Thanks Kris, very good! Stauber and Rampton are pretty near my top of the pops.

More below on their "Weapons of Mass Deception: The Uses of 
Propaganda in Bush's War on Iraq".



Weapons of Mass Deception:
The Uses of Propaganda in Bush's War on Iraq

by Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber

[publishing and sales details]

"No more bed-time stories ... these guys are here to wake you up."
--Greg Palast

"A major contribution for those who want to take control of their own 
future, not be passive subjects of manipulation and control."
--Noam Chomsky

It was a day for the history books. On April 9th, 2003, millions of 
Americans sat glued to their television sets as U.S. soldiers and 
Iraqi citizens joined together to topple the statue of Saddam Hussein 
in Baghdad's Firdos Square. Like the fall of the Berlin wall, the 
fall of Saddam's statue appeared to be one of those iconic moments 
that proved - spontaneously and undeniably - that democracy would 
always triumph over totalitarianism, that freedom was the great 
"If you don't have goose bumps now," said Fox News anchor David Asman 
as the extraordinary footage rolled, "you will never have them in 
your life."

"Jubilant Iraqis Swarm the Streets of Capital," read the New York 
Times headline.

Or did they?

In their eye-opening new exposŽ, Weapons of Mass Deception: The Uses 
of Propaganda in Bush's War on Iraq, Rampton and Stauber take no 
prisoners as they reveal - headline by headline, news show by news 
show, press conference by press conference - the deliberate, 
aggressive, and highly successful public relations campaign that sold 
the Iraqi war to the American public. April 9th seemed to confirm 
what Washington and pro-war pundits had been saying for months: that 
the Iraqi people would eventually come to see America as their 
liberator, not their enemy. Yet the American media chose to focus on 
headlines such as "Iraqis Celebrate in Baghdad" (Washington Post) 
rather than on a Reuters long-shot photo of Firdos Square showing it 
to be nearly empty, or the Muslim cleric who was assassinated by an 
angry crowd in Najaf for being too friendly to the Americans, or the 
20,000 Iraqis in Nasiriyah rallying to oppose the U.S. military 

We've always known what good PR and advertising could do for a new 
line of sneakers, cosmetics, or weight-loss products. In Weapons of 
Mass Deception, Rampton and Stauber show us a brave new shocking 
world where savvy marketers, "information warriors," and "perception 
managers" can sell an entire war to consumers. Indeed, Washington 
successfully brought together the world's top ad agencies and media 
empires to create "Operation: Iraqi Freedom" - a product no decent, 
patriotic citizen could possibly object to. With meticulous research 
and documentation, Rampton and Stauber deconstruct this and other 
"true lies" behind the war:

* Top Bush officials advocated the invasion of Iraq even before he 
took office, but waited until September 2002 to inform the public, 
through what the White House termed a "product launch."
* White House officials used repetition and misinformation - the "big 
lie" tactic - to create the false impression that Iraq was behind the 
September 11th terrorist attacks on the United States, especially in 
the case of the alleged meeting in Prague five months earlier between 
9/11 hijacker Mohammed Atta and Iraqi intelligence officials.
* The "big lie" tactic was also employed in the first Iraq war when a 
15-year-old Kuwaiti girl named Nayirah told the horrific - but 
fabricated - story of Iraqi soldiers wrenching hundreds of premature 
Kuwaiti babies from their incubators and leaving them to die. Her 
testimony was printed in a press kit prepared by Citizens for a Free 
Kuwait, a PR front group created by Hill and Knowlton, then the 
world's largest PR firm.
* In order to achieve "third party authenticity" in the Muslim world, 
a group called the Council of American Muslims for Understanding 
launched its own web site, called However, its 
chairman admitted that the idea began with the State Department, and 
that the group was funded by the U.S. government.
* Forged documents were used to "prove" that Iraq possessed huge 
stockpiles of banned weapons.
* A secretive PR firm working for the Pentagon helped create the 
Iraqi National Congress (INC), which became one of the driving forces 
behind the decision to go to war.

Weapons of Mass Deception is the first book to expose the aggressive 
public relations campaign used to sell the American public on the war 
with Iraq. It is a must-read for those who want to know how and why 
they bought this war.



INTRODUCTION: Liberation Day

CHAPTER 1: Branding America

CHAPTER 2: War Is Sell

CHAPTER 3: True Lies

CHAPTER 4: Doublespeak

CHAPTER 5: The Uses of Fear

CHAPTER 6: The Air War

CHAPTER 7: As Others See Us



>Forwarded from another list. I can't be sure that this is
>true but, it sure makes more sense to me than any
>mainstream media news I can find. I believe that both the
>Left and the Right are crooked as a dog's hind leg and that
>all politicans are crooks if they stay around long to be
>important to some special interest greoup. I do leave an
>allowance for an occasional honest politician but, I don't
>know of one that has been honest for the long haul. I also
>believe that those at the top of the corporate rule ladder
>ignore people like me, because they are sure that they have
>enough mindless boobs under their propaganda umbrella to
>continue the Status Quo indefinitely.
> >
> > Ah - I didn't even notice until just now WHO the author
> > of this
> > wonderful article is. Eno remains at the top of my pops
> > ;)
> >
> > -------- Original Message --------
> >
> >
> >
> > The problem is not propaganda but the relentless control
> > of the kind of
> > things we think about
> >
> > COMMENT - The Observer (London) Sunday August 17, 2003
> >           Brian Eno
> >
> >
> > When I first visited Russia, in 1986, I made friends with
> > a musician
> > whose father had been Brezhnev's personal doctor. One day
> > we were
> > talking about life during 'the period of stagnation' -
> > the Brezhnev
> > era. 'It must have been strange being so completely
> > immersed in
> > propaganda,' I said.
> >
> > 'Ah, but there is the difference. We knew it was
> > propaganda,' replied
> > Sacha.
> >
> > That is the difference. Russian propaganda was so obvious
> > that most
> > Russians were able to ignore it. They took it for granted
> > that the
> > government operated in its own interests and any message
> > coming from it
> > was probably slanted - and they discounted it.
> >
> > In the West the calculated manipulation of public opinion
> > to serve
> > political and ideological interests is much more covert
> > and therefore
> > much more effective. Its greatest triumph is that we
> > generally don't
> > notice it - or laugh at the notion it even exists. We
> > watch the
> > democratic process taking place - heated debates in which
> > we feel
> > we could have a voice - and think that, because we have
> > 'free' media, it
> > would be hard for the Government to get away with
> > anything very devious
> > without someone calling them on it.
> >
> > It takes something as dramatic as the invasion of Iraq to
> > make us look a
> > bit more closely and ask: 'How did we get here?' How
> > exactly did it come
> > about that, in a world of Aids, global warming, 30-plus
> > active wars,
> > several famines, cloning, genetic engineering, and two
> > billion people in
> > poverty, practically the only thing we all talked about
> > for a year was
> > Iraq and Saddam Hussein? Was it really that big a
> > problem? Or were we
> > somehow manipulated into believing the Iraq issue was
> > important and had
> > to be fixed right now - even though a few months before
> > few had
> > mentioned it, and nothing had changed in the interim.
> >
> > In the wake of the events of 11 September 2001, it now
> > seems clear that
> > the shock of the attacks was exploited in America.
> > According to Sheldon
> > Rampton and John Stauber in their new book Weapons of
> > Mass Deception ,
> > it was used to engineer a state of emergency that would
> > justify an
> > invasion of Iraq. Rampton and Stauber expose how news was
> > fabricated and
> > made to seem real. But they also demonstrate how a
> > coalition of the
> > willing - far-Right officials, neo-con think-tanks,
> > insanely pugilistic
> > media commentators and of course well-paid PR companies -
> > worked
> > together to pull off a sensational piece of intellectual
> > dishonesty.
> > Theirs is a study of modern propaganda.
> >
> > What occurs to me in reading their book is that the new
> > American
> > approach to social control is so much more sophisticated
> > and pervasive
> > that it really deserves a new name. It isn't just
> > propaganda any more,
> > it's 'prop-agenda '. It's not so much the control of what
> > we think, but
> > the control of what we think about. When our governments
> > want to sell us
> > a course of action, they do it by making sure it's the
> > only thing on the
> > agenda, the only thing everyone's talking about. And they
> > pre-load the
> > ensuing discussion with highly selected images, devious
> > and prejudicial
> > language, dubious linkages, weak or false 'intelligence'
> > and selected
> > 'leaks'. (What else can the spat between the BBC and
> > Alastair Campbell
> > be but a prime example of this?)
> >
> > With the ground thus prepared, governments are happy if
> > you then 'use
> > the democratic process' to agree or disagree - for, after
> > all, their
> > intention is to mobilise enough headlines and
> > conversation to make the
> > whole thing seem real and urgent. The more emotional the
> > debate, the
> > better. Emotion creates reality, reality demands action.
> >
> > An example of this process is one highlighted by Rampton
> > and Stauber
> > which, more than any other, consolidated public and
> > congressional
> > approval for the 1991 Gulf war. We recall the horrifying
> > stories,
> > incessantly repeated, of babies in Kuwaiti hospitals
> > ripped out of
> > their incubators and left to die while the Iraqis shipped
> > the
> > incubators back to Baghdad - 312 babies, we were told.
> >
> > The story was brought to public attention by Nayirah, a
> > 15-year-old
> > 'nurse' who, it turned out later, was the daughter of the
> > Kuwaiti
> > ambassador to the US and a member of the Kuwaiti royal
> > family. Nayirah
> > had been tutored and rehearsed by the Hill & Knowlton PR
> > agency (which
> > in turn received $14 million from the American government
> > for their work
> > in promoting the war). Her story was entirely discredited
> > within weeks
> > but by then its purpose had been served: it had created
> > an outraged and
> > emotional mindset within America which overwhelmed
> > rational discussion.
> >
> > As we are seeing now, the most recent Gulf war entailed
> > many similar
> > deceits: false linkages made between Saddam, al-Qaeda and
> > 9/11, stories
> > of ready-to-launch weapons that didn't exist, of nuclear
> > programmes
> > never embarked upon. As Rampton and Stauber show, many of
> > these
> > allegations were discredited as they were being made, not
> > least by this
> > newspaper, but nevertheless were retold.
> >
> > Throughout all this, the hired-gun PR companies were
> > busy,
> > preconditioning the emotional landscape. Their marketing
> > talents were
> > particularly useful in the large-scale manipulation of
> > language that the
> > campaign entailed. The Bushites realised, as all
> > ideologues do, that
> > words create realities, and that the right words can over
> > whelm any
> > chance of balanced discussion. Guided by the overtly
> > imperial vision of
> > the Project for a New American Century (whose members
> > now form the core of the American administration), the PR
> > companies
> > helped finesse the language to create an atmosphere of
> > simmering
> > panic where American imperialism would come to seem not
> > only
> > acceptable but right, obvious, inevitable and even
> > somehow kind.
> >
> > Aside from the incessant 'weapons of mass destruction',
> > there were
> > 'regime change' (military invasion), 'pre-emptive
> > defence' (attacking a
> > country that is not attacking you), 'critical regions'
> > (countries we
> > want to control), the 'axis of evil' (countries we want
> > to attack),
> > 'shock and awe' (massive obliteration) and 'the war on
> > terror' (a
> > hold-all excuse for projecting American military force
> > anywhere).
> >
> > Meanwhile, US federal employees and military personnel
> > were told to
> > refer to the invasion as 'a war of liberation' and to the
> > Iraqi
> > paramilitaries as 'death squads', while the reliably
> > sycophantic
> > American TV networks spoke of 'Operation Iraqi Freedom' -
> > just as the
> > Pentagon asked them to - thus consolidating the
> > supposition that Iraqi
> > freedom was the point of the war. Anybody questioning the
> > invasion was
> > 'soft on terror' (liberal) or, in the case of the UN, 'in
> > danger of
> > losing its relevance'
> >
> > When I was young, an eccentric uncle decided to teach me
> > how to lie.
> > Not, he explained, because he wanted me to lie, but
> > because he thought I
> > should know how it's done so I would recognise when I was
> > being lied to.
> > I hope writers such as Rampton and Stauber and others may
> > have the same
> > effect and help to emasculate the culture of spin and
> > dissembling that
> > is overtaking our political establishments.
> >
> >
> > A longer version of this article will appear in the new
> > literary
> > magazine, Zembla.

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