Dear Keith,
According to my contacts in the UK, you can obtain waste cooking oil
from all the fish & chip shops, Indian restaurants etc and must record
how much you collected and then pay the fuel tax directly to Her
majestyâs government.
Keep up the great work
Peter (Tanzania)
-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Addison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 4:27 AM
Subject: [biofuel] Re: Oh boy :Was; Re: Neither Right nor Left but Dead
on Center
Hi Gustl

That's a very good 2 cents' worth, thankyou! Mine was only 2 yen.

>Hallo Keith ,
>Sunday, 08 June, 2003, 22:24:51, you wrote:
>KA> As for "off-topic political crap" (in other words, "I don't agree
>KA> with it"),
>If  I  may  add  my  2  cents  worth.   In  Michigan the DEQ (Dept. of
>Environmental Quality) has ruled that transporting used cooking oil as
>well  as  producing  biodiesel   must  be  classified as hazardous and
>applies  all  the  restrictions which the term "hazardous" requires in
>the handling of the oil and production of the fuel including requiring
>a  CDL with a HAZMAT endorsement.  What this means is that Michigan is
>imposing  large  fees  to  everything   involved  in the production of
>biodiesel  including  the  collection  of  the  used  oil.   It pretty
>effectively  excludes  farmers and small time operators from producing
>biodiesel.  Very political considering biodiesel is biodegradeable and
>used oil doesn't meet any of the 4 requirements the federal government
>has applied to hazardous materials.
>Another  fact.  If  I drive my truck over to the nearest McDonalds and
>the  waste oil hauler is there I may pay him for the used oil and then
>the  McDonalds  employees  or myself may put the oil onto my truck and
>then  I may take it anywhere I please with no restrictions without the
>waste  hauler  ever  having  been  in  possession of the oil. Why? The
>hauler  was  handling  a  "waste"  product while I would be handling a
>"new" product even though the hauler never handled the product at all.

That's nuts!

>All a load of political horse manure for the benefit of government and
>large business interests.

Sure is. These crazy rules are the result of bureaucrats furthering 
their interests - ie, problem maintenance rather than problem 
resolution: more and more rules and regs about less and less. But on 
top of that it inevitably starts to lean towards favouring big biz 
interests, an unholy alliance indeed, and very anti-people.

But AFAIK the EPA classifies used cooking oil as a hazardous waste, I 
guess that might be what gave Michigan its basis for this nonsense. 
On the other hand, if the EPA were really serious about it maybe such 
a very large proportion of it wouldn't end up in sewers and 
landfills. The fact that nobody clearly knows even how much is 
produced might be an indication of how serious they are. That seems 
to apply to most countries, with the exception of a few EU countries 
where it's been studied.

>Happy Happy,
>PS-Ohio  is  much easier to deal with and much more reasonable when it
>comes to biodiesel.

And you're in Michigan? I must say Japan is proving reasonable 
enough. In Hong Kong the gubmint tried to stop us, but here there are 
no obstacles at all, or not as yet. The municipal folks approve and 
will probably help, Tokyo also approves these days:



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>C. S. Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters"
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