> Looking for Leadership or "How Democrats are funding
> the Bush Regime."
> by Tim Castleman
> www.drive55.org
> I hear Democrats saying we need to get rid of this
> Bush administration in
> 2004. I agree, but I understand the Republicans will
> have $200 million
> dollars to use in the 2004 campaign.  How will
> Democrats meet that funding
> challenge?
> About half of that $200 million dollars will come
> from Democrats, and here
> is how: every time we buy petroleum, or products
> reliant on it, we are
> funding the Bush administration and supporting his
> biggest backers, the
> petroleum and defense industries.
> Vote with your wallet
> If we could convince Democrats to drive less, and at
> more moderate speeds,
> they would reduce their petroleum consumption by 20%
> to 50%.  If the 50
> million registered Democrats would do this, they
> would reduce the petroleum
> industry's income by at least $2 billion dollars
> each month, for a total of
> at least $32 billion dollars in the 16 months we
> have before the 2004
> Election.
> What sacrifice will we make?
> What sacrifice are we willing to make to get rid of
> the Bush Regime and
> elect an Administration that will shift funding from
> the Pentagon and
> petroleum industry to schools, the elderly and
> children?  Are we willing to
> slow down our driving a little bit for these things?
> What sacrifice are we willing to make to prevent the
> Bush regime from
> keeping its stranglehold on our economy, which it
> does by exploiting our
> addiction to petroleum and high-speed driving?  What
> sacrifice are we
> willing to make to stop the military industrial
> complex from waging war on
> every country that has significance to the petroleum
> industry?  Are we
> willing to slow down our driving a little bit for
> these things?
> Looking for Leadership
> What is needed now are leaders willing to stand up
> and make a commitment to
> reduce their personal consumption of petroleum by
> slowing down, taking fewer
> trips, using public transit and walking or riding a
> bike instead.
> What is needed now is leadership willing to take a
> Train instead of a Jumbo
> Jet Airplane to reduce petroleum consumption on a
> "per-passenger-mile" basis
> by 50%!  Is there a leader that will make the point
> by taking his campaign
> on the road via the grossly under-funded National
> Rail System instead of
> using the obscenely-subsidized Jumbo Jet Airplane
> system, stopping in each
> town to speak to the people who would elect that
> leader?
> What is needed now are leaders that are willing to
> sacrifice the illusion of
> power and the thrill of speeding along in a private
> vehicle at the highest
> rate of speed possible, in favor of the public
> benefit of slowing down or
> even taking public transit.  Instead of a convoy of
> SUVs guzzling petroleum
> to haul around the Secret Service and staff, how
> about bio-diesel powered
> buses for our national leaders?
> What is needed now are leaders that will show others
> that it is OK to slow
> down a little bit, and that it isn't a big sacrifice
> to take a few extra
> minutes to get where we are going.
> The Big Payoff or "What's in it for ME?"
> The result of this small sacrifice will be to reduce
> the amount of funding
> available to the petroleum warlords -- but that is
> not all!  It will also
> put at least $2,600 a year back into the annual
> budget for the average
> family of 5, or at least $528 for individuals.  We
> will help lower traffic
> fatalities by 7,000 to 10,000 each year and
> therefore reduce insurance
> rates.  Additionally, we will reduce wear and tear
> on our vehicles,
> resulting in lower maintenance costs and longer
> service life before
> replacement is needed.  Emissions of C02 will be
> reduced by 150%, N0x by up
> to 30%, and PM by 10% to 30%.
> There is NO downside or "Isn't a Mile-A-Minute fast
> enough?"
> An average five mile trip MAY take 1 1/2 minutes
> longer.  A 30 mile trip MAY
> add 5 minutes at the reduced speeds.  I say "MAY"
> because some studies
> suggest that increased accidents due to high speeds
> actually have a time
> penalty as we wait for the wreckage to be cleared
> and our time is consumed
> in hospitals and doctors offices.  Racing to the
> next red light will not
> speed up our trip -- most signal systems are timed
> to allow a certain rate
> of progress, no matter how quickly we get from one
> red light to the next
> one; they are simply a requirement to allow
> cross-traffic to pass, and
> realistically cannot be overcome.
> What if we don't find any leaders to do this?
> If we don't have any leaders who are willing to
> "lead-by-example" and use
> less petroleum on a personal level, then we have no
> one but ourselves to
> blame when the Bush Regime retains control for
> another four years, because
> they will have been funded by us every time we fill
> up with their products
> at the local gas station and refuse to moderate our
> consumption by slowing
> down, walking or riding a bike, taking public
> transit and saying "NO" to the
> energy-hog airline system in favor of an efficient
> National Rail System.
> Leaders!
> Your followers are waiting for you to lead!  Show
> them your courage and make
> a public record of YOUR pledge to obey existing
> speed limits, never
> exceeding 55 MPH, and urging restoration of the
> national 55 MPH speed limit.
> Make your commitment now at:
> http://www.petitiononline.com/drive55/petition.html
> Visit www.drive55.org for more details and the facts
> to back up statements
> made here.

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