<x-charset ISO-8859-1>Robert Perry: Nox Reduction by Cyanuric Acid


C. Petit: San Francisco Chronicle (Dec 18, 1986); "Smog-Fighting 
Process Discovered" 
R. Perry: US Patent # 4,731,231; "NO reduction using sublimation of 
cyanuric acid" 
R. Perry: US Patent # 4,800 068; "NO reduction using sublimation of 
cyanuric acid" 
R. Perry: US Patent # 4,886 650;  "NO reduction using sublimation of 
cyanuric acid" 
R. Perry: US Patent # 4,908,193;  "NO reduction using sublimation of 
cyanuric acid" 
300/254.pdf  ~ Perry, R., et al. "Non Catalytic NO Removal from Gas 
Turbine Exhaust with Cyanuric Acid ..." (PDF Adobe) 


San Francisco Chronicle (Thurs., Dec. 18, 1986) ~ 

"Smog-Fighting Process Discovered" 

Charles Petit

A chemical commonly used in swimming pools could eliminate a major 
component of smog from the exhaust of vehicles and industrial power 
plants, a Livermore researcher said yesterday. 

The chemical is cyanuric acid, which is used to stabilize chlorine in 
swimming pools. When heated, the solid chemical produces a gas -- 
isocyanic acid -- which can be combined with the exhaust of an 
internal-combustion engine to neutralize the oxides of nitrogen 
produced by the burning of the fuel. 

The result is water vapor, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and certain other 
relatively benign gases. 

The discovery, being published today in the British journal Nature, 
was revealed by Robert A. Perry, a 33-year old chemist at the 
Combustion Research Facility operated by Sandia National Laboratories 
in Livermore. Sandia is a privately operated, but government 
financed, facility across the street from the Lawrence Livermore 
National Laboratory. 

Perry and his colleagues said that isocyanuric acid introduced into 
the exhaust of a small diesel engine in their laboratory cleaned 
essentially all oxides of nitrogen from the exhaust of the engine. 

As advance word of the discovery began to circulate, officials at 
agencies charged with regulating air pollution showed intense but 
cautious interest. "A laboratory experiment is one thing", said one 
official. "Making it work in the real world is something else." 

Oxides of nitrogen, usually identified by the shorthand term Nox, 
pour into the air over the US at a rate of 27 million tons per year. 
Scientists blame Nox emissions for most of the eye-smarting ozone and 
the brownish air discoloration that is characteristic of smog. 

The oxides also are a significant source of nitric acid in acid rain, 
although most acid rain is blamed on sulfur compounds not affected by 
the process revealed yesterday. 

Perry's report appears to mark a major success for the 5-year old 
combustion research lab, established specifically to find ways to 
increase efficiency and to reduce pollution from engines and 
industrial combustion. 

Yesterday's disclosure marked the end of several years of 
experimental work for Perry and his colleagues, who were testing a 
number of compounds for neutralizing exhaust when they discovered 
that isocyanuric acid worked in 1985. 

Isocyanuric acid is released when cyanuric acid, is heated above 
about 625 degrees F. That is well below the exhaust temperatures 
typical of gasoline and diesel engines and the types of stationary 
power plants fueled by fossil fuels. 

If the cyanuric acid is introduced as it leaves the engine, the heat 
of the exhaust vaporizes the powder into isocyanuric acid. The 
isocyanuric acid then neutralizes the oxides of nitrogen that are an 
ordinary byproduct of combustion. 

"The reaction takes just a few milliseconds", Perry said. 

Perry bought the cyanuric acid first used in his lab at a swimming-
pool supply house in Dublin, not far from his home. In swimming 
pools, it stabilizes the activity of chlorine compounds that 
disinfect and clarify the water. 

It is ideal for massive use in air pollution control, he said, 
because it is nontoxic and fairly cheap -- about $1 per pound. If 
used in an automobile, that amount should be enough to clean up about 
500 miles worth of exhaust, he said. 

However, the main use for the process is not expected to be in 
privately owned autos, from which more than 90 per cent of NOx is 
already removed by catalytic converters, but rather in trucks' diesel 
engines or at large stationary power plants. 

Because Sandia does not conduct applied research, the Dept. of Energy 
has awarded Perry exclusive rights to the patent on the process in 
exchange for retaining the right to use it without paying license 
fees. He now plans to quit Sandia and form a commercial company, 
called Technor, to market it. 

Perry's discovery comes at a time when increasingly stringent air 
pollution regulations are  being adopted by the US EPA, the 
California Air Resources Board and local pollution-control districts. 

The most urgent need for NOx control in California is in the LA 
basin, although severe problems also exist elsewhere. In Kern County, 
for instance, oilfield equipment is a major source of oxides of 

In the  Bay Area, "Our priority really is not on the NOx", said Lew 
Robinson, director of planning at the Bay Area Air Quality Control 
Management District. "We are mainly worried about hydrocarbons, but I 
can see that this could be tremendously valuable in other parts of 
the country." 


US Patent # 4,731,231 

NO reduction using sublimation of cyanuric acid 

Robert Perry 

March 15, 1988 ~ US Cl. 423/231

Abstract ~ An arrangement for reducing the NO content of a gas stream 
comprises contacting the gas stream with HNCO at a temperature 
effective for heat induced decomposition of HNCO and for resultant 
lowering of the NO content of the gas stream. Preferably, the HNCO is 
generated by sublimation of cyanuric acid. 

Other References ~ 
Back et al., "Photolysis of HNCO Vapor in the Presence of NO and 
O.sub.2 ", Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 46, 531 (1968). 
Perry, "Kinetics of the Reactions of NCO Radicals with H.sub.2 and NO 
Using Laser Photolysis-Laser Induced Fluorescence", Jour. of Chemical 
Physics, 82, 5485 (1985). 

Primary Examiner: Heller; Gregory A. 
Attorney, Agent or Firm: Millen & White 
Goverment Interests: The U.S. Government has rights in this invention 
pursuant to Contract No. DE-AC04-76DP-00789 between the U.S. 
Department of Energy and AT&T Technologies, Inc. 


This invention relates to a new method and device for removing 
NO.sub.x from gaseous material, e.g., from exhaust gas streams. 

The recent emphasis on ecological and environmental concerns, 
especially air pollution, acid rain, photochemical smog, etc., has 
engendered a wide variety of proposed methods for removing NO.sub.x 
especially NO from gas streams. 

Certain proposed techniques involve a great deal of capital outlay 
and require major consumption of additives, scrubbers, etc. For 
example, U.S. Pat. No. 3,894,141 proposes a reaction with a liquid 
hydrocarbon; U.S. Pat. No. 4,405,587 proposes very high temperature 
burning with a hydrocarbon; U.S. Pat. No. 4,448,899 proposes reaction 
with an iron chelate; and U.S. Pat. No. 3,262,751 reacts NO with a 
conjugated diolefin. Other methods utilize reactions with nitriles 
(U.S. Pat. No. 4,080,425), organic N-compounds (e.g., amines or 
amides) (DE No. 33 24 668) or pyridine (J57190638). Application of 
these reactions imposes organic pollutant disposal problems along 
with the attendant problems of toxicity and malodorous environments. 
In addition, they require the presence of oxygen and are relatively 

Other systems are based on urea reactions. For example, U.S. Pat. No. 
4,119,702 uses a combination of urea and an oxidizing agent which 
decomposes it, e.g., ozone, nitric acid, inter alia; U.S. Pat. No. 
4,325,924 utilizes urea in a high temperature reducing atmosphere; 
and U.S. Pat. No. 3,900,554 (the thermodenox system) utilizes a 
combination of ammonia and oxygen to react with nitric oxide. All of 
these methods must deal with the problem of the odor of ammonia and 
its disposal. All require oxygen or other oxidizing agents. These 
methods also suffer from the drawback of requiring controlled 
environments which make them difficult to use in mobile vehicles or 
smaller stationary devices. 

Japanese Publication No. J55051-420 does not relate to the removal of 
nitric oxide from gaseous systems, at least as reported in Derwent 
Abstract No. 38871C/22. It utilizes halocyanuric acid to remove 
malodorous fumes, e.g., mercaptans, sulfides, disulfides, ammonia or 
amines from gases by contact therewith followed by contact with 
activated carbon. Temperatures are reported as less than 80.degree. 
C.; classical acid/base interactions appear to be involved (not 
pyrolysis decomposition products of the halocyanuric acid). 

Back et al, Can. J. Chem. 46, 531 (1968), discusses the effect of NO 
on the photolysis of HNCO, the decomposition product of cyanuric 
acid. An increase of nitrogen concentration in the presence of large 
amounts of nitric oxide (torr levels) was observed utilizing a medium 
pressure mercury lamp for photolysis of HNCO. High temperature 
reactions were neither addressed nor involved; similarly, the effect, 
if any, of HNCO under any conditions on low amounts of NO (e.g., in 
the < torr to ppm range) was also not addressed. In fact, the 
increased concentration of nitrogen was associated by the authors 
with high NO levels. Their theorized reactions explaining the results 
would be important only at high NO levels. 

Furthermore, use of cyanuric acid as a source of isocyanic acid 
(HNCO) for purposes of studying various properties of the latter or 
its subsequent degradation products is also known. See, e.g., Okabe, 
J. Chem. Phys., 53, 3507 (1970) and Perry, J. Chem. Phys., 82, 5485 
(1985). However, heretofore it was never suggested that cyanuric acid 
could be useful in the removal of NO from gas streams. 

As a result, there continues to be a need for a simple, relatively 
inexpensive, non-polluting, non-toxic, non-malodorous and regenerable 
system, method and device for removing nitric oxide from gas streams. 


Accordingly, it is an object of this invention to provide such a 
system, method and device. 

It is another object of this invention to provide such a method, 
system and device which is applicable to small stationary devices, 
mobile vehicles, as well as to larger applications, including 
smokestacks from plants, furnaces, manufacturing factories, kilns, 
vehicles, and essentially any other source of exhaust gas containing 
NO, particularly industrial gases. 

Upon further study of the specification and appended claims, further 
objects and advantages of this invention will become apparent to 
those skilled in the art. 

These objects have been attained by this invention by providing a 
method of reducing the NO content of a gas stream comprising 
contacting the gas stream with HNCO at a temperature effective for 
heat induced decomposition of HNCO and for resultant lowering of the 
NO content of the gas stream. It is preferred that the HNCO be 
generated by sublimation of cyanuric acid. 

In another aspect, these objects have been achieved by providing a 
device useful for reducing the NO content of a gas stream comprising: 

means for storing a compound which upon sublimation generates HNCO; 

means for subliming said compound in operation; 

means for contacting said NO-containing gas stream with said 
generated HNCO; and 

means for raising the temperature of said gas contacted with HNCO to 
a level effective for heat induced decomposition of HNCO and 
resultant lowering of the NO content of the gas stream. 

In yet another aspect, these objects have been achieved by providing 
in a conduit means for an effluent gas stream containing NO, the 
improvement wherein the conduit means further comprises device means 
for lowering the NO content of said gas, said device means 

compartment means for storing a compound which upon sublimation 
generates HNCO; 

means for heating said compound to a temperature at which it 

means for contacting said NO-containing gas stream with said 
generated HNCO; and 

means for raising the temperature of said HNCO-contacted gas stream 
to a level effective for heat induced decomposition of HNCO and 
resultant lowering of the NO content of the gas stream. 


Various other objects, features and attendant advantages of the 
present invention will be more fully appreciated as the same becomes 
better understood when considered in connection with the accompanying 
drawings, in which like reference characters designate the same or 
similar parts throughout the several views, and wherein: 

FIG. 1 schematically illustrates one possible configuration for 
carrying out the method of this invention and for configuring the 
device and/or improved conduit of this invention. 


This invention provides many significant advantages over other 
theoretical and/or commercially available NO reducers. It is 
generically applicable to all industrial gas effluent streams, e.g., 
those mentioned in the references discussed above. It is very simple, 
inexpensive and portable. It does not require the use of catalysts 
and/or co-agents. In addition, when the preferred source of HNCO 
(cyanuric acid) is spent during operation, it can be simply and 
inexpensively replaced. It provides heretofore unachievable 
convenience and efficiency in reducing NO. Its non-toxicity is 
another major advantage as its ready availability and low cost. 

As opposed to many of the other systems now available, that of this 
invention imposes minimal changes in otherwise preferred operating 
conditions for the engine, plant, factory, etc., which generates the 
effluent gas stream being purified. For example, as opposed to 
presently utilized catalytic converters, this invention does not 
impose a requirement that a vehicular engine be run rich with 
resultant undesirable lower compression ratios. In addition, the 
requirement for use of unleaded gas in order to avoid catalyst 
poisoning also does not apply. Overall, the efficacy of the system of 
this invention in lowering NO contents is extremely high. 

Within the broadest scope of this invention, any source and/or means 
of generating HNCO and admixing it with the effluent stream can be 
used. For a variety of reasons including those discussed above, in 
the preferred embodiment, sublimation of cyanuric acid will be 
utilized: ##STR1## 

Isocyanuric acid is a tautomer of cyanuric acid. For purposes of this 
invention, the two are equivalent. The sublimation of cyanuric acid 
in accordance with the following equation, ##STR2## can be conducted 
at any temperature effective to cause a volatilization of sufficient 
HNCO for the desired purpose. In general, temperatures greater than 
300.degree. C. will be utilized since sublimation rates at lower 
temperatures are generally too low. Preferably, temperatures greater 
than 320.degree. C. will be used, especially greater than 350.degree. 
C. There is no preferred upper limit on temperature; but generally a 
temperature less than about 800.degree. C. will be employed. The 
precise temperature for a given application can be routinely 
selected, perhaps with a few orientation experiments, in conjunction 
with considerations of the volume to be filled, the flow rate of the 
gas, the resultant residence time of the admixture of HNCO and NO in 
the effluent gas stream, the surface area of the HNCO source which is 
being sublimed and the sublimation rate which ensues in a given 
system upon selection of the given temperature. For example, for 50 g 
of a cyanuric acid sample having a surface area of about 20 cm.sup.2, 
the sublimation rate achieved at a temperature of 450.degree. C. is 
sufficient to reduce the NO level from a 50 l/m gas stream from 1000 
ppm to essentially 0 ppm. 

While cyanuric acid itself is the preferred source of HNCO, other 
sublimable solids can also be used for its generation. These include 
other compounds which are typical impurities in samples of cyanuric 
acid, including ammelide and ammeline ##STR3## In general, cyanuric 
acid wherein the OH groups are replaced by 1-3 NH.sub.2, alkyl, NH-
alkyl or N-alkyl.sub.2 groups, are utilizable. Such alkyl groups 
typically will have 1-4 carbon atoms. 

Also utilizable are oligomers of HNCO which are linear rather than 
cyclic as in cyanuric acid. For example, cyamelide is particularly 
noteworthy. Also utilizable are the known halocyanuric acids such as 
the mono-, di- or tri-chloro, bromo, fluoro or iodo acids or other 
various mixed-halo substituted acids. 

Any means or technique which results in admixture of HNCO with the NO-
containing gas is included within the scope of this invention. For 
example, if the effluent gas stream itself is at a sufficiently 
elevated temperature, it can be directly passed over a solid sample 
of the HNCO source to effect sublimation and instantaneous admixture. 
It is also possible to incorporate the solid HNCO source into a 
solvent therefor, most preferably hot water, and conventionally spray 
or inject the solution into the effluent gas stream. Of course, it is 
also possible to use conventional heating means (e.g., conductive, 
inductive, etc.) to heat the sublimable source of HNCO and then to 
conventionally conduct the resultant HNCO gas into admixture with the 
effluent stream. Steam injection preceded by passage of the steam 
over, through, etc., the HNCO source such as cyanuric acid can, of 
course, also be utilized. 

It is also possible to indirectly admix the HNCO with the effluent 
gas stream. For example, if the HNCO is injected into the combustion 
chamber which produces the effluent gas stream or if the sublimable 
source such as cyanuric acid is so injected, the HNCO will be 
incorporated into the effluent gas stream at its point of generation. 
As long as the necessary reaction conditions are maintained for 
subsequent interaction of the HNCO with the NO in the gas stream, the 
NO reduction method of this invention will be accomplished. The 
latter option pertains to any system which generates an NO-containing 
stream, including vehicular engines (wherein the injection of 
cyanuric acid or HNCO can be accomplished via the conventional 
valves), furnaces, plants, etc. Alternatively, the admixture can be 
effected directly either downstream from the point of generation of 
the effluent gas or directly near or at this point, e.g., right at 
the head of the vehicular engine where the heat generated by the 
latter can be utilized, not only for sublimation of the solid source 
of HNCO, but also for effecting the NO reducing reactions based on 
the presence of HNCO. 

The NO content of the effluent streams into which the HNCO has been 
admixed will be lowered as long as the temperature of the effluent 
stream is raised to a level at which HNCO thermally decomposes into 
products which result in lowering of the NO content. The precise 
elevated temperature reached is not critical and will be routinely 
selected, perhaps in conjunction with preliminary orientation 
experiments, in dependence on the relative amounts of NO and HNCO and 
especially the residence time produced by the volumes and flow rates 
involved. Generally, temperatures on the order of about 400.degree. 
C. will suffice where residence times are greater than or equal to 
about one second. Higher temperatures can also be utilized, e.g., 
about 400.degree. to 800.degree. C.; however, there will be an upper 
limit where the nature of the dominant reactions will change. In the 
regime of 450.degree.-700.degree. C. free radical reactions produce 
NO in the presence of oxygen. At elevated temperatures i.e., greater 
than 1200.degree. C., the presence of oxygen will make the production 
of nitric oxide unacceptable. 

Pressure is typically not a critical variable under all realistic 
applications. Thus, pressures in the range from about 0.1-10 
atmospheres as well as lower or higher values are employable. 

The relative amounts of NO and HNCO are not critical. Typically, the 
system will be designed so that stoichiometric amounts are employed. 
Of course, excesses of either ingredient can be designed where 
desirable. In many applications, it will be desired to utilize very 
slight, environmentally acceptable excesses of NO in order to avoid 
excesses of HNCO. The latter is an acid which might recyclize to 
cyanuric acid at the low temperatures ensuing after the reaction has 
run its course. Thus, since the excess of NO can be chosen to be 
benignly low in view of the great efficacy of this invention in 
reducing NO contents, and since the products of the overall NO-
reduction reactions are nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water and carbon 
monoxide (with a minor component of CO), the resultant system 
containing benign amounts of NO will cause no environmental concerns. 
Of course, where otherwise desirable, the system can also be run with 
slight excesses of HNCO. Where excesses are employed of either 
ingredient, these can, e.g., be in the range of about 1.01 to about 
1.1 or more on a stoichiometric basis. 

In a preferred mode of operation of this invention, the NO reduction 
reactions will be conducted in the presence of surfaces which act as 
a catalyst for the free radical reactions which effect the NO 
reduction. The nature of the surface is not critical as long as it is 
catalytically effective, metallic or otherwise. All those surfaces 
well known to catalyze related free radical reactions will be 
employable, e.g., metallic surfaces, oxides, etc. For metallic 
systems, preferably, the metal component will be iron which will 
typically be provided by the steel, stainless steel, or other iron-
based surfaces utilized in plants, vehicles, factories, etc., and 
especially utilized in the conduits containing effluent gas streams, 
e.g., mufflers, smokestacks, etc. Other typical metals include the 
usual transition metals, e.g., the noble metals, including platinum, 
palladium, rhodium, silver, gold, etc. as well as nickel, cobalt, 
chromium, manganese, vanadium, titanium, etc. In a further preferred 
embodiment, the reaction will be conducted in a chamber containing 
particles of such catalytic surfaces, e.g., pellets, beads, granules, 
etc. The particle sizes and distributions are not critical. As usual, 
the greater the surface area, the more efficient this effect will be. 
Where catalytic surfaces are utilized, residence times can be shorter 
and temperatures can be lower under otherwise identical conditions. 
Without wishing to be bound by theory, it is felt that the catalytic 
effect is primarily exerted in initiating the generation of free 
radicals triggering chain reactions necessary for the NO reduction. 

Other components may also be present in the NO-containing stream 
without adversely impacting this invention. For example, where 
NO.sub.2 is involved, it also will be removed by this invention. 
However, under the normal conditions where NO is a problem, NO.sub.2 
often is not a problem. The amount of NO in the effluent gas stream 
also is not critical. Typically, the amounts will be 1 ppm or more, 
e.g., 1-10,000 ppm or 10-5,000 ppm, typically 100-1,000 ppm, etc. By 
routine, judicious selection of reaction conditions as described 
above, the amount of NO after admixture with HNCO can be reduced to 
any desired low level, including 0 ppm within limits of detection. 
Greater reductions in NO contents in a given system can be achieved 
by utilizing longer residence times and higher temperatures. 

FIG. 1 illustrates one embodiment of a system of this invention. The 
overall "device" 1 simply comprises means such as chamber 2 for 
holding the sublimable compound; means for heating the latter to its 
sublimation temperature, e.g., in FIG. 1 the means simply being the 
input gas stream 3 which is at an elevated temperature; means for 
contacting the resultant HNCO with the input stream, which here 
simply comprises the adjoining conduits whereby the input stream 
heats the cyanuric acid and the resultant HNCO is instantaneously 
mixed with the input stream; and means for conducting the reaction, 
here illustrated by furnace 4. Many other equivalents will be very 
clear to skilled workers. For example, one or both of the storage 
chamber and the furnace can be inductively, conductively, 
radiatively, etc., heated using external sources other than the input 
stream itself. One or both of storage chamber and furnace region can 
be located anywhere along the path of the effluent stream, e.g., they 
can be located right at the head of an engine or the exhaust outlet 
of a furnace or plant. As discussed above, it is even possible for 
the storage means to be located upstream of the chamber which 
produces the effluent stream where this is practical. Conventional 
heat exchange means can also be incorporated into the system wherever 
desirable. In FIG. 1, the heat exchange means is the input gas 

Without wishing to be bound by theory, the following is a proposed 
mechanism for the NO reduction system: ##STR4## 

As can be seen, free radicals are generated which cause chain 
reactions to ensue. This explains both the speed and high efficiency 
of the system in removing NO from the gas stream. The reaction 
mechanism is highly surprising since the weakest bond in the HNCO 
molecule has a strength of about 60 kcal whereupon it would have been 
expected that a much higher temperature than those in the range of 
400.degree.-800.degree. C. would be necessary for a significant 
effect based on decomposition of HNCO. 

This mode of action also serves to further clarify the distinction 
between this invention and the more conventional chemistry known for 
HNCO, e.g., that is described in Back et al., supra. In the latter, 
no elevated temperatures were used; only a purely photolytic 
decomposition of HNCO was effected. In addition, the lower of NO 
content mentioned in this reference related only to relatively high 
pressures of NO in the several torr range. 

Without further elaboration, it is believed that one skilled in the 
art can, using the preceding description, utilize the present 
invention to its fullest extent. The following preferred specific 
embodiments are, therefore, to be construed as merely illustrative, 
and not limitative of the remainder of the disclosure in any way 

In the preceding text and the following examples, all temperatures 
are set forth uncorrected in degrees Celsius and all parts and 
percentages are by weight; unless otherwise indicated. 


A 7.2 horsepower Onan diesel engine was utilized for the experiment. 
Its exhaust had a flow-rate of 100 l/m. A 2 l/m sample was introduced 
into a cyanuric acid sublimation chamber. The latter contained 50 g 
of cyanuric acid and the sublimation occurred at 350.degree. C. 
Thereafter, the mixture of HNCO and exhaust gas was passed through a 
furnace region packed with a bed of steel ball bearings. The 
temperature in the furnace region was maintained at a temperature 
equal to or greater than 450.degree. C. utilizing a conventional 
heater. The effluent from the furnace region was passed into a 
NO.sub.x analyzer. The residence time in the furnace was about 1 

The exhaust gas from the diesel engine included the usual soot, 
water, oxygen and CO.sub.2. Its 500 ppm NO content was reduced to 
less than 1 ppm (i.e., to the sensitivity level of the NO.sub.x 
analyzer). The load on the engine varied from 0.23 to 0.8 with no 
effect observed on the process. 


Under the conditions of Example 1, 5 pounds of cyanuric acid (2.27 
kg) is loaded into the holding chamber. This provides enough active 
ingredient (53 moles of HNCO) to remove approximately 50 moles of NO. 
At a typical NO concentration in a vehicle exhaust of 500 ppm, 
2.5.times.10.sup.7 liters of gas can be scrubbed. This is sufficient 
to remove NO from the exhaust gas of automobiles for a driving range 
of approximately 1,500 miles. 

The preceding examples can be repeated with similar success by 
substituting the generically or specifically described reactants 
and/or operating conditions of this invention for those used in the 
preceding examples. 

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