#789 -- Answering Critiques of Precaution, Part 1, April 15, 2004  

The precautionary principle is a new way of making decisions about 
environment and health. The purpose of the precautionary approach is 
to make decisions today that we will not regret in 50 years. As the 
precautionary approach becomes better known, it is being studied and 
criticized, which is normal for new ideas. Here we present common 
criticisms of the precautionary approach, and then offer some 
responses to the critics. Naturally, ours are not the only possible 

Before proceeding, we should distinguish the precautionary approach 
from the old way of making decisions. (I call it the "old way" 
because is being replaced by the newer precautionary approach in many 
parts of the world -- but in most parts of the U.S. the "old way" is 
still being used.)

The old way of making decisions assumed that we could do a "risk 
assessment" on any activity (such as adding the chemical MTBE to 
gasoline, or burying radioactive waste in the ground, or cutting new 
logging roads into a forest). The risk assessment would tell us the 
likelihood and amount of harm from the activity, and we would then 
enforce limits on the activity to prevent the harm from growing 
beyond "acceptable" levels. In the case of harms that are rare or 
unknown, the old way assumes that we will learn about these hidden 
dangers in ways that may be unpleasant and traumatic but which will 
not be unacceptably costly or painful.

The old way assumed that people and corporations have the right to do 
anything they choose (so long as it is legal) until some third party 
can prove that harm has occurred, at which point a lengthy process of 
dispute resolution can begin, often requiring decades of effort and 
millions of dollars. This system requires that harm must occur and 
must be proven to occur before alternative actions will be 
considered. The great harms from leaded paint, from leaded gasoline 
and from asbestos come to mind.

In sum, the old way asked the question, "How much harm is acceptable" 
or "How much harm can we get away with?" and then tried to limit 
activities to keep the harm within those boundaries. And the burden 
of proof of harm was placed on those being harmed -- it was up to 
them to prove they were being harmed before alternative actions would 
be considered.

The precautionary principle is a different way of making decisions -- 
one focused more on preventing harm.

In one form or another, the precautionary principle has been widely 
adopted in international treaties and agreements[1], and it has even 
been formally adopted by the U.S. government, which signed the Rio 
Declaration on Environment and Development in 1992.[2] 
(Unfortunately, the U.S. has not yet acted on that commitment.)

Criticism #1: There are many ways of stating the precautionary 
principle, so it is meaningless.

Response #1:

In all formulations of the precautionary principle, we find three 
common elements:

1) If we have reasonable suspicion of harm

2) accompanied by scientific uncertainty, then

3) we all have a duty to take action to prevent harm.

The precautionary principle does not tell us what kinds of action to 
take. It does not tell us to ban anything or stop anything or 
regulate anything. However, it assumes that our aim is to prevent 
harm, and a consensus is developing that several kinds of action may 
be helpful[3]:

** set goals;

** examine all reasonable alternatives for achieving those goals with 
the expectation that the least-harmful approach will be preferred;

** shift the burden of proof to the proponents of new activities or 
technologies -- they bear the burden of producing information about 
the expected consequences of their proposed activities, monitoring 
and reporting as the activity unfolds, agreeing to pay for any harm 
that ensues, and taking responsibility for remediation as needed; and

** those who will be affected by the decision should help make the decision.

Therefore the precautionary principle is sufficiently well-defined 
for people to use it in the real world.

Criticism #2: Precaution is not needed. The current regulatory system 
is working well and there is no need to change it.

Response #2. There are many well-documented cases in which the "old 
way" has handed us a legacy of very expensive problems that we are 
now paying for (and struggling to solve), including: depleted 
fisheries; harm from radioactivity; exposures to benzene, asbestos, 
and PCBs [polychlorinated biphenyls]; damage to the Earth's ozone 
shield; exposure to the artificial hormone, diethylstilbestrol (DES); 
the excessive use of antimicrobials and growth promoters; lead in 
gasoline, and MTBE as a substitute for lead in gasoline; tributyl tin 
as an anti-fouling paint on ships and boats; chemical contamination 
of the Great Lakes; and more. This list could be readily extended -- 
contamination and depletion of salmon, low levels of many exotic 
chemicals in typical drinking water supplies; loss of species at 100 
to 1000 times historical rates of extinction; water shortages in many 
parts of the globe including the American west; increasing 
occurrences of asthma, diabetes, nervous system disorders, childhood 
cancers, and so on.[4]

Criticism #3: The precautionary approach aims to achieve zero risk, 
which is impossible.

Response #3: Advocates of the precautionary principle understand that 
modern technologies will always entail risks, and that zero risk is 
not achievable. The goal of precaution is less risk, not zero risk.

However, the precautionary approach responds in a new way to risks. 
As we saw above, the "old way" asks "How much harm is acceptable?" 
The precautionary approach asks, "How much harm is avoidable?"

The precautionary principle is needed when something that we value 
greatly is threatened and requires preventive and protective action, 
to avoid threats to it, or to prevent threats from materializing into 

The precautionary principle is especially needed to avoid harms that 
could become widespread, serious, or irreversible. Precaution also 
favors avoiding any harms that are easily avoidable. In sum, "Better 
safe than sorry" and "A stitch in time saves nine."

Criticism #4: The precautionary principle is anti-science.

Response #4: The precautionary principle embraces and uses all 
available science. There is nothing anti-science about it.

A key distinction between the "old way" and precaution is their 
different responses to scientific uncertainty. The old way takes 
scientific uncertainty as a green light -- until science can prove 
harm, press ahead.

The precautionary principle takes scientific uncertainty as a yellow 
light or even in some cases a red light. The precautionary principle 
assumes that scientific uncertainty is itself a reason to be 
concerned. When scientific uncertainty is combined with reasonable 
suspicion of harm, then precautionary action is warranted.

When we see smoke billowing out of a building, do we passively study 
the situation until we are 100% sure of the cause of the smoke, or do 
we call the fire department (preventive action) while we 
simultaneously try to learn more?

Some critics seem to feel that the precautionary approach is 
anti-science simply because it pays attention to scientific 
uncertainty. But science always makes a careful distinction between 
what is known and what is not known -- so paying attention to 
uncertainty is a normal part of science. As citizens, paying 
attention to uncertainty is only common sense -- if we're not sure 
what we're doing, we should proceed cautiously.

Criticism #5: The precautionary principle will stop progress. If we 
had used precaution as our guide in 1890, we'd never have developed 
the automobile.

Response #5: In 1890, people needed better means of transportation to 
replace the horse. If a precautionary approach had been taken in 
1890-1900, the alternatives available at that time would have been 
considered (trains, omnibuses, electric trolleys, cable cars, plus 
electric automobiles, steam-powered automobiles, and automobiles 
using the gasoline-powered internal-combustion engine). 
Unfortunately, a small number of people dominated the decisions in 
1900 and they chose to develop the gasoline-powered internal 
combustion engine, and later to buy up and dismantle competing 
trolley and train lines. Today, we are all struggling with the 
consequences of those decisions (global warming, cities clogged with 
highways and cars, the deaths of 60,000 people per year from air 
pollution and another 40,000 killed in accidents, and so on). People 
needed new forms of transportation in 1900 but the decisions made at 
that time did not follow a precautionary approach, and they turned 
out badly. A precautionary approach would at least have forced an 
open consideration of the risks and benefits of each alternative, and 
would have given preference to the least harmful. Such a process 
would not have left us all riding horses, but it might very well have 
produced a different transportation system than the one we are 
struggling to replace today because it has proven to be so expensive 
and so harmful.

Criticism #6: Precaution will stifle innovation and destroy jobs. 
(This is similar to Criticism #5.)

Response #6: On the contrary, the precautionary principle is already 
stimulating technical innovation, as we search for new ways to 
fulfill our needs while minimizing harm to the environment and human 
health. Much modern technology is incompatible with living things, 
and it needs to be replaced by newer technologies based on principles 
learned from nature. Precaution creates incentives for "green 
chemistry," "green engineering," and "green design." We need 
transportation -- but the best answer probably isn't gas-guzzling 
cars. We need energy -- but probably the best answer isn't burning 
more coal or creating more unmanageable radioactive wastes in nuclear 
power plants. We need food -- but farms heavily dependent on 
synthetic fertilizers, chemical pesticides, and genetically 
engineered crops may not be the best answer because they are so 

Human needs have not changed, and they will be fulfilled one way or 
another. The question is, will we harm the planet and diminish our 
children's future as we fulfill our needs, or can we find ways to 
live in harmony with nature? In developing advanced technologies that 
are compatible with nature, entrepreneurs will find (and create) 
wonderful opportunities for themselves and others. Transportation, 
manufacturing, agriculture and energy systems all need to be 
re-invented, based on cooperating with nature rather than subduing 
it. The opportunities for job creation are obviously substantial.[6] 
[To be continued.] --Peter Montague


[1] The language of precaution has now been adopted in many 
international treaties and conventions, such as the North Sea 
Declaration (1987), The Ozone Layer Protocol (1987), the Ministerial 
Declaration of the 2nd World Climate Conference (1990), the 
Maastricht Treaty that created the European Union (1994), The United 
Nations Law of the Sea (2001), and the Cartagena Protocol on 
Biosafety (2000), among others.

[2] Rio Declaration on Environment and Development (1992); Principle 
15 of the Declaration says, "In order to protect the environment, the 
precautionary approach shall be widely applied by States [nations] 
according to their capabilities. Where there are threats of serious 
or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not 
be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent 
environmental degradation." Cost-effective means lowest-cost. 
Available at

[3] Carolyn Raffensperger and Joel Tickner, eds. Protecting Public 
Health and the Environment; Implementing the Precautionary Principle. 
Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 1999.

[4] Poul Harremoes and others, Late lessons from early warnings: the 
precautionary principle 1896-2000 [Environmental Issue Report No. 22] 
(Copenhagen, Denmark: European Environment Agency, 2001). Available 
at (3-megabyte file):

[5] Carl Cranor, "Some Legal Implications of the Precautionary 
principle: improving information-generation and legal protections," 
European Journal of Oncology (2003; Supplement 2), pgs. 31-51.

[6] Frank Ackerman and Rachel Massey, Prospering with Precaution; 
Employment, Economics, and the Precautionary Principle (Medford, 
Mass.: Global Development and Environment Institute, Tufts 
University, 2002). Available at

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