Not Quite A Dream Team

Laura Flanders is the host of "Your Call" heard on KALW-FM in San 
Francisco, and on the Internet, and author of Bushwomen: Tales of a 
Cynical Species, forthcoming from Verso Books in March 2004.

John Kerry's primary victories are mounting and "anyone-but-Bush" 
voters are hankering for a show-down with the Resident. The 
Massachusetts Senator's "bring it on" victory speeches get big-d 
Democrats fired up, but when it comes to foreign policy, Kerry is 
hardly the anti-Bush many are longing for.

As the jockeying begins among those who fancy a government job should 
Kerry beat Bush in November, it's never too early to give the 
hopefuls currently advising the candidate a serious look.

Consider Kerry's foreign policy advisers. Ask the candidate's 
supporters, and the advisor they mention first is Joe Wilson, the 
Clinton-era National Security Council member who investigated claims 
that Saddam Hussein was trying to buy weapons-grade uranium from 
Niger. Wilson won battle stars from progressives for going public 
with his findings, which contradicted the Bush administration's 
claims. Wilson's wife, CIA agent Valerie Plame, was outed by a White 
House source or sources as a consequence.

Wilson may be a white hat, but it's hard to say the same about 
Richard Morningstar, Rand Beers and William Perry, three other 
members of Kerry's foreign policy team.

Morningstar, a former advisor to President Clinton on Caspian energy, 
was instrumental in pushing for the controversial Baku-Tiblisi-Ceyhan 
oil pipeline. The plan has strong support on both sides of the 
political aisle.

A consortium of oil companies are deeply invested, including 
Britain's BP, and the U.S. firms Unocal and Amerada Hess. In the 
1990s, the Clinton administration did all it could to clear the way 
for BTC, including extending U.S. Export-Import Bank financing, and 
recruiting Dick Cheney, James Baker and others to lobby local 
governments. James Baker's law firm, Baker Botts, represents BP. Dick 
Cheney's Halliburton, an oil-industry supplier, won the contract to 
build refineries for several Caspian states. As a member of its Board 
of Directors, Condoleezza Rice helped negotiate Chevron's deal to 
drill the Caspian's purportedly richest field, the Tengiz.

In 2003, Morningstar explained to the Harvard University Caspian 
Studies program that the pipeline, which would run through 
Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey, is expected to be used by Caspian Sea 
states to bring their oil west to market. As Morningstar explained to 
the Harvard project's members, it advances various regional policy 
goals, among them, promoting energy security and ensuring that 
neither Russia nor Iran can develop a monopoly over pipelines from 
the Caspian. (Harvard's Caspian Studies program is sponsored by, 
among others, Chevron, Unocal and Amerada Hess.)

With Turkey's agreement, work on the BTC pipeline began in September 
'02. The World Bank agreed last November to provide $250 million in 
financing, but human rights groups and environmentalists are still 
hoping it can be stopped. Last year, Amnesty International released a 
report noting that the project would violate the human rights of 
thousands of people and cause severe environmental damage. Amnesty 
International alleges that the pipeline's backers' agreement with the 
Turkish government strips local people and workers of their civil 

A Kerry administration with Morningstar as national security advisor 
could be expected to keep the BTC on track. Nothing much would change 
in the worlds of agribusiness and trade either. In 1999, as U.S. 
ambassador to the European Union, Morningstar issued a scathing 
attack on EU policy barring genetically modified foods. "Politics and 
demagoguery have completely taken over the regulatory process," he 
said. Bush's Agriculture Secretary, Ann Veneman, uses virtually the 
same exact words.

Another of Kerry's foreign policy advisors is Rand Beers. Sean 
Donahue of the Massachusetts Anti-Corporate Clearinghouse wrote a 
revealing account of Beers'career for the Counterpunch Web site last 

Suffice to say that Beers was the public face of Clinton's deadly 
crop-fumigation program in Colombia. He once said under oath that 
Columbian terrorists had received training in Al Qaeda camps in 
Afghanistan. (A claim he later had to withdraw.) "If John Kerry lets 
Rand Beers continue to guide his foreign policy, a Kerry 
administration will be no better for rural Colombians than a Bush 
administration," wrote Donahue. Voters who want Sen. Kerry to offer a 
humane alternative to Bush should demand that the senator pledge now 
not to make Beers secretary of state.

Rounding out Kerry's team is William Perry. As Clinton-era secretary 
of defense, Perry spearheaded a post-cold war plan to restructure the 
defense industry, but the Perry plan wasn't quite the "peace 
dividend" Americans had in mind. Perry pushed a government program 
that paid military contractors to consolidate, arguing that only vast 
conglomerates would have what it takes to compete in the 21st 
Century. The Pentagon provided partial underwriting for defense 
industry mergers. In what critic Bernie Sanders, I-VT, dubbed 
"payoffs for layoffs," Perry's Pentagon picked up the costs of moving 
equipment, dismantling factories and providing golden parachutes for 
top executives. Foreign Policy in Focus reports that Perry had to get 
a conflict of interest waiver before he could greenlight the 
merger-subsidy program. He worked as a paid consultant for Martin 
Marietta immediately before joining the Clinton administration.

Today, Lockheed Martin, which was created in a merger announced just 
months after the start of Perry's policy, is the nation's top weapons 
maker. Its component parts include Martin Marietta, Loral Defense and 
General Dynamics. The mergers shrank company payrolls, but hugely 
expanded their political influence. When he retired in '98 Perry 
joined the board of one of the biggest-the Seattle-based Boeing 
Corporation. For those who are interested, Perry also joined the 
Carlyle group, the Saudi-based firm whose partners include no end of 
world leaders, including former British Prime Minster John Major, 
former secretary of state James Baker and the first President Bush.

Anyone but Bush maybe, but many voters might also want to see in 
government anyone but Morningstar, Perry and Beers.

Published: Feb 17 2004

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