The Independent, London 09 February 2003 -- Tony Blair and George 
Bush are encountering an unexpected obstacle in their campaign for 
war against Iraq - their own intelligence agencies.

And I suppose most of the world's press is also "a little full of 
something", like the following small current sampling:

First casualties in the propaganda firefight
All's fair in the war for hearts and minds: frustrated by the failure 
of the UN weapons inspectors in Iraq to find the 'smoking gun', 
Downing Street resorted to plagiarising a 12-year-old US doctoral 
thesis - The Observer, London, Sunday February 9, 2003

The dossier that shamed Britain
Deception can only corrode public trust
The Observer, Sunday February 9, 2003

Blair under fire for plagiarised dossier
LONDON (Reuters)
February 07 2003

Real Authors Of Iraq Dossier Blast Blair
LA Saturday February 08, 2003
Daily Mirror

No 10 under attack over 'ramping' of Iraq dossier
The Sunday Times, Sunday February 9 2003

Iraq dossier assembled by junior aides
The Times, February 08, 2003

UK's Iraq dossier a thesis lift - The Age, Australia - Agence Francaise Presse
Saturday 8 February 2003

Downing St dossier plagiarised    
6 February 2003
The government's carefully co-ordinated propaganda offensive has 
taken an embarrassing hit after Downing Street was accused of 
* Read sample of plagiarised text

Even No. 10 Downing Street (know where that is?) is saying so:

Downing Street admission - Channel 4 News
It took them nearly 24 hours, but Downing Street was eventually 
forced to admit it made a mistake.
A spokesman confessed that it should have credited the authors of the 
articles it used in the document, particularly Ibrahim Al Marashi - 
he's the graduate student whose thesis was copied -- grammatical 
errors and all.

UK admits copying student's thesis for Iraq dossier
The Indian Express - Asian News International
London, February 9: In what amounted to an official acknowledgement 
of plagiarism, the British government has admitted that a dossier 
against Saddam Hussein was partly copied from a student's PhD thesis 
and cobbled together by Alastair Campbell's propaganda machine.

But, Harley, I'm sure you must be right and they're all talking BS. 
Funny how NONE of those sources include any member of the mainstream 
US press, now isn't it? That's been widely commented on, especially 
in the US - days and days go by but this major world story that some 
say could topple the government of the US's only supporter in it's 
war on Iraq remains unreported in the US, and only in the US. It's 
pointed out that "they" brought you the news of the Space Shuttle 
within seconds, but not this? Well, maybe they suffer from keyhole 
vision and thinks it's all BS.

See also:

Mr Blair asks us to trust him. We cannot do so
The Independent , 09 February 2003

The Paxman dossier: Blair's case for war
In his televised interview with Jeremy Paxman last week, the Prime 
Minister faced a largely hostile audience and a sceptical country 
and, 'in effect' as he might say, set out his arguments for action 
against Iraq. Here Andy McSmith analyses his key points
The Independent , 09 February 2003

Re your Mr Powell and his speech, it sure didn't impress your 
"allies" much (other than the Downing Street "poodle"):

Powell Makes Iraq Case With Photos, Tapes
By BARRY SCHWEID, AP Diplomatic Writer

Powell Presentation
It Was Like Something Out Of Beckett
by Robert Fisk
The Independent (UK)
February 06, 2003
Sources, foreign intelligence sources, "our sources," defectors, 
sources, sources, sources. Colin Powell's terror talk to the United 
Nations Security Council yesterday sounded like one of those 
government-inspired reports on the front page of The New York Times - 
where it will most certainly be treated with due reverence in this 
morning's edition. It was a bit like heating up old soup. Haven't we 
heard most of this stuff before? Should one trust the man? General 
Powell, I mean, not Saddam.

The unanswered questions
The Guardian, Wednesday February 5, 2003
The question must be asked of Colin Powell's presentation today: why 
the wait to present this evidence, and why the dramatic effect?

Powell's Dubious Case
By Phylliss Bennis

And so on. Free bonus:

The Saddam Hussein Interview      
Published: 4 February 2003
We present a world exclusive - Saddam Hussein in his own words.
At the weekend, the veteran labour politican Tony Benn travelled to 
Baghdad to meet and interview the Iraqi President. Tonight we hear 
why - according to Saddam - Iraq has no interest in war and possesses 
NO weapons of mass destruction.
Here is the transcript:

Just for fun, how about this one? ROFL!!!

Rumsfeld 'mends fences' by lumping Germany with Cuba and Libya in an 
axis of bad boys
The Independent
By Rupert Cornwell in Washington
08 February 2003
"Well, that's Rumsfeld." Those were the words of Joschka Fischer, 
Germany's Foreign Minister, yesterday on the latest outburst from the 
US Defence Secretary as he began what one news report optimistically 
called a "fence-mending" mission to Europe.
The idea of fence-mending by the swaggering Donald Rumsfeld - a 
former college wrestler and a man described as a "black belt in 
bureaucratic infighting" - is far-fetched at the best of times.

... only it ain't at all funny. But, what the hell, you gotta laugh anyway...



>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: MH [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Sent: Sunday, February 09, 2003 10:09 AM
>  To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
>  Subject: Re: [biofuel] More reason for Unrest?
>  A article that sums up recent events and doesn't hold back --
>  Fake terror alerts:
>  by John Kaminski
>  2-8-3
>  http://www..timewedo.com/special/kaminski/fake.shtml
>  How stupid do they think we are? Only hours after our much-praised
>Secretary of State is
>  revealed to have been using material plagiarized from a college student to
>justify why we're going
>  to kill thousands of people with bombs, our government issues a terror
>alert and expects us to
>  believe it?
>  And how stupid are we? We believe it.


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