Search for smoking gun draws a blank 

 US and Britain's case for war undermined by special
 forces' failure to find illegal arms at 10 suspected sites 

 Nicholas Watt
 Monday March 31, 2003
 The Guardian,2763,926187,00.html

 Britain and the United States suffered a fresh blow last night when
 their main justification for war was undermined by reports that
 special forces have failed to find any weapons of mass destruction
 in Iraq. 

 As Tony Blair launched a charm offensive to persuade the Arab
 world to understand his decision to go to war, senior officials in
 Washington said that intelligence information about weapons of
 mass destruction at 10 sites had proved to be unfounded. 

 The Washington Post reported yesterday that tests had proved
 negative at all "urgent" sites in the western desert. "All the searches
 have turned up negative," a staff officer told thenewspaper. "The
 munitions that have been found have all been conventional." 

 Special operations forces from the US, Britain and Australia are
 understood to have seized the sites which were believed by US
 central command to house chemical warheads, Scud missiles and
 eight-wheeled transporter-erector launchers, known as TELs. 

 Donald Rumsfeld, the US defence secretary, attempted to play down
 the findings. He told ABC's This Week that banned weapons were
 not in areas controlled by allied forces. 

 "We know where they are, they are in the area around Tikrit and
 Baghdad and east, west, south and north of that," he said. 

 But the failure to uncover weapons at sites identified by intelligence
 will be a severe blow to Tony Blair and George Bush, who attacked
 Iraq on the basis that Saddam Hussein has the weapons. 

 The prime minister cited Iraq's banned weapons yesterday when
 attempting to win over the Arab world. Declaring that "history will
 judge" him to be right, he told several Arab newspapers that failure
 to take action against President Saddam would allow him to "pass
 on these weapons to extremist terrorist groups". 

 His remarks came as US officials admitted that they were facing
 intense pressure to prove the Anglo-American claims about Iraq's
 stockpile. John Wolf, the assistant secretary of state for
 non-proliferation, said that Colin Powell was desperate to find a
 "smoking gun". 

 Mr Wolf told the Washington Post: "Very clearly, we need to find this
 stuff or people are going to be asking questions." 

 The failure to locate any proscribed weapons at sites highlighted by
 US intelligence will come as some relief to Hans Blix, the UN chief
 weapons inspector, who dismissed American intelligence in the
 run-up to the war. 

 Mr Blix is now said to be involved in another battle with Washington,
 which is poaching his staff to set up its own inspectorate in Iraq. 

 Frustrated by the failure of the UN to find banned weapons,
 Washington is negotiating contracts with private companies to carry
 out the inspections. This is likely to dismay the prime minister, who
 is understood to have urged President Bush in private to allow the
 UN inspectors to resume work in Iraq. 

 US officials told the Washington Post that an "international entity"
 would be allowed to verify the discovery of any banned weapons. But
 the crucial inspection work would be carried out by the US. 

 This has infuriated Mr Blix, who is understood to have lost up to five
 of his staff to the US team. Mr Blix underlined his anger by telling the
 paper that three of his staff have asked for his advice about the
 poaching operation, even though he said he had "not heard one
 word from Washington". 

 He added: "They are free as individuals. If they want to terminate
 their contracts anyone can do that ... But they would not be allowed
 to reveal anything that they have done here." 

 Critics of the US are also likely to seize on the disclosure that a
 company with close links to the US vice-president, Dick Cheney, is
 likely to profit from the destruction of any banned weapons. 

 A subsidiary of Halliburton, of which Mr Cheney was the chairman
 until he joined the Bush team, is in the running to destroy them. 


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