Mr. P.V.Pannrselvam

Dear Mr. Pannrselvam:

Thanks ever so much for taking the time to comment our last message.
I appreciate the way you have presented your ideas and I take my hat off to
your very high qualifications. Your points of view can certainly draw the
greatest respect.

I wound like to correpond with you more often about our mutual goals
and perspectives. To that effect, should you agree, I wish to suggest that
we discuss issues, one by one, without rush or haste. I feel that we both
could benefit from our mutual experiences. We may have different points of
view, but, in the end, we both strive for a happier world.

Something needs to be corrected from your message is that:
We have never used genetically modified sugar cane plants
We have never used genetically modified yeast
We do not endorse and have never used or recommended the use of genetically
modified seeds, plants or any other organism.

Kindly please review our posts and you will not find any reference to GMO.

Your comments will honour me again.

With warmest regards,

Luis R. Calzadilla
VP Operations
Fundaci˜n Sugar Cane Research Org.
Cali, Colombia
Tel (572) 557-0627

----- Original Message -----
From: pan ruti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 10:13 PM
Subject: RE: [biofuel] Re: Ethanol from sugar cane:Thebest and worst

  I   being  dedicated research worker in Brazil  with PhD  in  Biochemical
engineering  from India  about alcohol production from biomass from  one of
the best research center in  Asia in 1980 , carefully following  the state
of art  this technology  several decads,feel  that the views of the Keith
is  ecological and Luiz , genetic engineering  which are totally  totally
different.Even though  I  belonged  unfortunately  this  breed of the
higher  caste of  biotechnology tribes with limited kespealized kwnowelge
like Dr luiz , I am  fortunate enough to leave away  this caste.In india it
is not possible to change the caste because they say genetica nad god made ,
but with the interation of the active  yahoo   biofuel group (high quality ,
vey ha limited  experts group  and making great effort to  become an
ecological engineering student , rather than  to have limited specialist
approach  like one that of Dr Luiz  approach   of genetic engineering ,
transgenics and hybrids .The
 biotechnology experts in general  do not try to see all aspects and
understand  what is  natural ,simple , decentralized ecological system , not
even  this natural ecological system developments.

   In  Brazil , all high  yielding projects  of fruits  and any crop   lead
to total collapse of  the lands water leading  to degradation of  lands.
   The insects devastations  of mono crops of the Cotton  has lead to
billion dollars until now  the real  reason for the poverty  of the  people
who were rich  10 years ago.Yet no biotechnology experts has introduced new
one here.

    Brazil has  high yielding cassava , which can produce twice the
alcohol.Yet, not able to make it possible  reality , as they used the same
method to implement as that of  luiz , with enorme waste of money  eventhouh
this has higher productivity , 2 time that of cane per ha.
     In India a lot  of alcohol made  in home scale micro distillery using
biomass energy  cheaper and village leval pot distillation technolgy , with
out any cane at all , using the palm tree can  help to make arrack killing
people as food can be used as biofuel.No patent is there , not much
literature, but every uneducated can make the biofuel.

    This can be the best technology  as the yeast there can ferment everty
thing.The best and  worst technolgy are very relative , change place to

 Dr luiz  really need to rethink  again  that the problem  of food , fuel
,fertilizer, feed and food are inter connected to make  the whole thing work
in Argo industrial system.Only one canot  be the best  system  to all the
people , to all the country for all the the  time the best.

    Biodiversity is less kwnown to many like Dr.Luiz. Any   less educated
people  like  native tribal Indians  knows very well that  imported one; the
hybrid, the transgenic, genetically modified are not better than naturally
adopted local variety created by nature. There is great  debate in Brazil
every where now a days   about the  way  the  biotechnology experts groups
are trying to have rapid quick technological anda economical developments ,
in sustainablel for long time where the future generations  food and energy
cannot be assured , as if matter the  present generation.

   Again , I  as an scientific  researcher on  behave of of the many of the
members  fully agree with the Keith and wish that  our group need to focus
the is so com objective  and  not an attack of personnel views and opinions.
with out any base  and truth.

      I am sure that   my words represent the views of  many members who do
not have time  not even to read all the important so many  biofuel
information, imagine  how they can reply .

   Once  Again  best wishes Keith keep it up the correct critical
ecological thinking.
Your hard working  dedicated work can only be well understood to all the
less developed one as you become the part  and parcel of it.When this large
starving people can made his own food and fuel with  out importing fuel
using the road map  our group make , there can be great green future for all

Sorry for my poor English, as I am way 20 years without the contact with the
language .

     For all the members  the  best wishes and    the new happy yaer to all
our biofuel group.

Thanking you



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