Dual Fuel Cars Revive Brazil's Alcohol Industry
 By Mario Osava* 
 [Aug 25, 2003 ?] 

 The new "bi-fuel" vehicles could expand the use of
 renewable energy, which had been on the decline in
 the late 1990s.

 RIO DE JANEIRO - Brazil's automotive industry, which had made
 advances in using fuel alcohol as a means to confront the oil crisis of
 the 1970s, is taking another step, manufacturing cars that run on
 gasoline, alcohol or a mix of the two -- and maintaining the same level
 of vehicle performance. 

 The car manufacturers Volkswagen, of German origins, and the
 U.S.-based General Motors put the first dual fuel vehicles on the
 market here in April and June, respectively. The technogical
 innovation is a result of Brazilian industry, although the two
 companies are transnationals. 

 The result benefits the environment, because reducing gasoline
 consumption and increasing alcohol use means lower emissions of
 carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming,
 Manoel Paulo de Toledo, engineering and inspection manager for the
 Sao Paulo state technology and environment entity CETESB, told

 Substituting a fossil fuel with a plant-based renewable fuel "is the
 correct route to take," especially for curbing climate change, agrees
 Eduardo quartim, project coordinator at the Ecoar Institute, a Sao
 Paulo environmental group. 

 Furthermore, explained CETESB's Toledo, alcohol production creates
 economic and social benefits for Brazil because it "generates
 employment and gives the rural population a reason to stay." 

 Sugar cane, the raw material for alcohol, absorbs as much or more
 carbon dioxide than what is emitted by alcohol comubstion. And
 sugar cane byproducts, like the pulp and sediments, are used to
 generate electricity and as fertliser. 

 The bi-fuel automobile increases Brazil's opportunities to export
 vehicles, alcohol and automotive technology. Several countries,
 including the United States, China and Canada, already consume
 gasoline with alcohol added. 

 There are nearly two million "flex fuel" cars in the United States, but
 there the process "is different because they use a mix with a
 maximum of 85 percent alcohol," which obligates adding 15 percent
 gasoline, noted Joao Alvarez Filho, Volkswagen manager for engines
 and transmission. 

 The new Brazilian models can run on just gasoline, or 100 percent
 alcohol, or any proportion mix of the two, he said in a coversation
 with Tierramˇrica. The company prefers to call this innovation "total
 flex", to reflect the true range of possibilities. 

 The Brazilian advantage was to develop the dual fuel-based on cars
 that run exclusively on alcohol, which the country has produced for
 more than 25 years, a pioneer in the technology. 

 As of July, 6,100 of these new cars had been sold, and buyer
 satisfaction is high, but it is too early to predict just how far the
 market for total flex vehicles will go. Some experts believe that in the
 long term all Brazilian cars will be bi-fuel. Another possibility is that
 the dual fuel will "kill" the alcohol-only engine. 

 Volkswagen began to develop the new cars four years ago, with the
 sole objective of "allowing users complete freedom in choosing fuels,"
 said Alvarez. 

 But the new car is also a response to drivers' worries about alcohol
 supplies. Alcohol-fuelled cars conquered the Brazilian market in the
 1980s, and represented more than 90 percent of car manufacturing
 within a few years. Cheap alcohol and expensive gasoline pushed this

 But alcohol shortages in 1989 and 1990 sharply undermined the
 popularity of the new fuel. Sales of alcohol-powered cars plummeted
 to less than one percent of total vehicle sales. 

 Also contributing to the decline was the fact that oil prices fell, and
 that the state-owned oil giant Petrobr‡s, a monopoly at the time,
 wanted to sell within Brazil the fuel that it was exporting at a loss,
 says Alfred Szwarc, technical consultant for the Sugar Cane
 Agro-Industry Union, an organisation of Brazil's major sugar and
 alcohol producers. 

 Now the bi-fuel car has emerged because petroleum prices have gone
 up again, with the international price at 25 to 30 dollars a barrel, more
 than twice what was 13 or 14 years ago, Szwarc noted in a
 conversation with Tierramˇrica. 

 The fact that dual fuel vehicles are on the market is helping
 consumers get past their hesitations about alcohol-only motors.
 Drivers are no longer subject to shortages or high prices of one fuel
 or the other, because they can always use the cheaper one. 

 As for the environmental benefits, for now there are no major
 differences in Brazil in the level of contaminants -- carbon dioxide,
 hydrocarbons or nitrogen oxide -- produced by alcohol and
 gasoline-driven cars, according to Toledo. 

 Alcohol generates more aldehydes, carcinogenic substances, but
 gasoline produces "innumerable substances that are at least as toxic"
 as aldehydes, he said. 

 * Mario Osava is an IPS correspondent.

 Energy in a Castor Bean 


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