#789 -- Answering Critiques of Precaution, Part 1, April 15, 2004
#790 -- Answering the Critics of Precaution, Part 2, April 29, 2004  

#781 -- Critiques of the Precautionary Principle


May 13, 2004

Fourteen Reasons For Precaution

In Rachel's #789 and #790, we offered responses to the critics of 
precaution.  Here we take a positive approach and offer 14 basic 
arguments FOR precaution.

Probably the strongest argument for precaution is that the old 
risk-based approach has harmed large numbers of people and has badly 
damaged the environment.

For example, many millions of children have been hurt by the old 
risk-based approach. Consider just toxic lead. As early as 1897, some 
paint companies knew enough about the dangers of lead to advertise 
that their paints were NOT made with toxic lead. (See the 1897 paint 
label at Obviously, if one 
paint company knew it, all paint companies knew it -- or should have. 
A least-harmful alternative was clear in 1897.

But from 1897 to 1976, risk assessment was used to justify the 
continued use of toxic lead in paint and many paint companies 
continued to use it. First the risk assessors said 60 micrograms in a 
tenth of a liter of blood was "safe" for children. Large numbers of 
children were severely poisoned by this assessment, and so a new 
"risk assessment" established that 40 micrograms was "safe." More 
children were badly poisoned by this "safe" amount, so a new risk 
assessment was undertaken: "Twenty micrograms is safe -- and this 
time we've got it RIGHT," said the risk assessors -- but more 
children were poisoned, their IQs diminished, their ability to 
concentrate ruined, their capacity to cope with stress destroyed -- 
they became aggressive, even violent, they dropped out of school and 
headed for life in prison or permanent low-wage hell, or they 
committed suicide. All thanks to mistaken risk assessments. Today 
risk assessors claim 10 micrograms of lead is "safe," but many 
scientists and doctors know this isn't true and wonder if even 2 
micrograms of lead in a tenth of a liter of blood deserves to be 
called "safe." (For more of this shameful history, see Rachel's #189, 
#213, #214, #294, #376, #686, #688, #689.)

The old risk-based approach to decisions asked, "How much harm is 
acceptable?" or "How much harm can we get away with?" The newer 
precautionary approach asks, "How much harm can we avoid?" The 
difference is profound.

Here (once again) is the basic statement of the precautionary principle[1]:

If we have reasonable suspicion of harm even in the face of some 
scientific uncertainty we all have a duty to take action to avert 
harm. We can take four kinds of precautionary action:

1. Set and state our goals (including implicit ones, such as justice 
and democratic participation). Different parties may have different 
goals, and it's good to acknowledge this.

2. Assess available alternatives for achieving the goals.

3. Gather and consider complete and accurate information -- and the 
proponent bears the burden of providing it. This is what we mean by 
"shifting the burden of proof" onto the proponent of a new technology.

4. Involve affected parties in decisions (beginning at the earliest 
possible stages when questions are being asked and goals set). 
Provide them the wherewithal to participate in a sustained way and 
respect their values, knowledge, experience and preferences.


My observation, from living in New Jersey, is that the major obstacle 
to a precautionary approach is the refusal of decision-makers to 
consider all available information.

Somehow we need to establish a "duty to consider" all available 
information. This will not be easy because some government officials 
advance their careers by NOT examining available information. Just 
two examples will illustrate the point:

New Jersey recently issued a license to a garbage incinerator to spew 
10,000 pounds of toxic lead, in the form of a fine, breathable dust 
into a predominantly black, Hispanic and low-income community during 
the next 5 years. The state's top environmental official, Dr. Bradley 
Campbell, argues that this poses an "acceptable risk" to the affected 
children because his "risk assessment" shows that the lead would only 
cause an "acceptable" number of cancers -- conveniently ignoring 100 
years of data showing that the greatest danger from lead is not 
cancer but is damage to the central nervous system, reduced IQ, and 
destruction of a child's life possibilities. By restricting the risk 
assessment to cancer, and ignoring the main toxic effect of lead, the 
state is able to keep an incinerator owner happy.  Will N.J. governor 
James McGreevey's re-election campaign be rewarded by lawyers and 
consultants close to the incinerator company?

Example number two: Recently the state of New Jersey refused to 
examine the toxic chemicals in sewage sludge -- arguing that they 
didn't need to know what was in sludge today because their previous 
risk assessment (which they cannot locate in their files) had 
determined that sludge was "safe" to use as fertilizer on soil. The 
state's top environmental official, Dr. Bradley Campbell, says flatly 
that sludge-as-fertilizer will not release troublesome amounts of 
toxins into soils, water or air. He says that criticisms of his 
sludge policy "have no basis in the science and data."

Without any testing, Dr. Campbell and his colleagues claim to know to 
a scientific certainty that sludge does not contain worrisome amounts 
of perfluorooctanes; phthalates; phenols (e.g., nonylphenol); 
polybrominated flame retardants, including hexabromocyclododecane 
(HBCD); DDE; tributyl tin; fenvalerate; cesium-137; strontium-90; 
radium; antidepressants; birth-control hormones; pain relievers; 
insect repellents; antibiotics; sun block; disinfectants and 
antimicrobials; deodorant fragrances; perfumes; anti-cholesterol 
drugs; growth hormones; caffeine; nicotine; aspirin; fluoxetine and 
norfluoxetine (the active ingredients in Prozac); and sertraline and 
norsertraline (found in Zoloft), Viagara, and other pharmaceutical 
and personal care products. It is worth noting that fish living 
downstream from sewage treatment plants in New Jersey contain most or 
all of these substances.[2]

There's no end to the scientific information that can be ignored by 
dedicated risk assessors when they set out to shore up a political 

Yes, we need somehow to establish a "duty to consider" all available 
information -- to prevent sleazy bureaucrats from cherry-picking data 
and phonying up "risk assessments" to support decisions that have 
been made for political purposes. (Readers' thoughts on how to 
establish a "duty to consider" all available information would be 
welcome at [EMAIL PROTECTED])

But scientific information is not the only kind of information needed 
for decisions. Complete and accurate information means more than just 
scientific knowledge (which is, of course, essential). It includes 
historical knowledge, spiritual knowledge, local knowledge, business 
knowledge, community preferences, cultural values, artistic 
perceptions, and so on. This is not anti-science; it merely 
acknowledges that there are other valid ways of knowing about the 
world. As the European Environment Agency is fond of saying, "Science 
should be on tap, not on top."

Sometimes non-scientific information is characterized as "emotional" 
and "emotional" is then equated with "irrational." However, we should 
recognize that emotions -- including fear -- have served humans well 
for eons, so there is nothing wrong with an "emotional" response. 
When you're operating in the dark, it's smart to be cautious -- and 
somewhat fearful -- so being "emotional" can be entirely rational. 
Emotional does not equal irrational.


#1: Past practices have failed us: As noted above, many past 
practices have damaged the environment and public health. The old 
risk-assessment-based approach has been harmful, so we need a new way 
of making decisions. As a result of past practices, many kinds of 
chronic diseases are now increasing: childhood cancers, breast 
cancer, cancers of the testicles and prostate, nervous system 
disorders (Parkinson's Disease, Lou Gehrig's disease), immune system 
disorders (diabetes, asthma), are all increasing.[3]

Birth defect rates are steadily increasing.  The federal Centers for 
Disease Control in 1990 summarized the trends in 38 types of birth 
defects; they found 29 increasing, 2 decreasing, and 7 remaining 

In 1987, about 45% of Americans were living with one or more chronic 
conditions (a term that includes chronic diseases and impairments). 
In 1935, the proportion was 22%, so chronic conditions have 
approximately doubled during the last 60 years. The majority of 
people with chronic conditions are not disabled, nor are they 
elderly. In fact, one out of every four children in the U.S. (25%) 
now lives with a chronic condition.[5]

#2: The world is now full: On a global scale, there is abundant 
evidence that the world is no longer empty but is now full -- of 
humans and their artifacts.

Examples: Humans are now appropriating for their own use 40% of all 
terrestrial net primary product of photosynthesis; within one 
doubling of human population (40 to 45 years), this number will rise 
to 80%.[6] In other words, humans are appropriating 40% of ALL the 
biological activity that creates the bottom of the food chain for ALL 
land-based creatures. We are squeezing other life-forms out of 

Some consequences of a full world: Worldwide, topsoil is being 
depleted at least 10 times as fast as nature can create it.[7] 
Species are being driven to extinction at rates somewhere between 100 
and 1000 times as fast as historical rates of extinction.[8] The 
earth's capacity to absorb or assimilate wastes has been exceeded -- 
the evidence for this is unmistakable: global warming, depletion of 
the Earth's ozone shield, the presence of toxic chemicals in salmon 
and other fish, and industrial poisons in breast milk, for example. 
There is no longer any place called "away" where it is safe to throw 
our discards. Living in a full world means that we have new 
responsibilities to be careful, to try hard to avoid causing further 
harm, and to give the benefit of the doubt to the environment and 
human health.

Our current ways of making decisions evolved when the world was 
thought to be "empty." Now the world is a different kind of place -- 
it is full, and new conditions demand new ways of making decisions.

#3: Early warnings: When traveling in the dark, we naturally move 
cautiously and keep all our senses attuned for signs of danger. When 
flying blind, we pay close attention to the first sign of shapes 
emerging in the clouds ahead and take action to avert harm at our 
earliest opportunity. In other words, we look for, and heed, early 
warnings. In the recent past, we as a society have failed to heed 
early warnings. Evidence: asbestos, lead in paint, lead in gasoline, 
PCBs [polychlorinated biphenyls], phthalates, polybrominated 
diphenyls, and many pesticides, for example.[9] Precaution tells us 
to look for, pay close attention to, and ACT upon, early warnings.

#4: Benefit of the doubt: When we're not sure what the effects of our 
actions will be (uncertainty), we should give the benefit of the 
doubt to public health and the environment.

#5: Natural rights: We all have a right to a clean, healthful 
environment. To avoid breaching this right, we all have a 
responsibility to anticipate harm and take steps to avert it.

#6: Responsibility for our behavior:  We are all responsible for the 
consequences of our behavior, and we all have a responsibility to 
prevent impending harm.

#7 Our role as trustees: We are all trustees of the world that we 
inherited. We have a responsibility to preserve it, and pass it along 
to the next generation undamaged. This is a traditional 
"conservative" view, as espoused by, for example, Edmund Burke 

Once we accept the responsibility to try to prevent harm, then the 
rest follows: the way to protect the future is to set goals, examine 
alternative ways of achieving those goals, consider all information 
(which entails democratic participation by affected parties) -- and 
give consideration, too, to the information that is missing -- and 
choose the least-harmful alternative.

#8: Local Precedents: In most locales, we already have precautionary 
language and behavior in some of our laws and practices. As San 
Francisco has done (see Rachel's #765), we can catalog these and 
organize them into a coherent "environmental code," which can begin 
with a preamble that asserts everyone's right to a clean environment, 
everyone's responsibility to protect the environment and avert harm, 
and the need for an anticipatory, precautionary approach to 

At the federal level, we have precaution built into the pre-market 
testing of pharmaceutical products, and the U.S. Food and Drug 
Administration's (FDA's) monitoring program that aims to identify 
unexpected reactions to pharmaceutical products. The European Union 
is trying to establish pre-market testing as the norm for all 
industrial chemicals -- a proposal known as REACH (Registration, 
Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals). The Europeans have a 
slogan that captures the essence of REACH: No data, no market. In 
other words, if a chemical has not been thoroughly tested for effects 
on human health and the environment, it cannot be marketed. Needless 
to say, REACH is being opposed bitterly and vociferously by the Bush 
Administration and the chemical industry world-wide, who favor the 
"flying blind" approach because it has made them hugely wealthy (at 
enormous cost to the public).

Surely it's only a matter of time before pre-market testing becomes 
standard procedure and "No data, no market" is widely applied to 
products far beyond mere chemicals.

#9: Public decision-making process: Precaution establishes a 
decision-making process where perhaps there was none before. In many 
locales, decisions are made ad hoc ("by the seat of your pants"), not 
by any systematic procedure. Precaution offers a systematic way to 
make decisions, and thus rationalizes governmental decision-making.

#10: Redefining the Role of Governmental Decision-makers: The 
precautionary approach redefines several key questions for 
governmental decision-makers. It is no longer sufficient to ask, "Is 
it legal?" and "Is it safe?" Government must now also ask, "Is it 
necessary?" That raises the question, "How do we determine what's 
necessary?" Can necessity be tied to goals -- can our goals define 
what is "necessary" and what is not? Another way to approach it: If 
there are alternatives, then a thing is not "necessary."

Governmental decision-makers can also now say with confidence, "We 
acknowledge that our world will never be free from risk. However, any 
risk that is unnecessary or not freely chosen is not acceptable." 
This highlights the point that government decisions are only 
legitimate if they are made with the informed consent of those 
affected. (As the Declaration of Independence says, governments 
derive their "just powers" from "the consent of the governed.") 
Precaution revitalizes and strengthens democracy.

The precautionary approach also gives governmental decision-makers 
permission (and an obligation) to consider the full range of costs 
including costs beyond the original price.

#11: Religious: The Earth belongs to God and we have a duty to 
protect it from harm. In trying to protect God's creation, we have a 
duty to try to foresee and forestall harm because if we wait for 
proof of harm before acting, harm will occur and we will have failed 
in our duty. If harm becomes evident, we have a duty to stop the 
harmful activity (and to look around and find and stop similarly 
harmful activities elsewhere) and to take restorative action.

#12: Economic arguments:

1) Publicly-traded corporations are severely restricted in what they 
can do. Under law, they have a fiduciary duty to return a modest, 
more-or-less steady profit to investors, and any goal that conflicts 
with that duty is, as a matter of law, of secondary importance. This 
gives corporations a powerful incentive to externalize their costs -- 
dumping wastes into the environment (usually legally, thanks to 
pliant governments), harming and disrespecting their workers, 
avoiding and evading their fair share of taxes, and so on.) It's not 
that corporations are run by bad people -- it's that the law that 
creates every corporation requires good people to do bad things.

2) We should note that precaution is fundamental to the insurance 
industry -- anticipating harm and taking steps to mitigate its 
effects (partly by sharing the costs, partly by agreeing to avoid 
risky behavior). Often insured parties are required to take steps to 
avert foreseeable harm (install smoke detectors; minimize the use of 
radioactive or highly reactive chemicals; maintain and inspect 
equipment such as elevators, etc.) So precaution is built in to some 

3) Precaution stimulates innovation, creating satisfying and 
long-term (sustainable) jobs.[10]

4) Waste is evidence of design failure.  We pay to produce, process, 
and dispose of something that we don't even want. Avoiding waste is 
precautionary and makes economic sense.

#13: Medical:  Medical practitioners take precautionary action all 
the time. They rarely have full information, but they take action to 
avert harm, giving the benefit of the doubt to the well being of 
their patient. Public health practitioners have taken "primary 
prevention" as the starting point of public health policy since about 

#14: Media: Reporters (and more importantly editors) could take a 
precautionary approach by asking what alternatives were considered in 
any unfolding story that has ramifications for public health or the 
environment. They could also ask the three basic precautionary 

1) Has anyone found less harmful alternatives? (Has anyone looked?)

2) How much harm is preventable?

3) Do we know enough to act to prevent harm?

                                            --Peter Montague ================

[1] Article 15 of the Rio Declaration (1992) contains an early 
statement of the precautionary principle and can be found here: . The Wingspread 
Statement on the Precautionary Principle (1998) can be found here:

[2] See the eight articles on N.J. groundwater contamination by 
Matthew Brown and Jan Barry published in the Bergen Record Sept. 22, 
23 and 24, 2002. And see Alex Nussbaum, "NJ Water Contains Traces of 
Daily Life," Bergen Record March 5, 2003. And see Chris Gosier, 
"Water Detectives Search for Poisons," Daily Record March 3, 2003. 
And see "Analyzing the Ignored Environmental Contaminants," 
Environmental Science and Technology [ES&T] April 1, 2002, pgs. 
140A-145A. The N.J. newspaper articles can be found by searching

[3] Rising rates of many kinds of diseases were documented in 
Rachel's #417, available at .

[4] Larry D. Edmonds and others, "Temporal Trends in the Prevalence 
of Congenital Malformations at Birth Based on the Birth Defects 
Monitoring Program, United States, 1979-1987," MMWR [Morbidity and 
Mortality Weekly Report] CDC SURVEILLANCE SUMMARIES Vol. 39, No. SS-4 
(December 1990), pg. 22.

[5] Catherine Hoffman and others, "Persons With Chronic Conditions," 
Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Vol. 276, No. 18 
(November 13, 1996), pgs. 1473-1479. The data describe the 
non-institutionalized population.

[6] Peter M. Vitousek, and others. "Human Appropriation of the 
Products of Photosynthesis," Bioscience Vol. 36 No. 6 (June, 1986), 
pgs. 368-373. Available at:

For additional evidence supporting the "full world" hypothesis, see 
Peter M. Vitousek and others, "Human Domination of Earth's 
Ecosystems," Science Vol. 277 (July 25, 1997), pgs. 494-499; 
available at . And 
see Jane Lubchenco, "Entering the Century of the Environment: A New 
Social Contract for Science," Science Vol. 279 (Jan. 23, 1998), pgs. 
491-497, available at

[7] David Pimentel and others, "Environmental and Economic Costs of 
Soil Erosion and Conservation Benefits," Science, Vol. 267, No. 5201. 
(Feb. 24, 1995), pp. 1117-1123, available at

[8] Stuart L. Pimm and others, "The Future of Biodiversity," Science 
Vol. 269 (July 21, 1995), pgs. 347-350, available at

[9] Poul Harremoes and others, Late lessons from early warnings: the 
precautionary principle 1896-2000 [Environmental Issue Report No. 22] 
(Copenhagen, Denmark: European Environment Agency, 2001). This report 
is available free at 
but be aware that it's a couple of megabytes in size.

[10] Frank Ackerman and Rachel Massey, Prospering With Precaution. 
This short report, published during 2002 by the Global Development 
and Environment Institute at Tufts University, argues that 
precautionary policies promote industrial innovation and create jobs. 
Available at

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Environmental Research Foundation
P.O. Box 160
New Brunswick, N.J. 08903
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