The Emperor Goes To Asia and Talks Terror

By Aziz Choudry

Fresh from visiting California's Governor-Terminator, His Imperial 
Majesty jetted off to Asia ...

Congressman Crispin Beltran, from the leftwing Bayan Muna party, 
described the nature of George Bush's eight-hour Philippine visit, on 
the eve of the 2003 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit 
in Bangkok, as "one a master does to the home of his slave, an 
emperor surveying the territories of his empire, and inspecting the 
lay of the land". It is an apt description for the whole 
Asia/Australia trip. Beltran, a veteran trade unionist with the 
militant Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU), was one of seven Filipino 
Representatives to walk out in protest at the start of Bush's address 
to the Philippine Congress.

It has been 43 years since a US President - another tough-talking 
Texan - Dwight Eisenhower, addressed Congress in the Philippines to 
rally Philippine support against communism.

USA Today journalist Richard Benedetto (20/10/03) noted the striking 
similarities between the two speeches, suggesting that Dubya's 
speechwriter had clearly read Dwight's Cold War address.

Eisenhower had said: "Communism demands subservience to a single 
ideology, to a straitjacket of ideas and approaches and methods. 
Freedom of individuals or nations, to them is intolerable... They use 
force and threats of force, subversion and bribery, propaganda and 
spurious promises"

This time the Emperor warned: "A new totalitarian threat has risen 
against civilization". The remark was clearly not meant to be taken 
as self-referential.

"Like other militarists and fascists before them, the terrorists and 
their allies seek to control every mind and soul. They seek to spread 
chaos and fear, intimidate whole societies and silence all 
opposition," he said.

Tellingly, it was opponents of Bush's militaristic and imperial 
policies who were facing intimidation and being silenced in Asia in 
honour of his visit. Philippine President, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, 
in her ongoing crackdown against progressive organizations and social 
movements critical of her ardent support for US economic and military 
dictates, is the latest in a long line of US-backed Philippine 
Presidents - from the Cold War to the War on Terror - which have 
waged wars of terror at home.

In another part of his speech, Bush said: "America is proud of its 
part in the great story of the Filipino people. Together our soldiers 
liberated the Philippines from colonial rule. Together we rescued the 
islands from invasion and occupation." Millions of Filipinos would 
disagree with Bush's revisionist version of the history of US 
involvement in their country.

In fact, one reason for the strength and resonance of anti-war 
sentiments in the Philippines is the fact that under the guise of 
"training and advising", in this "second front" in the "war on 
terror" the troops of its former colonial ruler, the USA, are back on 
Philippine soil, with a vengeance. And - especially in Mindanao - 
many people know the sickening realities of war all too well. Death, 
displacement, disappearances, rape, torture, and despair. On his 
visit, the Emperor promised yet more US military aid and thanked his 
loyal subject for supporting his imperial exploits. According to his 
national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, the Philippines "is a 
very good warrior in the fight on terrorism."

Beltran noted with irony that both Bush and Arroyo are the children 
of former presidents, both "became presidents not through victory in 
the polls. Mr. Bush became president through a decision of the United 
States Supreme Court. Mrs. Arroyo ascended to the highest office 
because of People Power 2 and also on the say-so of the Supreme 
Court. Both have been hounded by election-related scandals - Bush was 
haunted by the contributions made by Enron, while Mrs. Arroyo is 
being linked to money laundering charges". And both want to stay in 
office past next year's US and Philippine elections.

Urban poor dwellings near Congress were demolished before he arrived. 
Thousands of police and armed forces turned Manila and parts of 
Central Luzon into a militarized zone. Surveillance and harassment of 
activists was stepped up. It is estimated that Bush's eight-hour stay 
cost the Philippines US $1.45 million. After all, the Emperor of the 
World was in town. And nothing is too much fuss to keep the Emperor 

Then it was on to Thailand, which like the Philippines, has sent 
troops to Iraq and is viewed as a key US ally in the region.

A rectal swab, anyone? It's OK, I will understand if you say no. But 
at least you have a choice in the matter. Hundreds of catering and 
waiting staff at the hotels accommodating dignitaries for the APEC 
Meetings in Bangkok didn't. They were forced to have rectal swabs to 
ensure that they were not carrying any infectious diseases that might 
contaminate the VIPs' food.

The mice that were injected with samples of dishes before they were 
served to the Emperor didn't have much choice either. The Thai 
government excelled in the APEC summit security and sanitization 
stakes. Its attitude towards the homeless, the poor and its critics 
was little different from the treatment it meted out to the rodents.

Or dogs.

In the weeks leading up to the meeting, thousands of stray dogs were 
rounded up. Some 10,000 homeless people were pushed off the streets 
before APEC and the Bush state visit on the orders of Bangkok 
Governor Samak Sundaravej who likened them to "stray dogs". 900 
street people, originally from Cambodia, one of the WTO's newest 
members, were rounded up and flown to Phnom Penh by a Thai Air Force 
plane. Sex workers and street hawkers were ordered off the streets, 
schools and many businesses were closed for a week, and sections of 
the city received a cosmetic makeover. As in Manila, a large US 
security contingent swept into Bangkok, with 20,000 Thai police, 
troops and other security militarizing large parts of the city.

The Thai government has not divulged the costs of hosting this year's 
APEC Summit. As with other such operations, many locals have 
questioned the priorities of the government, which seems far more 
interested in projecting a contrived international image than 
addressing their needs.

Writing in the Bangkok Post on 20 October Thai journalist Heamakarn 
Sricharatchanya expressed her irritation with the priorities of the 
Thai government: "As a Thai citizen, I can't help but feel that the 
leaders of my country care more about the health of foreign VIPs, who 
will only be here for a couple of days, than the health of residents 
who live here their whole lives. In all my life, I have never known 
the government to pay such serious attention to the food that its 
citizens consume".

It is axiomatic for governments which advocate neoliberal model of 
development, to try to render all evidence of the failure of this 
model as invisible as possible when an international spotlight is 
shone on them. Repressive security operations go hand in hand with 
state visits and summit meetings all over the world. APEC summits are 
synonymous with security overkill, human rights abuses, and lavish 

A huge banner featuring a giant picture of Bangkok grand palace, 
placed strategically to hide urban poor dwellings by Chao Phraya 
river was emblematic of the way in which advocates of free market 
capitalism will do almost anything to stop the facts getting in the 
way of a good story - or photo-op.

Thailand's billionaire former police officer/telecommunications 
magnate-turned-Prime Minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, demanded that 
there be no protests during APEC and stepped up surveillance on a 
number of social movements, activists and NGOs. The Thai government 
warned that immigration police would stop foreign activists from 
entering Thailand to join anti-APEC and anti-Bush mobilizations.

Displaying an adherence to a Bush-like understanding of democracy, 
Thai Foreign Ministry Spokesman Sihasak Phuangketkeow defended these 
moves in a media interview, saying demonstrations could deflect from 
the importance of the APEC Summit:

"Thailand is a free country where democracy activities of this kind 
are allowed ... but I think that for this APEC event we want to 
concentrate on holding a successful APEC meeting."

"We wouldn't want activities that would side-track us from the APEC 
meeting and that is the purpose of some of the steps we have taken 
with regards to the activities ban on NGOs."

And what of APEC itself? It's the same 21-member forum, but not quite 
as we knew it at the height of regionwide mobilizations against its 
neoliberal agenda and its profoundly anti-democratic nature.

Its goals of free trade and investment by 2010 for industrialized 
members and 2020 for developing ones remain. With the region's free 
marketeers licking their wounds after Cancun, the Bangkok APEC 
Leaders Declaration, "Partnership for the Future", and this year's 
APEC Ministerial statement threw their support behind the WTO 
multilateral trade system and sought to re-energize the talks.

Among other things, the Ministerial statement promoted structural 
reform and agricultural biotechnology. While APEC meetings have been 
ridiculed for their lack of concrete achievement, they still function 
as opportunities for bilateral and subregional trade and economic 
deals to be discussed. Both within the Asia-Pacific, and beyond, 
these lower-profile agreements are proliferating. The three "pillars" 
of APEC - trade and investment liberalization, business facilitation 
and economic and technical cooperation - remain. But since 2001 they 
have become increasingly obscured by the long shadow of a new raison 
d'etre thrust upon the forum - security, according to the Dubya 
Doctrine. On the eve of her Emperor's departure, Condoleezza Rice had 
told journalists that he would "stress the need to put security at 
the heart of APEC's mission because prosperity and security are 

Just as former Thai Deputy Prime Minister and current WTO Director 
General Supachai Panitchpakdi claimed after Doha that the September 
11 attacks had been a "blessing in disguise" for the WTO, the 
Bush-led "war on terror" has breathed new life and meaning into the 
APEC forum which had barely managed to limp into the 21st century.

Just as we argued in the 1990s that it was the US-driven neoliberal 
agenda that defined the dominant version of economic development 
promoted through APEC, so now Washington seeks to shape the forum for 
its own economic, military and geopolitical ends in the region. The 
empire continued to strike back, however. Besides the walkout from 
Congress, throughout the Philippines, in many cities and towns, tens 
of thousands took to the streets to oppose Bush's visit, US military 
and economic imperialism, and denounced Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as 
the number one puppet of the US Administration.

In Manila, protests, ignoring threats of violence from the police, 
delayed his speech to Congress by almost an hour while the government 
bussed in "pro-Bush" supporters to wave flags for His Imperial 
Majesty. In Manila, effigies of Bush and Philippine President Gloria 
Macapagal-Arroyo were burnt along with dozens of US flags.

Despite the climate of repression and Thaksin's threats of "long and 
painful consequences" for organizations involved with protest 
actions, Thai activists in Bangkok and elsewhere took to the streets 
to protest Bush's visit, US war, and APEC's free trade and investment 

After a demonstration at the US consulate in Chiang Mai, in 
Thailand's north, a ceremony was conducted in which a shaman captured 
his spirit in a clay pot to be thrown into the Ping river in protest 
at US agricultural policy, US militarism, and a proposed US-Thai free 
trade agreement which Bush has pledged to begin negotiating next year.

"This is a traditional northern Thai ceremony aimed at keeping his 
spirit down on the riverbed so he could not come and exploit our 
natural resources or suppress our (farming) brothers with his 
superior influence," Weerasak Wan-ubol, an executive of the Northern 
Farmers Alliance explained to reporters.

As the Emperor climbs back onto his throne after smiling at Muslims 
in Indonesia and visiting his "sheriff" in the region, Australia's 
John Howard, and as Chile prepares to take on the hosting 
responsibility for APEC in 2004, two things are for sure.

All the rectal swabs in the world won't protect us from contamination 
by Bush's belligerent bullshit.

And resistance against imperialism, war and neoliberalism will continue.

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