December 5, 2003

Oil Rigged

Pentagon chief Donald Rumsfeld's recent drop-in to Azerbaijan was a 
sign of the country's strategic significance to the U.S. It also 
offered a nice counterpoint to the recent happenings in Georgia, 
where a leader accused of rigging his reelection was ousted with U.S. 
assent. Azerbaijan, too, recently had elections, which its leader, 
Ilham Aliyev, is suspected of having rigged. No walking papers for 
him, though; rather, a high-level visit.

The U.S. has maintained unwavering support of the new president, and 
critics argue that the United States has an obvious interest in 
maintaining security in the country: the region has crucial oil 
reserves and the Aliyevs are friends to the U.S. oil industry. Some 
are now openly wondering why the U.S., if it's concerned to bring 
democracy to the world, is so friendly with Aliyev.

Rumsfeld's meeting with the president on Wednesday was focused on 
dealing with concerns that the Caspian area is a "terrorist 
route"-and promoting the role of the region in the global 
anti-terrorism campaign. Rumsfeld signaled clear support for the 
regime, saying, "We do value the strategic relationship between our 
two countries".

Indeed, the relationship between the U.S. and Azerbaijan has been 
growing closer as of late. Azerbaijan was the only Muslim nation to 
send troops to Iraq, and the country is crucial to U.S. interests, 
with its big oil-pipeline project and its ability to offer fly-over 
rights and refueling for U.S. aircraft bound for the Middle East and 
Afghanistan. The talks between Rumsfeld and Azeri leaders were to 
focus on the growing military cooperation between the two countries. 
Both have an interest in containing Russia's influence in the region.

But the Oct. 15 elections in Azerbaijan have called into question the 
lawfulness of the country's democracy. Thousands of people protested 
the election of Ilham Aliyev and 107 activists were arrested and kept 
in detention for their dissent. Reports have emerged of beatings in 

Election observers revealed that the Azerbaijan vote did not meet 
OSCE standards in "several important respects."
Meanwhile, The State Department has voiced disappointment, adding 
that reported violations "cast doubt on the credibility of the 
results." That was pretty much the extent of U.S. comment, though. 
congressional hearings on the matter, which were scheduled to take 
place this term, were "postponed" until next year.

Some critics are claiming that Azerbaijan's leader is not only 
illegitimate, but a tyrant.
This from Slate:

"Before the Bush administration congratulates itself on doing the 
right thing in Georgia, it should be reminded that it is doing all 
the wrong things elsewhere in the region. In an effort to have allies 
in the war on terror, Washington has jumped into bed with a number of 
very unsavory dictators, some nearly as tyrannical as Saddam Hussein. 
These unholy alliances contradict the Bush administration's claims 
that it wants to spread democracy to dry up the breeding grounds for 
angry terrorists. In fact, the Faustian pacts are likely to cause 
more anger among suffering Central Asians who increasingly embrace 
virulent anti-Americanism and radical Islam.

In October, Heydar Aliyev, the ailing 80-year-old ruler of Georgia's 
neighbor and U.S. ally Azerbaijan, rigged the presidential elections 
to pass on his crown to his playboy son Ilham. The new baby 
dictator's forces brutally put down popular protests against the 
establishment of the first hereditary dynasty in the former Soviet 
Union. They arrested hundreds of opposition members and killed at 
least two people."

All of this is no big deal, apparently, compared with the United 
States' interest in oil.
The Caspian Sea region has 3 percent of the proven global oil 
reserves and 4 percent of natural gas reserves, according to the U.S. 
Department of Energy. While it doesn't sound like much, new, marginal 
oil supplies can have a disproportionate effect on oil prices. They 
can also reduce the pricing power of OPEC. Also, pipelines through 
Azerbaijan will be a critical conduit to the West for oil produced in 
the Caspian area.

President Ilham Aliyev was previously vice-president of SOCAR (state 
oil company of Azerbaijan). His father, the previous president, was 
made an "honorary Texan" when he visited George W. Bush in 1996 for 
bringing U.S. oil concerns into Azerbaijan. The Aliyevs, needless to 
say, have made a lot of money out of oil, while their country is 

"É Heidar Aliyev has run the country as his family's personal 
fiefdom. Elections have been characterised by rampant corruption and 
election rigging. While the abundance of oil has enriched a corrupt 
layer around the family, the mass of the population live in extreme 

The events in Azerbaijan contrast with the recent "velvet revolution" 
in neighboring Georgia. Georgia also suffered a tainted election, but 
the subsequent protests were supported by the U.S. and ended in 
forcing the reigning president to resign. While in Georgia, the U.S. 
called removing the president a good move for democracy, in 
Azerbaijan, there has been less of an emphasis on rule by the people. 
US Rep. Tom Lantos of California,the ranking Democratic member of the 
House International Relations Committee, wrote a stinging rebuke of 
Bush's Azerbaijan policy:

"President Bush has declared that the time is ripe for a new strategy 
to foster democracy in the Middle East. If it ends up looking 
anything like what the US has done lately in the Caucasus, we might 
as well not even try. Caspian oil reserves - an alternative that 
could reduce US dependence on OPEC - seem to count for more than 
human rights and democracy in US policy toward the region.

The Georgian situation practically replicates what happened with the 
Armenian presidential elections earlier this year and the elections 
in Azerbaijan last month. In both cases, widespread fraud elicited 
only a mild rebuke from the US.

While it's true that the US has to work with the Aliyevs, Kocharians, 
and Shevardnadzes of this world to continue protecting its interests, 
at the very least the State Department should openly hold these 
leaders' feet to the fire on democracy. More important, though, would 
be a ringing rebuke from the secretary of State himself, or even 

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