<x-charset ISO-8859-1>Small tip of huge iceberg.

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Luntz memo exposes Bush's new green strategy



Published on Friday, January 30, 2004 by the New Orleans 
Times-Picayune (Louisiana)

How Industry Hijacked 'Sound Science'

by Oliver Houck

Gov. Kathleen Blanco seized the opportunity to buttonhole President 
Bush on his visit to New Orleans recently and pitch the long-awaited 
coastal restoration plan. The president reportedly replied that he'd 
support it, provided it was based on "sound science." To which our 
governor, in good faith, replied that she agreed.

How could she not? Who could be against sound science? But chances 
are that the president and the governor meant very different things 
by the term. And that difference is a major factor in the holdup.

Time was, science took the lead in America's environmental policy. 
Rachael Carson, Barry Commoner and other researchers sounded the 
alarm, and others went on to point out exactly what needed fixing and 

Then industry got wise. Science turned out to have one big problem: 
definitive proof. Any standard it set was disputable by other 
scientists; any theory of causation it posited raised a host of other 
theories. Maybe we didn't need to phase all the lead out of gas, just 
some of it. Maybe it wasn't shell dredging that tore up Lake 
Pontchartrain, but the wind.

These challenges are the hallmark of science. They keep it honest and 
produce constant discoveries. However, to decision-makers who require 
irrefutable proof, the uncertainty is fatal. In something as 
controversial as an ozone standard, if you can't fix a numerical 
level and defend it against all others, the standard is doomed.

Those who opposed environmental policy learned to exploit this 
weakness. The old water and air pollution control acts stalled over 
scientific controversies, followed by laws governing toxins, 
pesticides and hazardous waste. Put to the rigors of absolute proof, 
they could not hold. For this reason, America's mainline 
environmental programs took a different turn and resorted to other 
means to achieve their goals.

We now see a return to science, not for the purpose of environmental 
protection but rather to defeat it. Consider the advice of Frank 
Luntz, a presidential and congressional strategist, on the growing 
problem of climate change:

"Voters believe that there is no consensus about global warming 
within the scientific community," he advised members of Congress and 
the administration. Thus, "you need to continue to make the lack of 
scientific certainty the primary issue in the debate."

Might this tactic be stretching the truth a little? "A compelling 
story," he explained, "even if factually inaccurate, can be more 
emotionally compelling than a dry recitation of the truth."

What we have heard from the administration since on global warming 
was captured in an editorial cartoon by Walt Handelsman, who drew a 
person labeled "U.S." crawling across the desert under a hot sun, 
holding out his canteen and pleading, "more study!" Luntz wins.

The approach is pervasive. We refuse to list even the most dangerous 
toxins, dioxin among them, for want of absolute certainty. We refuse 
to recognize even the most endangered species, because the Farm 
Bureau has dug up someone who disagrees. Under EPA guidance states 
have halved their lists of polluted waters simply by saying that the 
pollution is unproved.

The White House has just announced that it is challenging the World 
Health Organization's program on obesity, questioning -- of all 
things -- the science behind limiting food advertising directed at 
children, limiting fats and, dare we say it, sugar. Corporate law 
firms have been quick to take up the cry, urging with some success 
that judges throw out cases of environmental injury on their own 
initiative for the lack of "sound science."

Does anyone for a moment believe that the administration, industry 
and the Farm Bureau have become sudden converts to Descartes, Mendel 
and the scientific method? Or have they found a new way to duck their 
responsibility for climate change, species extinction and ordinary 
people harmed by toxic exposures?

Re-read Frank Luntz. Could he say what is going on any more clearly?

Which brings us back to the president, the governor and what they 
were really saying. My guess is that the governor was speaking at 
face value: We should do what the scientists say. But the president, 
on the basis of this administration's record, was saying something 
very different: We will not act until the science is conclusive, i.e. 
a cold day in hell.

"Sound science" is a loaded concept. We may not know all the answers, 
or even all the questions, on coastal restoration. But it is time to 

Oliver Houck is a professor of law at Tulane University.

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