--- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Good for him. Not the reason I voted for him, but it's a bonus.

You seriously think this is good, a bonus? - Scroll down to
"Fundamentally Unsound":

>Of course, I'm one of the group that feels the deed was necessary, and not
>evil. To each his own I suppose.

I don't suppose. When you're contemplating going off and killing a
whole lot of people (illegally) you need a little more than that eh?
A little more than "feelings" - which is all it turns out to be on
the part of the war supporters (though the motives of the war
promoters are clear enough). Manipulated feelings.

You said previously that Greg Palast's investigative report on the
Florida election (?) results (?) would be creditable if it were
proven in a court of law - never mind how bent and twisted the courts
in question now are - for the tip of the iceberg:
Trips for Judges

Nothing for free

Real courts need a little more than mere feelings in matters of life
and death such as this *EVIL* war. Do you know how it works? I'm no
expert on US law, what's left of it, but the general principle is
that in a criminal court the verdict must be beyond reasonable doubt,
while in a civil court it depends on the preponderance of
probabilities. Thus there have been cases where someone accused of
murder was found innocent because the evidence wasn't beyond
reasonable doubt, but was subsequently termed guilty in a civil court
when sued by the victim's dependents and had to pay up. And you and
those who "feel" the way you do have got your courts all mixed up.

You've said here before that the evidence on both sides of the case,
pro-war and anti-war, was vague and insubstantial - yet on the basis
of vague and insubstantial "evidence" and NO demonstrated threat to
your own country you'll support an illegal military invasion of a
sovereign state, with all it's death and destruction?

"Feelings", yes, that's all - sheer mythology, all of it, all of it
thoroughly debunked, here and elsewhere. The response to all this
considerably detailed and well-sourced debunking material by the war
supporters has been pretty much the same, a mix of the following:
ignore it; complain loudly,  demanding that it be censored and
suppressed (but oh what a fuss when they think *THEIR* messages are
being censored and suppressed!); scan it briefly for a label to stick
on it so it can be dismissed out of hand, contents unexamined;
denial; abandon a losing discussion and come back later making
exactly the same claims as if the previous discussion never happened.

The right-wingers just aren't interested in hearing anything that
doesn't agree with them - hence all the odious dubbings of dissenting
views as "un-American". Huh? I thought that was Uncle Joe's style,
not Uncle Sam's...

Not once yet have I seen a single good argument put forward for the
war. Not even one that wasn't based on wilful blindness and a chain
of disconnects. There's a thing for you - a chain of disconnects. Not
exactly a sound basis for rushing off and killing people.


>Steve Spence
>Subscribe to the Renewable Energy Newsletter
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>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Alan Petrillo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: <biofuel@yahoogroups.com>
>Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2003 1:17 AM
>Subject: Re: I am ... that I am Was: [biofuel] How We Lost the Victory
> > csakima wrote:
> > > Well said Kris!!
> > >
> > > Feelings of Mighty power ... that then does the ultimate evil deed.
> > > "just" give a feeling of being "God's chosen few" .... but rather a
> > > of BEING a (demi)GOD.  Of being almost a "higher species".  An "evolved
> > > species".  With a "higher purpose".   Of "cleansing the earth".
> > > the earth".  That kind of stuff.
> > >
> > > I've attended speeches and seminars given by those kinds of people.
> > > eerie stuff.
> >
> > The really scary thing is that our wonderful President has made it
> > clear, more by actions than by words, that he is one of that kind of
> > people.
> >
> >
> > AP
--- End forwarded message ---

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