Press Release by New Zealand Government
at 19 Feb 2004 10:24

Hon Pete Hodgson
Minister of Energy, Minister of Fisheries,
Minister of Research, Science and Technology,
Minister for Crown Research Institutes,
Convenor of the Ministerial Group on Climate Change

Thursday, 19 February 2004, 10.15am

Speech Notes

Why Climate Change Matters

[Address at Dairy Expo 2004, TSB Stadium, New Plymouth]

For those of you who don't know me, or came in by mistake
thinking I was going to be Ian Jones, I'm the Minister of Energy,
Science, Fisheries and a few other things including climate
change policy. It's that last one that has taken me up close
and personal with dairy farmers and brought me the invitation
to speak here today.

So let's talk about the weather.

I'm not about to tell you that the storms we're going through
now are the result of climate change. I'm not a climatologist
and I don't think even a climatologist would offer any
conclusions on that score.

But what I will tell you - and what a climatologist would tell you
- is that this is what climate change looks like. One of the
significant consequences expected from climate change is
an increase in the frequency and severity of extreme weather

This is why we use the term climate change in preference to
global warming, because it more accurately captures the range
of climatic effects that the enhanced greenhouse effect is
expected to produce. A long-term increase in global average
temperatures is the key indicator and consequence of the
build-up of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere.
But the expected effects of that change on the world's climate
systems are multiple and diverse.

The New Zealand dairy industry is founded on the superb
conditions this country's climate provides for growing grass.
This is why climate change matters to dairy farmers and
- because of the economic importance of your industry
- to New Zealand.

We know climate change is already under way on a global
scale and there do appear to be some measurable effects
emerging in New Zealand. A study done for the Ministry for
the Environment said a southward shift in subtropical
pasture species might be one indicator, along with an
increased frequency of warmer winters in recent decades.
It also suggested that a recorded halving of the planted
area in kiwifruit in Northland over the six years to 2001could
be at least partly attributable to a warming climate, leading
to reduced productivity.

More than one farmer has suggested to me that a little global
warming might not be such a bad thing for farming. And it is
true that warmer average temperatures could bring some
benefits, including better pasture growth in milder winters.

Some of the predicted impacts of a moderate rate of climate
change for Taranaki include changes in average temperature
and rainfall patterns, and a rise in sea levels. In general,
Taranaki, like much of the west coast of New Zealand, is
likely to become warmer and wetter - perhaps up to 3degC
warmer, on average, over the next 70-100 years.

That might not sound like much, but it compares to a
temperature increase in New Zealand during last century
of about 0.7degC. And to put these figures in perspective,
the 1997/98 summer, which by New Zealand standards
was particularly long, hot and dry, was only about
0.9degC above New Zealand's average for the 1990's.

Taranaki could be up to 20% wetter with more varied rainfall
patterns. That means more rain for the pasture, certainly,
but it also means flooding could become up to four times
as frequent by 2070.

We've been looking at another reminder in the last few days
of the damage associated with extreme weather events.
The cost of dealing with stock losses, replacing or repairing
damaged roads, bridges, houses and stormwater drains,
and dealing with increased soil erosion and loss of soil
nutrients can be formidable.

And the key thing to remember about climate change is that
it is a cumulative process. If the rate and magnitude of climate
change is not slowed down by a reduction in greenhouse gas
emissions, any beneficial effects are expected to diminish
while the costs and risks continue to increase. The negative
effects predominate in the longer term.

This is why New Zealand can't afford to ignore climate change
- and why we can't refuse to play our part, however small, in
trying to do something about it. We are a small nation, and we
can do very little on our own, but we simply cannot ask the rest
of the world to act while doing nothing ourselves.

By thinking ahead and acting with foresight, we can also seize
opportunities to maintain or secure competitive advantage
in global markets.

Acting on climate change is primarily about changing our
energy habits, particularly our consumption of fossil fuels.
Humans invented the fossil fuel economy not that long ago
and one day we will look back at it as we look back at the
ages of horse and sail power. It is important that New
Zealand catch the next wave in energy technology, rather
than watch it pass by. The countries who catch that wave
will be those that are actively moving towards renewable
and low-emission energy, and pursuing innovation and
efficiency in the way they use energy and natural resources.

The Government decided its climate change policies in
late 2002. They work across the economy, to spread costs
and opportunities as widely as possible.

No doubt many of you will know something about the policy
concerning agriculture, and I will talk about that shortly. But
first I want to mention the policies concerning other sectors,
because I have been made aware in a number of
conversations with farmers that their breadth and even their
existence is not widely understood.

The foundation policies of our response to climate change
are long-term strategic programmes that serve a number
of other useful purposes as well as reducing greenhouse
gas emissions. They are the National Energy Efficiency and
Conservation Strategy, the Waste Strategy and the Transport

Each of these is detailed and wide ranging, so I won't try to
summarise them except to say they are concerned with
improving energy efficiency and increasing renewable energy,
reducing pollution and waste, and improving the efficiency of
our transport systems, including public transport. They are all
funded, or mostly funded, by the Government. Between them,
the foundation policies are expected to reduce New Zealand's
excess emissions over 1990 levels by about a third over the
next decade.

Another key policy is the proposed carbon charge, which will
apply to fossil fuels and industrial emissions from 2007/08.
This charge, of no more than $25 per tonne of carbon dioxide,
will increase the price of fuels like petrol, diesel, gas and coal,
making cleaner energy sources more competitive. A small
part of the revenue will be used to fund climate change policies,
essentially for the support of clean energy options, and the bulk
will be recycled back to the economy - for example, through
the tax system.

Large energy-intensive businesses whose international
competitiveness would be threatened by a carbon charge have
the option of entering what we call a Negotiated Greenhouse
Agreement with the Government. This is a binding agreement
that commits the firm to moving towards world's best practice
in managing its greenhouse gas emissions. In return, the
Government provides a full or partial exemption from the
emissions charge.

An NGA is not a 'get out of jail free' card for large businesses
- far from it. Moving towards world's best practice in managing
emissions will require investment by the companies concerned,
often significant investment over an extended period. In 2003
the Government signed the first NGA with the New Zealand
Refining Company, which runs the Marsden Point oil refinery.
We are currently entering negotiations with six more major
corporates and processing further applications.

A further important climate change policy that is progressing
well is a programme called Projects to Reduce Emissions.
Through a competitive tendering process fifteen energy
projects, including wind farms, hydro-electricity schemes and
industrial heat plants, have won a share of 'carbon credits'
from the Government for reducing emissions of greenhouse

Some of these projects could start reducing emissions of
greenhouse gases into the atmosphere as early as next year.
What's more, the bulk of them will help to make New Zealand's
electricity supply more secure in the next few years.

The key feature of the Projects programme is that it enables
clean energy projects to proceed sooner than they otherwise
would. The carbon credits are tradeable internationally - indeed
some have already been sold - and this adds value to projects
that are otherwise economically marginal. Essentially the
Projects policy offers tangible rewards for developments that
take us further towards a sustainable energy future. Wind
power, for example, is expanding very rapidly in this country
as a result of the availability of carbon credits. It is about to
quadruple in the next few months.

Now, agriculture.

One tonne of methane, the chief agricultural greenhouse gas,
has the global warming potential of 23 tonnes of carbon dioxide.
A dairy cow produces about 75 kilograms of methane a year,
equivalent to over 1.5 tonnes of carbon dioxide.

The cow, of course, is only doing what comes naturally. But
people are inclined to forget, it seems, that farming is an
industry. We cleared the land, sowed the pasture, bred the
stock, and so on. It's a human business, not a natural one.
We're pretty good at it, which is why atmospheric concentrations
of methane increased by 150% globally over the last 250 years,
while carbon dioxide concentrations increased by 30%.

About half New Zealand's total greenhouse gas emissions
come from agriculture, which is unique for a developed nation.
Most of the western world is far more industrialised than this
country and carbon dioxide, from transport and industry, makes
up the bulk of their emissions.

If we want to contain and reduce New Zealand's greenhouse
gas emissions, as we do, obviously we can't ignore emissions
from agriculture. Just a small success in cutting methane and
nitrous oxide would deliver us a useful improvement at a national
level. But the problem is that there are currently no readily
available, practical ways for farmers to significantly reduce
emissions, apart from the undesirable one of reducing stock

That is why the Government was clear from the beginning that
agricultural emissions would not be taxed in the way that
emissions from fossil fuels and industrial processes will be.
Emissions charges make sense where they provide an incentive
for emitters to reduce emissions by improving efficiency, adopting
new technologies, switching fuels or other measures. It does not
make sense to tax emissions from a sector that has no practical
options for cutting them.

Instead, the Government decided that the right approach for
agriculture was to pursue a solution through research. And we
decided that the agriculture sector should fund most of this
research, not only because it should take some responsibility for
its emissions, but because success with the research was likely
to benefit farmers directly.

Because methane is waste, the potential productivity gains are
exciting. But there are also likely to be significant business
opportunities in selling New Zealand solutions to the world.
Developed nations, and developing ones when they take on
emissions targets, will need solutions to agricultural emissions.

Research into reducing methane and nitrous oxide emissions is
also likely to have other environmental benefits. For example,
reducing nitrous oxide emissions through more efficient nitrogen
fertiliser application is likely to reduce nitrate leaching into
groundwater, as well as lower the cost of producing more feed.
Many of you will have noticed announcements quite recently from
Ballance and Ravensdown about the release of new nitrogen
inhibitors which they believe offer just this combination of
productivity and environmental benefits.

You might also have noticed a recent announcement that the
Government and agricultural sector groups have signed a
partnership agreement on research into agricultural greenhouse
gas emissions.

This agreement is underpinned by an industry-led research
strategy, which aims to develop safe, cost-effective greenhouse
gas abatement technologies that will seek to reduce methane
and nitrous oxide emissions from livestock by at least 20 percent
by 2012.

Consistent with its climate change policy, the Government will
bear the cost under the Kyoto Protocol of the agricultural
sector's non-carbon dioxide emissions. It will also maintain
at least its current level of investment in agricultural greenhouse
gas abatement research.

In return the sector will undertake and fund its research strategy,
coordinated by the Pastoral Greenhouse Gas Research
Consortium. The research will seek to identify, establish and
develop practical on-farm technologies for reducing emissions,
with particular emphasis on technologies that will also improve

I'm very pleased with the industry's commitment to a
comprehensive self-funded research programme. It's what we
wanted from the beginning, because the long-term interests of
the sector and New Zealand mean we need a thorough and
sustained search for practical ways to reduce emissions.

New Zealand has been successfully exporting agricultural
products for more than a century. We are increasingly exporting
agricultural expertise. The industry's greenhouse gas research
programme offers new opportunities for that, as well as
addressing a fundamental threat to this country's agribusiness.
I think it will pay off, because wherever you look, in whatever
sector, research and development pays off.

Thank you.

Original at P&C posted Fri Feb. 20, 2004 06:10 CST
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