Hi Steve.   Jojoba oil is indeed a high quality oil.  I planted some
back in the 70s when I lived in Yuma Arizona. It makes a very good
industrial lubricating oil as well as it's use for cosmetics. It
probably would make a good engine motor oil also. A few problems are
that the young plants are very sensitive to even a mild frost .  It
takes several years to get a reallly good harvest of the nuts from the
bushes I still say the real answer for producing oil is to grow algae
in enclosed, mechanized greenhouses using tubular reactor vessels to
optimize the utilization of sunlight.

Jojoba grows wild in the desert washes around Yuma AZ and it is a
favorite food of the mule deer in the summer when the nuts mature.
Most of the jojoba oil, that I know of comes from Mexico. The jojoba
nut is quite tasty. The oil doesn,t seem to get rancid either.  Dale

 On Wed, 5 Mar 2003 17:38:13 -0500, you wrote:

>Big deal, we've been doing this for years .....<BR>
>see <a 
> for a partial list of<BR>
>plants that can do the same.<BR>
>Desert shrub may offer diesel fuel alternative<BR>
>Wednesday, March 5, 2003 Posted: 1:18 PM EST (1818 GMT)<BR>
>LONDON (Reuters) -- Egyptian scientists believe an oil commonly used in<BR>
>cosmetic products could be a viable alternative to diesel fuel to power 
>and trucks.<BR>
>Researchers at Helwan University in Cairo and the United Arab Emirates<BR>
>University in Al-Ain have tested jojoba oil in engines and say that not 
>does it work as well as diesel, but the engines spew out fewer pollutants.<BR>
>&quot;Engineers think the oil has potential as a motor fuel because it 
>releases a<BR>
>lot of energy when it burns and is chemically stable at the high<BR>
>temperatures and pressures in a working engine,&quot; New Scientist magazine 
>on Wednesday.<BR>
>Until now the oil derived from the nut of the jojoba, a desert shrub, has<BR>
>been used in facial and hair products and as a base for make-up.<BR>
>Mohamed Selim, who headed the research team, thinks it has potential as an<BR>
>alternative fuel because it contains less carbon than diesel, so there are<BR>
>lower emissions of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and soot.<BR>
>But he added that producing sufficient amounts of jojoba oil to use as an<BR>
>alternative fuel could be a problem.<BR>
>&quot;The use of jojoba as a fuel needs huge quantities of seeds, which 
>large investment, probably by the government or private sector,&quot; he 
>New Scientist said farmers in Egypt are already planting jojoba shrubs with<BR>
>the idea of providing the oil for fuel.<BR>
>Steve Spence<BR>
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