Hi Craig

Bit rushed, but will this do?


Which Corporation Owns Your Vote?

By Thom Hartmann, AlterNet
March 6, 2003

"The right of voting for representatives is the primary right by 
which all other rights are protected. To take away this right is to 
reduce a man to slavery..." - Thomas Paine

Santa Clara County, of all jurisdictions in America, should have 
known better. They could have started by looking at Florida.

Jeb Bush stole the vote in Florida in 2000 by kicking thousands of 
legitimately registered black voters off the voting rolls because 
they had similar names to Texas felons, a feat well documented by 
Greg Palast http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=10562 and the 
mainstream British press. In a brilliant bit of misdirection, Bush 
portrayed the problem as one of incompetent elderly voters, dumb 
minority voters, and a problem with "chads" - unreliable voting 

Bush's answer was to install touch-screen voting machines across 
Florida in time for the 2002 election. (In this, he was following a 
similar course as Georgia, Texas, and 30 other key states, in large 
part because of $3.9 billion in federal funds offered by the "Help 
America Vote Act" passed just after the 2000 election to encourage 
states to replace government-run paper-trail vote systems with 
no-paper-trail computerized systems from private corporate vendors.)

But in the November 2002 election, when some Florida voters pressed 
the touch-screen "button" for Bush's Democratic opponent, votes were 
instead recorded for Bush. "Misaligned" touch-screen voting machines 
were blamed for the computer-driven vote-theft, and when a losing 
candidate in Palm Beach sued to inspect the software of Florida's 
computerized voting machines, a local judge denied the petition, 
citing the privacy rights of the corporation that wrote the programs.

This was followed by January 2003 revelations that Republican Senator 
Chuck Hagel was the former head (and a current stockholder) of the 
private voting machine company that tabulated the vote in Nebraska - 
where he ran for office and won - and that he had neglected to tell 
Senate ethics investigators about it.

And in February of 2003, Bev Harris of BlackBoxVoting.com 
http://www.blackboxvoting.com/ noticed a wide-open FTP site. Harris 
had just done a Google search on the company that tabulated most of 
the vote in Georgia in the 2002 election. (That was the upset 
election that saw popular war-hero Max Cleland, who lost three limbs 
in Vietnam, defeated by a poll-trailing draft dodger who campaigned 
by questioning Cleland's patriotism.) Walking into the unsecured FTP 
website, she says she found a software patch that was apparently 
applied statewide to Georgia's voting machines just days before the 
election, and a folder titled "rob-georgia." 

And corporate control of America's vote has reached beyond the 
borders of this nation. The last week of February, New York's 
"Newsday" reported in a story by staff writer Mark Harrington that: 
"Election.com, a struggling Garden City start-up scheduled to provide 
online absentee ballots for U.S. military personnel in the 2004 
federal election, has quietly sold controlling power to an investment 
group with ties to unnamed Saudi nationals, according to company 

Fast-forward a few days to the first week of March, 2003.

Dan Spillane, a former software engineer for a voting machine company 
that includes a former CIA Director and Dick Cheney's former 
assistant on its board of directors, has sued his employer for firing 
him when he pointed out holes in their system that he claims could 
lead to vote-rigging. Although there is a certification process for 
ensuring the honesty of votes tabulated by computerized, touch-screen 
voting machines, according to Spillane the system works "very much 
like Arthur Andersen in the Enron case." ( Anderson Consulting has 
renamed itself, added Microsoft's CEO to its board, and gone into the 
business of helping corporations get contracts to perform previously 
government-run services.)

Spillane filed his lawsuit the same week that Santa Clara County, 
California decided to hand their electoral process over to 
computerized electronic voting machines programmed by a private 
corporation. The machines generate no paper trail that can be 
audited, and when voting machine companies have been challenged to 
produce audits of their vote or to disclose details of their 
software, they cite the privacy rights that come from corporations 
being considered "persons" in the United States.

Of all localities in America, Santa Clara County should have been the 
wariest. This is the county, after all, that sued the Southern 
Pacific Railroad in 1886 over non-payment of taxes and, in losing the 
lawsuit, paved the way for the corporate takeover of the United 
States of America.

When the railroad suggested to the Supreme Court that the Fourteenth 
Amendment, which freed the slaves by guaranteeing all persons equal 
protection under the law regardless of race, had also freed 
corporations because they should be considered "persons" just like 
humans, the attorney for Santa Clara County, Delphin M. Delmas, 
fought back ferociously.

"The shield behind which [the Southern Pacific Railroad] attacks the 
Constitution and laws of California is the Fourteenth Amendment," 
said Delmas before the Supreme Court. "It argues that the Amendment 
guarantees to every person within the jurisdiction of the State the 
equal protection of the laws; that a corporation is a person; that, 
therefore, it must receive the same protection as that accorded to 
all other persons in like circumstances."

The entire idea was beyond the pale, Delmas said. "The whole history 
of the Fourteenth Amendment," he told the Court, "demonstrates beyond 
dispute that its whole scope and object was to establish equality 
between men - an attainable result - and not to establish equality 
between natural and artificial beings - an impossible result."

The purpose of the Fourteenth Amendment, passed just after the Civil 
War, was clear, Delmas said. "Its mission was to raise the humble, 
the down-trodden, and the oppressed to the level of the most exalted 
upon the broad plane of humanity - to make man the equal of man; but 
not to make the creature of the State - the bodiless, soulless, and 
mystic creature called a corporation - the equal of the creature of 

He summarized his pleadings before the Supreme Court by saying, 
"Therefore, I venture to repeat that the Fourteenth Amendment does 
not command equality between human beings and corporations; that the 
state need not subject corporations to the same laws which govern 
natural persons; that it may, without infringing the rule of 
equality, confer upon corporations rights, privileges, and immunities 
which are not enjoyed by natural persons; that it may, for the same 
reasons, impose burdens upon a corporation, in the shape of taxation 
or otherwise, which are not imposed upon natural persons."

Delmas had every reason to assume the Court would agree with him - it 
already had in several similar cases. In an 1873 decision, Justice 
Samuel F. Miller wrote in the majority opinion that the Fourteenth 
Amendment's "one pervading purpose was the freedom of the slave race, 
the security and firm establishment of that freedom, and the 
protection of the newly-made freeman and citizen from the oppression 
of those who had formerly exercised unlimited dominion over him."

And, in fact, the Court chose to stay with its previous precedent. It 
ruled on the tax aspects of the case, but explicitly avoided any 
decision on whether or not corporations were persons. "There will be 
no occasion to consider the grave questions of constitutional law" 
raised by the railroad, the Court ruled in its majority opinion. The 
case was about property taxes and not personhood, and, "As the 
judgment can be sustained upon this ground, it is not necessary to 
consider any other questions raised by the pleadings."

But just as computerized voting machines can be reprogrammed, so too, 
apparently, could a U.S. Supreme Court decision. The Court's reporter 
- a former railroad president - took it upon himself to grant 
corporations personhood in the commentary (headnote) he wrote on the 
case, even though it explicitly contradicted the Justices' ruling 
itself. (And to this day other forms of association, like unions, 
unincorporated small businesses, and even governments do not have 
personhood rights.)

But corporations have claimed the First Amendment right of persons to 
free speech and struck down thousands of state and federal laws 
against corporations giving money to politicians or influencing 
elections; they've claimed Fourteenth Amendment rights against 
discrimination to prevent communities from "discriminating" against 
huge out-of-town retailers or corporate criminals; and have claimed 
Fourth Amendment rights of privacy that will prevent voters or public 
officials from examining the software that runs their computerized 
voting machines.

Now corporations will be telling the citizens of Santa Clara County 
how they voted. And those same corporations will use the shield of 
corporate personhood - once valiantly disputed before the Supreme 
Court by the County's attorney - to withhold from the County's voters 
the right to "look behind the curtain" at the corporate-owned 
software and computerized processes that tabulate their vote. How 
sadly ironic.

Thom Hartmann http://www.thomhartmann.com is the author of "Unequal 
Protection: The Rise of Corporate Dominance and the Theft of Human 
Rights." http://www.unequalprotection.com Copyright 2003 by Thom 
Hartmann, used with permission.

>Doug (and Steve.)
>Maybe Keith will pipe in with some more URL's, but here's one:
>I've heard a couple of reports on this on the BBC about the company that
>the State of Florida contracted with to identify convicted felons (who
>aren't allowed to vote in Florida, like most states.)
>Apparently, someone in the Secretary of State's office used a computer
>program to identify the most common African-American surnames, then
>found, using the database provided by the company contracting with them,
>felons with those surnames, then disqualified *everyone* with that
>surname - on the theory that this wide net would "catch" - and
>disqualify - more African-American voters than whites. And since
>African-Americans in Florida, like most places, tend to vote Democratic
>they'd disenfranchise a lot more would-be Democrats than Republicans.
>When, *after the election,* many of the non-felon but
>prohibited-from-voting African Americans complained, it was blamed on
>computer error - *and* those wrongly disenfranchised voters were never
>permitted to cast their votes.
>Sounds a lot like rigging of an election to me. What am I missing?
>Doug Foskey wrote:
> >  On Sun, 13 Apr 2003 12:04, you wrote:
> > > Bush was not elected on a rigged election. He was elected by the
> > electoral
> > > college, per the design of our government.
> > >
> > > There was nothing improper about the election except the democrats
> > attempt
> > > to change law to cook the numbers.
> > >
> > > Funny they had no problem with the voting system in Florida in
> > previous
> > > elections.
> > >
> > >
> > > Steve Spence
> >
> > All I can say is that from here it looked anything but fair - many
> > voters'
> > were disenfranchised, and the way the count was accomplished seemed to
> > me as
> > an outsider, definitely not one man, one vote - ie a fair election.
> >   As I said, in Australia, I think a fresh election would have been
> > called if
> > there was any doubt.
> > Doug

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