#782 -- Public Participation - Part 1, January 08, 2004  

Published January 29, 2004

by Maria B. Pellerano*

Every environmental justice and toxics activist has experienced 
something like this:

A member of your group finds a public notice in the local paper, on 
page 11 in tiny print, announcing a meeting about a recycling 
facility (or some similar proposal).

So you go to the meeting and learn that the Green Hero Corporation is 
planning to "recycle" sewage sludge by bagging it and selling it as 
fertilizer -- and they're planning to do this in your neighborhood.

Your neighborhood already has its share of smelly projects and diesel 
trucks, and now you are supposed to welcome this new neighbor.

Of course, it's already a done deal. The zoning has been changed, 
permits issued, financing arranged, and the city council has voted 
yes. You ask, "Why wasn't the community informed?" and some slick guy 
in a three piece suit and a bad tie says, "Well your city council 
knew and we are informing you tonight. Besides, this proposal will 
bring jobs to your neighborhood and it will meet all state and 
federal laws so I don't see the problem." Then he gets in his 
helicopter and flies back home to his nice clean neighborhood never 
to be seen again.

In too many communities, this scenario accurately reflects what 
"community participation" means these days: informing the community 
after all the permits have been given, just as the operation is about 
to begin.

But true "community participation" does not have to be like this. 
First let's consider why community participation is important. And 
then we'll look at some better ways of engaging communities in making 
decisions that affect their quality of life.

Community participation is important for many reasons:

** So we are more likely to get the kind of neighborhood we want.

** To reduce conflict and legitimize government decisions because 
everyone has had their "say" in the decisions.

** To create the "social glue" that turns a group of strangers into a 
neighborhood, with all the other benefits that neighborhood life 
brings (less crime, more pairs of eyes watching out for the children, 
people helping each other solve problems, etc.)

** To honor and fulfill the most basic political idea that led to the 
Revolutionary War in 1776 -- self-governance.

** So we don't have to spend our lives defending our families, time 
after time, against toxic assault.

** To gain the self-respect and self-assurance and sense of 
well-being that comes with the power to control what's going on in 
your life, especially the power to protect your family.

The environmental movement has not always held community 
participation as a high priority. In earlier days, many environmental 
groups were content with "dueling experts" where their experts went 
head-to-head with their adversaries' experts while the public stayed 
home and perhaps read about it in the newspaper.

The environmental justice movement changed all that.

In October 1991, over a thousand people of color came together at 
"The First National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit" 
in Washington, D.C. and drafted the Principles of Environmental 

Two of the Principles are about community participation: Principle 5 
says, "Environmental justice affirms the fundamental right to 
political, economic, cultural and environmental self-determination of 
all peoples." In other words we have the right to speak for ourselves 
and determine our own destiny. And Principle 7 says, "Environmental 
justice demands the right to participate as equal partners at every 
level of decision-making including needs assessment, planning, 
implementation, enforcement and evaluation." In other words we should 
be equal partners in all decisions that affect our community, 
starting early in the process.

The concept of community participation is also embedded in the 
precautionary principle as defined by environmental justice 
activists, academics, scientists, labor activists, and staff of 
environmental organizations at a meeting held at the Wingspread 
Center in Racine, Wisconsin in January 1998. At that meeting 
participants drafted the Wingspread Statement on the Precautionary 
Principle, which includes as its very last sentences, "The process of 
applying the Precautionary Principle must be open, informed and 
democratic and must include potentially affected parties. It must 
also involve an examination of the full range of alternatives, 
including no action."[2]

In other words the precautionary principle says all affected parties 
must be included in decisions and they must have the opportunity to 
examine all reasonable alternatives including the alternative of 
doing nothing.

How Can Communities Participate in Decisions?

Three recent reports have addressed public participation and have 
suggested how it should work.

1) In May 2003, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 
released Public Involvement Policy of the U.S. Environmental 
Protection Agency[3].

This policy creates a standard for judging EPA's success (or failure) 
in involving the public in its regulatory programs (for example, 
enforcing the Clean Water Act) and nonregulatory programs (for 
example, providing information on pollution prevention).

2) In July 2003, the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) 
released Addressing Community Concerns: How Environmental Justice 
Relates to Land Use Planning and Zoning [4]. This document offers 
advice to local, state, and federal agencies about involving the 
public in decisions about land use, including planning and zoning. 
NAPA is like the National Academy of Sciences -- it was created by 
Congress to provide advice on important public issues, but it is not 
funded by Congress (it has to raise its own research funds).

3) In October 2003 the California Environmental Protection Agency's 
(Cal/EPA) Advisory Committee on Environmental Justice released its 
report, Recommendations of the California Environmental Protection 
Agency (Cal/EPA) Advisory Committee on Environmental Justice to the 
Cal/EPA Interagency Working Group on Environmental Justice, Final 
Report[5]. The report recommends ways that Cal/EPA can promote 
environmental justice (and precaution) in all its programs, 
regulations, and policies.

 From these three documents we learn, first, that the agencies 
empowered to protect our resources and our health are not doing such 
a great job. Then we learn how they could do better.

** Today people want more input into the decisions that affect their 
communities, and governments are not responding, say both the Cal/EPA 
report [5, pg. 12], and the NAPA report [4].

** Environmental and land use planning and zoning agencies have 
largely failed to solicit input from those most affected by the 
decisions and often the result is incompatible land uses. For 
example, residential neighborhoods have toxic, polluting facilities 
in their midst. [5, pg. 11; 4, pg. 71]

** When community residents try to remedy bad planning and zoning 
decisions or get a facility moved or cleaned up, they find it hard to 
know who they need to talk to because often several different 
agencies give permits and enforce regulations within their town, and 
sometimes the agencies themselves cannot say who is responsible for 
which decision. [5, pg. 11]

** In some cases, agencies lack processes for tracking or addressing 
citizen concerns and have no staff to oversee the environmental 
health of the community or track pollution control efforts, which 
leads to serious environmental injustices in low-income and 
people-of-color communities [4, pg. 117].

** Impacted communities are then required to line up the dead bodies 
(have to prove they have been harmed) before they can get any help. 
[4, pg. 157]

** When agencies speak to communities they often use technical 
language or speak in a legalistic, bureaucratic way, and treat 
residents as if they couldn't possibly understand the problem. [4, 
pg. 158]

And so governments and the corporate sector continue the cycle of bad 
decision-making. But this can change.

EPA acknowledges that when citizens participate in decisions, better 
decisions result. Often it is citizens who goad governments into 
action, leading to better decisions.[3, pg. 1]

According to the U.S. Constitution, the main role of government is to 
promote the "general welfare." Obviously this includes protecting 
public health and the environment. [4, pg. 1, and see Rachel's #775 
on the public trust doctrine.]

The National Academy of Public Administration noted many times in its 
report[4] that citizens have become the primary catalyst for change. 
Communities initially identify problems, then suggest more effective 
solutions, and finally hold the government accountable to make things 
right. [4, pgs. 1, 11, 59, 89 and 117.]

So how would true community participation work? Each of these reports 
makes numerous recommendations but here are a few highlights:

** Agencies need to plan and budget for public participation for all 
programs. This includes, but is not limited to, hiring staff to 
coordinate public involvement, providing financial resources for 
extensive outreach and communications programs, and training agency 
personnel to understand environmental justice issues and work with 
the public. [3, pg. 7 and 5, pg. 18]

It is also extremely important that agencies give money to 
communities or community groups so that local residents can get 
technical assistance and participate in meetings. This 
"no-strings-attached" money would allow groups to hire their own 
experts, make photocopies, and make it possible for residents to 
attend meetings (money for transportation, child care and even 
compensation for meeting time). [3, pgs. 9-10, 13; and 5, pg. 19]

Agencies need to widely distribute a publication explaining citizens' 
rights and opportunities to participate in decisions. [5, pg. 19]

** It is important for agencies to solicit community input before any 
decisions are made and this is particularly important in land use 
planning and zoning decisions. [5, pg. 18; and 4, pg. 22] Often bad 
planning and zoning decisions are the first step in creating 
contaminated sites.

Agencies can identify interested and affected parties and solicit 
community input by contacting existing community-based groups, 
non-governmental organizations, and churches, as well as advertising 
in local newspapers and on radio and cable television. [3, pg. 8; and 
5, pg. 19]

** All community outreach materials need to be clearly written in 
easy-to-understand language. Outreach materials should be published 
in a number of formats (for example fliers distributed at community 
centers, churches, schools and other community-gathering places; 
electronic postings on web sites; and announcements in local 
newspapers), widely available and published in languages besides 
English if the affected parties do not read English easily. Agencies 
should consider communicating in non-traditional ways, using pictures 
to convey complex ideas. [5, pg. 18; and 3, pgs. 11-12] For example, 
a drawing of a bathtub in the ground is a good way to explain how 
landfills work and why they eventually always leak. (For example, see 

** Hold meetings and workshops at times and locations that are 
convenient for community members rather than times that are 
convenient for agency staff. [5, pg. 18 and 4, pg. 22] This is one of 
the greatest impediments to community participation because most 
meetings are held between 9 am and 5 pm, Monday through Friday, 
making it impossible for any working person to attend. Also meetings 
are often held at Agency headquarters, making it hard for local 
people because they have to travel great distances to attend. 
Meetings should be held in the community that will be affected by the 

** It is particularly important for local agencies to help low-income 
and people-of-color communities participate in planning and zoning 
decisions, ensuring that residents' concerns are integrated into 
planning and zoning documents. Local governments should also appoint 
people representing the local community to land use planning and 
zoning boards. At present, zoning boards tend to be dominated by 
middle-aged white males. [4, pg. 22]

Cal/EPA reiterates these ideas and says that local governments and 
communities should provide special tools for already 
disproportionately impacted communities, including the authority to 
deny permits. [6;7] As you can imagine, this idea does not sit well 
with the polluters. Attached to the Cal/EPA document is a dissenting 
opinion written by one of Cal/EPA's Advisory Committee members, Cindy 
Tuck, General Counsel for California Council for Environmental and 
Economic Balance (see to learn about this 
organization). In her dissent, Tuck says no one besides government 
should have the authority to deny permits or make land use decisions. 
[5, pg. 41 and see note 7]

So we have a distance to go. More next time.


* Maria B. Pellerano is associate director of Environmental Research 

[1] Charles Lee, Editor, Proceedings [of] The First National People 
of Color Environmental Leadership Summit (New York: United Church of 
Christ Commission for Racial Justice, 1992), page xiii. The 
Principles of Environmental Justice are available at:

[2] Nicholas Ashford and others Wingspread Statement on the 
Precautionary Principle (Racine, Wisc.: Wingspread Center, January 
1998). The statement is available at

[3] U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Public Involvement Policy of 
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [document number EPA 
233-B-03-002] (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Environmental Protection 
Agency, May 2003). Available at

[4] Philip Rutledge and others, Addressing Community Concerns: How 
Environmental Justice Relates to Land Use Planning and Zoning 
(Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Public Administration, July 
2003). Available at and (this is a long 
document and takes several minutes to retrieve).

[5] Cal/EPA Advisory Committee on Environmental Justice released 
Recommendations of the California Environmental Protection Agency 
(Cal/EPA) Advisory Committee on Environmental Justice to the Cal/EPA 
Interagency Working Group on Environmental Justice (Sacramento, 
Calif.: California Environmental Protection Agency, October 2003). 
Available at pdf 

[6] The Cal/EPA report says [5, pg. 22], "Develop tools for 
communities and local governments to use for evaluating the siting of 
facilities that significantly increase pollution in 
disproportionately impacted communities, including the authority for 
denial of permits, and increase the weight of community involvement 
in those decisions;"

[7] Cindy Tuck writes in the Cal/EPA report [5, pgs. 41-42], 
"Certainly it is appropriate for local governments to have tools to 
use in making land use planning decisions. Communities and other 
stakeholders need to be able to understand what those tools are and 
how they work. However, no interest group, including communities, 
should have the authority for the denial of permits or to make the 
land use decision. Only government should have the authority to 
approve or deny a permit or make the land use decision. Communities 
and other stakeholders need to be able to participate in a meaningful 
way in the public process, but communities and other stakeholders do 
NOT make the decisions." [Emphasis in the original.]

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