Fwd from Mike Jureidini:

>From: "Mike Jureidini \(SAFF\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Keith Addison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Ethanol article in Sydney Morning Herald
>Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2003 10:25:08 +0930
>Finally someone in the mainstream media has spoken out about the 
>real story behind the scare campaign against ethanol in Australia. 
>The following article is from the Opinion section of The Sydney 
>Morning Herald, from Monday 28th April.  Enjoy!!
>Mike Jureidini
>Biofuels Consultant
>Australian Farmers Fuel (SAFF)


>   Ethanol fuel line has motorists labouring under misapprehension
>      By Paul Sheehan
>      April 28 2003
>      A Few days before Christmas last year, on December 18, this newspaper
>      published a consumer horror story on the front page. It unleashed a
>      barrage of controversy about the dangers of buying cheap petrol,
>      especially petrol with high levels of ethanol.
>      Good story. Pity it wasn't true.
>      It was about a motorist who saved a few dollars buying cheap petrol only
>      to be been hit with a repair bill of $746.90 because of extensive engine
>      damage caused by contaminated fuel, in this case, it was claimed,
>      excessive amounts of ethanol. But the motor mechanic upon 
>whose words the
>      story hung, Neil Streeting, says everything in the story was wrong.
>      "I'm still really angry," he told me last week. "I never claimed that I
>      had repaired 10 cars damaged by ethanol. I never said anything 
>like that.
>      What I told the SMH about an engine being wrecked actually related to
>      another vehicle damaged by petrol contaminated by kerosene over a year
>      ago."
>      The problem was not ethanol, Streeting said, but unscrupulous service
>      station operators who sold petrol containing a variety of cheap
>      substitutes for petrol: "I've got nothing against ethanol. It's a good
>      fuel. It's good for the country."
>      Why would ethanol be good for the country? Because - and we now enter
>      terrain of considerable debate - if Australia were to use petrol blended
>      with up to 10 per cent ethanol (the maximum level at which everyone,
>      including the oil industry, is comfortable), it would cut our 
>oil imports,
>      boost the rural economy (which produces ethanol, primarily from grain),
>      reduce the nation's greenhouse gas emissions and cut the amount of
>      pollutants caused by the additives in petrol.
>      All good, and all up for debate, but the bad publicity 
>surrounding ethanol
>      has been caused by something else: unscrupulous service 
>station operators
>      selling petrol contaminated with cheap substitutes, or 
>motorists not being
>      told they were buying petrol that is blended with up to 20 per cent
>      ethanol. These are quite separate issues.
>      Meanwhile, the ethanol industry is hemorrhaging. "It was all a political
>      set-up," Streeting told me. "I'm just a nobody in workerland, 
>but the next
>      thing I knew I was in the middle of a political firestorm. It took me a
>      while to work it out, but I realised this was all about Labor 
>bashing the
>      Liberals."
>      Streeting's media adventure began when he got a call from the 
>office of a
>      federal Labor MP in Sydney asking if he'd encountered problems caused by
>      contaminated fuel. "I told her, 'Yes, I'm working on a car 
>right now that
>      has been damaged by contaminated fuel.' I never mentioned the word
>      'ethanol'. She asked if I would talk to the media. Like a 
>dickhead I said
>      yes. I got a call from the Herald within an hour."
>      As readers would expect, when the Herald later learnt there 
>were problems
>      with the story, it investigated the matter, published a correction, and
>      assigned two senior journalists to clean up the mess. But the story had
>      taken on a life of its own. Politicians had rushed in, and other dubious
>      stories found their way into print and onto the airwaves.
>      On January 11, The Daily Telegraph ran a story under the 
>headline: "Costs
>      of ethanol: $800 in repairs and four days' pay". Even though 
>the headline
>      and the opening of the story flatly blamed ethanol, the story itself
>      contained absolutely nothing to back up the claim: "Mr Whalan 
>fears he is
>      the latest victim of ethanol-laced unleaded petrol ... While he has not
>      conducted tests on the petrol in his tank, Mr Whalan's 
>mechanic suspects a
>      high ethanol content could be to blame ... 'Up until it gets tested we
>      can't say for sure,' said [mechanic] Rocco Zinghini."
>      In other words, shoot first, ask questions later. Whalan's petrol was
>      later tested. The Australian Biofuels Association, the ethanol 
>lobby group
>      which takes such stories very seriously, found that the test showed no
>      ethanol was in the petrol. Not one word of apology or correction was
>      published by The Daily Telegraph.
>      But the way this story unfolded was not really about consumers. It was
>      about politics. On the same day the Herald's ethanol horror story ran,
>      Labor's shadow treasurer, Bob McMullan, gave a press briefing 
>at which he
>      thundered: "Today's further news about specific cases of 
>damage to engines
>      ... as a result of excessive ethanol in petrol sends one very clear
>      message. John Howard should go down on his knees and apologise 
>to ... the
>      hundreds of thousands of other motorists in Sydney who are paying
>      hundreds, and, in some cases, thousands of dollars to repair their cars,
>      because John Howard will not allow the Government to do what every
>      independent adviser says they should do, which is set a 10 per 
>cent limit
>      on ethanol in petrol ...
>      "We have spoken to a number of mechanics ... More than half a dozen tell
>      the same story as the gentleman in The Sydney Morning Herald 
>this morning
>      - they speak of cars coming in with damage to engines and reduced
>      performance as a result of purchasing petrol with an excess of 
>ethanol. We
>      have been out and had the petrol tested on a number of 
>occasions and it is
>      clear that the cause on those occasions ... was ethanol ..."
>      The tests? They were two complaints from constituents who had written to
>      two Labor MPs in Sydney, both claiming that petrol with 17 per cent
>      ethanol had caused engine damage. But Bob Gordon, who runs the Biofuels
>      Association, says he's still waiting to see those tests, four 
>months later.
>      Labor has never been dishonest about where this story came from: it came
>      from the Labor Party. And the media exercise worked beautifully,
>      especially the repeated references to the Manildra group - 
>which produces
>      most of Australia's ethanol - being a "major Liberal Party donor".
>      That was the real target. As for the Australian ethanol industry, it is
>      lying by the side of the road, bleeding, the victim of a hit and run.

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