Civilian Casualties, Censorship, And Patriotism

by David Edwards
Media Lens
March 28, 2003


Niche Killing

It's hard to believe that a little more than one week ago, the Iraqi 
regime, facing imminent attack, was meekly dismantling its al-Samoud 
missiles, presenting scientists for interview, and allowing hundreds 
of air strikes to deplete its forces without reply. US oil, 'defence' 
and other state-corporate interests had of course long since chosen 
war. Or, rather, they had chosen a "cake walk" - a parade of the best 
firepower money can buy, a travelling arms fair ensuring that the 
latest killing machines would be suitably 'combat tested'. US 
generals talked of "flexibility and responsiveness", British generals 
of "niche combat roles". This sounded disturbingly like the Total 
Quality jargon of management consultancy.

And now a giant snake of military equipment lies caked in dust, 
bruised and battered, its body wallowing in the blood of innocents. 
Suddenly Stalingrad feels like something that happened only sixty 
years ago. There is a palpable sense of the ghosts of ancient wars 
looking down grimly on a humbled leviathan. It's an old story: supply 
lines overstretched by overconfidence, state of the art power shaken 
by 'little people' who weren't supposed to matter, people who haven't 
read the script. Suddenly war seems about blood and courage again, 
not computers.

But there is no glory here - US and UK troops have been lead into a 
nightmare, they are dying for a cause that no one should be asked to 
die for. Can you imagine dying for Bush and Blair? Can you imagine 
killing for them? Michelle Waters, the sister of a Marine who died 
soon after the war began, says of her family:

"It's all for nothing. That war could have been prevented. Now, we're 
out of a brother. Bush is not out of a brother. We are." (Quoted, 
'Media War: Obsessed With Tactics And Technology', Norman Solomon, 
ZNet, March 27, 2003)

And the people of Iraq - their soldiers, often conscripts, are people 
too - are being slaughtered in their thousands. Hell, we now know, is 
a bombed market place under an orange sky in a war fought for oil and 
power. Hell is an impoverished, speechless market trader trembling 
amid the body parts. "Alas", cried Shantideva a thousand years ago, 
"our sorrows fall in endless streams!"

Restraining Hands

In some spiritual traditions compassion is described as the 
"invisible protector" of living beings. If this sounds like mere 
sentiment, consider that compassion is protecting the civilian 
population of Iraq in a very real way, right now. The millions of 
ordinary people who felt like insignificant ants marching in giant 
crowds in February and March have had this very real effect: they 
have placed an invisible restraining hand on the shoulders of the 
people throwing the Tomahawks, the MOABs and the JDAMs. The US 
military does not feel able to shed the blood of thousands of 
civilians by bringing its giant, fiery hammers down on urban areas - 
they know the world is watching, they know the world will not 
tolerate it. They know this because you and we filled small areas of 
space with our bodies on the streets of our cities. It didn't feel 
like much at the time.

Be in no doubt, if this had been Stalin or Churchill, if it had been 
Nixon or Reagan, Basra and Baghdad would now be rubble. This could 
well be changing - when mighty armies start taking casualties the 
gloves tend to be mislaid - and optimism must not stray into naivety, 
but we must be clear about one important point: the protests, the 
concern, the dissent, are absolutely vital. They have made a 

The media is, of course, busy sanitising the horrors that are taking 
place in our names. Indeed the ability to overlook horrors committed 
by the West and its allies is a key job requirement for mainstream 
journalists. A Nexis database search showed that between 1990-1999 
the Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Washington Post, Newsweek and 
Time used the word 'genocide' 132 times to describe the actions of 
Iraq against Kurds. Over the same period the same word was used 14 
times to describe the actions of Turkey against Kurds. We all know 
what Iraq is alleged to have done to the Kurds at Halabja and 
elsewhere, but how many people know about the 50,000 Kurdish dead and 
3 million refugees, victims of Turkish military assault? Who knows 
that 80% of the arms were supplied by the US, including M-60 tanks, 
F-16 fighter-bombers, Cobra gunships, and Blackhawk 'slick' 
helicopters? As Turkish commandos slip now across the border into 
Northern Iraq, the BBC's John Simpson comments: "Of course the Kurds 
are very nervous about the whole thing." (BBC1, March 22) If an enemy 
and not a NATO ally had been involved, we might perhaps have been 
given a little information on the detail behind the jitters.

Hiding the "good guy" horrors of course becomes seriously problematic 
in time of war. On March 21 the whole world watched wide-eyed as 320 
cruise missiles erupted in the heart of Baghdad, an impoverished city 
of 5 million people. "In over 30 years of covering these stories I 
have never seen anything of this magnitude," said CNN veteran Wolf 
Blitzer (Quoted, Kathryn Flett, 'Horror show of explosive footage', 
The Observer, March 23, 2003). The intensity of the bombardment was 
genuinely shocking to behold - there was the same sense of ordinary 
life being overwhelmed by hellish violence that characterised 
September 11. Despite everything we had seen, BBC anchor Maxine 
Mawhinney felt able to declare the following day:

"It's difficult to verify who's been hit, if anyone." (BBC1, March 22)

Taking a look inside a hospital was one option to explore. When the 
BBC's Hywel Jones managed it he commented on one small, wailing boy 
with head injuries: "It's impossible to verify how he received his 
injuries." (Ibid) In fact doctors with the International Red Cross 
were quickly able to verify that patients' injuries had been 
sustained from blast and shrapnel - the Iraqi regime claimed three 
deaths and 207 hospitalised civilian casualties.

If the reality of the horror can't be challenged, it can at least be 
kept well out of sight. Steve Anderson, controller of ITV News, 
responded to complaints that the horrors of war are being sanitised:

"I have seen some of the images on Al-Jazeera television. I would 
never put them on screen." The BBC's head of news, Richard Sambrook, 
agrees that such pictures are not suitable for a British audience.

The images in question were indeed horrific - a young Iraqi boy with 
the top of his skull blown off with only torn flaps of scalp 
remaining - too much for the British public to bear, we are told. 
Instead we are trained to admire the Jeremy Clarkson side of war: the 
muscular curves of Tornado bombers, the cruise missiles ripping at 
the sky: "This is seriously hardcore machinery going in" (BBC1, March 
22), as one BBC 'military expert' drooled.

At the extreme end of the spectrum, even honest debate is being 
censored. Sir Ray Tindle, chairman and Editor in Chief of Tindle 
Newspapers Ltd, owner of 130 weekly titles, relayed his orders to 
editors on the eve of war:

"When British troops come under fire, however, as now seems probable, 
I ask you to ensure that nothing appears in the columns of your 
newspapers which attacks the decision to conduct the war." (Andy 
Rowell, 'Anti-war reporting banned in UK papers', PR Watch, March 23)

Normal 'free press' service will be resumed, it seems, immediately as 
"ceasefire" is agreed "when any withheld letters or reports may be 
published". Tindle's papers, in other words, will be 'liberated' at 
the same time that Iraq is 'liberated'. Then, if Baghdad lies in 
ruins, the deserts drenched in blood, it will be good to know we are 
free to discuss whether somebody should have tried to stop it.

On Patrotism

Virtually all politicians and almost all the media are demanding that 
we now support our armed forces in their action. BBC and ITN 
reporters, for example, have taken to repeatedly asking protestors: 
"Is there any point in protesting now that the democratic decision 
has been taken to go to war?"

The answer is provided by a top secret US Defense Department 
memorandum from March 1968, which warned that increased force levels 
in Vietnam ran "great risks of provoking a domestic crisis of 
unprecedented proportions" (The Pentagon Papers, Vol. IV, p. 564, 
Senator Gravel Edition, Beacon, 1972). Fears of "increased defiance 
of the draft and growing unrest in the cities" were very much on the 
minds of military planners as they decided whether to massively 
escalate the assault on Vietnam, or back off, after the Tet 
offensive. They backed off.

While we feel sympathy for the plight of our troops - we grieve for 
all who die in this war - we agree with the respected political 
commentator, George W. Bush, who said recently of military 

"It will be no defence to say, 'I was just following orders'." (The 
Scotsman, 'Bush orders Saddam to flee', March 18, 2003)

We also note the view of Justice Robert Jackson, chief prosecutor at 
the Nuremberg trials in 1946, who said:

"The very essence of the Nuremberg charter is that individuals have 
international duties which transcend national obligations of 
obedience imposed by the state." (John Pilger, Disobey, March 13, 

We are all human beings - no one is granted special exemption from 
moral responsibility, least of all people engaged in killing. Our TVs 
have been full of soldiers and airmen declaring innocently: "I'm just 
here to do a job and to do it to the best of my ability."

But killing and mutilating people in a cynical and illegal war are 
about far more than just doing a job. Why do we imagine that signing 
a contract and agreeing to abide by certain rules in exchange for 
money means we are relieved of our responsibility as moral actors? 
What does our promise to do as we are ordered mean when we are 
ordered to incinerate innocent men, women and child? Which is more 
important - our agreement, or the burning to death of innocents?

Where does the argument for unconditional support for our troops 
lead? Consider the words of the dissident Spanish chronicler, Las 
Casas, recording the actions of Spanish troops on the island of 
Hispaniola in the 16th century:

"There were 60,000 people living on this island, including the 
Indians; so that from 1494 to 1508, over three million people had 
perished from war, slavery, and the mines. Who in future generations 
will believe this? I myself writing it as a knowledgeable eyewitness 
can hardly believe it." (Howard Zinn, A People's History of the 
United States, Harper Perennial, 1990, p.7)

By the media's logic if we had been Spanish in 1508 we should have 
supported 'our' Spanish troops. British troops are not Spanish 
conquistadors, but the point is that the issue is not black and white 
- we can't just be told to shut up and stop thinking the moment the 
shooting starts. Because it's not black and white, it needs to be 
discussed. Tolstoy described well the reality of the call to mindless 

"Patriotism in its simplest, clearest, and most indubitable 
signification is nothing else but a means of obtaining for the rulers 
their ambitions and covetous desires, and for the ruled the 
abdication of human dignity, reason, and conscience, and a slavish 
enthralment to those in power. And as such it is recommended wherever 
it is preached. Patriotism is slavery." (Tolstoy, Writings On Civil 
Disobedience and Non-Violence, New Society, 1987, p.103)

Beyond all the facts, evidence, arguments and counter-arguments, 
there is a simple truth that conflicts with the primitive idea that 
mass violence is either necessary or effective as a solution to 
anything. It was elegantly outlined by the 12th century philosopher 
Je Gampopa:

"It is not anger and hatred but loving kindness and compassion that 
vouchsafe the welfare of others."

If we took this idea seriously and acted upon it, the swamp of hatred 
that breeds the mosquitoes of terror would soon dry up. Anger and 
hatred are powerless in the face of authentic human kindness. Much of 
the world now understands that violence and hatred are not good 
answers to violence and hatred, that the fog of war is not a good 
antidote to the ignorance of arrogance and greed. Alas, there remain 
centres of ruthless power which understand what war is good for - 
it's good for business, for frightening and controlling people into 
submission, for getting what you want that other people have.

But a bloody US/UK 'victory' means disaster for the Iraqi people and 
an explosion of hatred around the world. At home, war means the 
further entrenchment of the fossil fuel fundamentalists, military 
elites and other greed-driven cynics leading the world to social and 
environmental ruination. A continuation of the current global 
protests means something else - it means the possibility that we 
might at last wake up from the nightmare of history to a world 
dominated by human concern for others rather than human suffering.

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