Corporations and Their Proxies Defeated in Miami -- But They Refuse to Give Up

By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

Fri, 14 Nov 2003

There was good news and bad news from inside the negotiations of the 
Ministerial meeting for the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), 
held last week in Miami.

The good news: Brazil has succeeded in putting forward a framework 
that would alleviate the worst aspects of the U.S.-backed extremist 
proposals that threaten public health, the environment, and worker 
rights. With mobilized populations at home demanding nothing less, 
Brazil, Argentina and other countries appear to have defeated the 
U.S. effort to expand NAFTA to the entire hemisphere.

In at least four separate places, the final statement of the meeting, 
known as the Ministerial Declaration, reiterates the need for a 
"balanced" agreement. The key phrase of the Declaration states that, 
"Ministers recognize that countries may assume different levels of 

What this means in practice is that countries will not be required to 
adhere to the market fundamentalist proposals advanced by the United 
States in the areas of intellectual property, investment, services 
and other areas.

While it would be best if there were no agreements in these areas 
whatsoever -- since the agreements in various ways are designed to 
subordinate public interest considerations to the commercial 
interests of multinational corporations -- at least no country will 
be required to agree to these proposals as a condition of 
participating in the FTAA.

Those countries that agree to specific commitments, in the investment 
area, say, will be required to honor them. But none of the Latin 
American or Caribbean countries have any real interest in doing so. 
There aren't many Uruguayan or Honduran investors looking for special 
protections in the U.S. market.

Brazil gained the upper hand by responding effectively to the U.S. 
position that it could not negotiate key agricultural issues within 
the FTAA. U.S. negotiators said they wanted to move on agricultural 
issues of concern to Brazil and other countries, but these matters 
had to be handled at the World Trade Organization (WTO), where they 
could be negotiated as well with the European Union and Japan. Well, 
said Brazil, if agriculture is a WTO issue, then so is intellectual 
property, which is already covered by a WTO agreement, and so are 
other controversial issues.

Given this move by Brazil, the United States was happy to maintain 
even opt-in agreements as part of the FTAA.

But there's no question the United States has lost its ability to 
impose its maniacal NAFTA vision on the hemisphere. "This is not what 
we wanted, and we have serious concerns," said Frank Vargo, U.S. 
National Association of Manufacturers vice president for 
international economic affairs. A good sign.

Unfortunately, the inside news from Miami wasn't all good. The United 
States violated the spirit of the ministerial declaration by 
announcing an intensified strategy of negotiating bilateral and 
mini-regional agreements containing exactly the horrific proposals -- 
on intellectual property, investment, and other areas -- that it 
failed to ram through in the FTAA.

The United States has already concluded a free trade agreement with 
Chile, and is scheduled to conclude negotiations over a free trade 
agreement with the Central American countries next month. In Miami, 
U.S. Trade Representative Robert Zoellick announced that the United 
States would soon commence negotiations over trade deals with the 
Dominican Republic, Panama, Colombia and Peru, as well as supposedly 
with Ecuador and Bolivia.

We asked the trade minister of a small country, the Bahamas, what he 
thought about the U.S. strategy of negotiating bilaterals.

"Most countries in the hemisphere have concerns" about the U.S. 
approach, Bahamian Minister of Trade and Industry Leslie Miller told 
us. "It's just pressure tactics. The U.S. wants to consolidate its 

The strategy is euphemistically called "competitive liberalization" 
by its advocates, but it's little more than divide and conquer. The 
idea is to pit countries in the hemisphere against each other, 
negotiating individual deals that offer incremental benefits of 
improved access to the U.S. market, in exchange for massive 
concessions for U.S. multinationals. As countries watch others enter 
into free trade deals, they worry about being left behind, and agree 
to similar terms.

Whereas developing countries when united can stand up to U.S. 
pressure and demands, in isolation and in competition with each 
other, they are easy pickings.

Notwithstanding the benefits, this strategy has significant 
limitations from the U.S. corporate perspective, which is why some 
business groups have been publicly critical. The strategy requires 
too many negotiations with too many countries, and may leave the 
biggest markets out. Noting that Chile and Mexico already have free 
trade deals with the United States, Mark Weisbrot of the Washington, 
D.C.-based Center for Economic and Policy Research points out that 70 
percent of the remaining Latin American market (measured by economic 
output) is attributable to Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela -- 
countries with no interest in signing on to bilateral agreements with 
the United States that advance the U.S. extremist economic agenda.

Still, there's no getting around the fact that existing trade pacts, 
plus those under negotiation and those for which negotiations are 
pending, will lock up a huge chunk of Latin America, and 
significantly deprive countries of freedom to pursue independent 
economic policies.

Whether the USTR bilateral trade agreement offensive can be halted 
may turn on the U.S.-Central American agreement. If brought before 
the U.S. Congress next year and defeated, U.S. trade negotiators may 
be forced to abandon their present approach. A victory for U.S. 
negotiators and their business controllers will give renewed life to 
a model that has failed by any objective measure, other than serving 
multinational corporate interests.

Russell Mokhiber is editor of the Washington, D.C.-based Corporate 
Crime Reporter, Robert 
Weissman is editor of the Washington, D.C.-based Multinational 
Monitor, They are co-authors of 
Corporate Predators: The Hunt for MegaProfits and the Attack on 
Democracy (Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press;

(c) Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman

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