Hi Ryan,

Where do you get your news/views from? Fox News!
I don't know where to start in correcting the inaccuracies in your
statements, nor do I have the time.
I think the best thing you could do would be to read almost any book by Noam
Chomsky (What Uncle Sam Really Wants or Deterring Democracy)about the way
America runs the world.
Did you never hear of the American overthrow of democratically elected
governments in Chile and Guatemala and Iran?


-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Morgan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 14 May 2004 09:22
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [biofuel] RE: [biofuels] Re: US poll about Iraq war

Hey Todd et al, let's not make this personal, did you perhaps not see my
":)?".  I was merely saying that we have all benefited in the long run from
the genocide that happened in North America in the past.  One cannot judge
history by modern standards, that's History 101!  America is single-handedly
the most innovative populace the world has ever known period.  Look around
you, the technology our democracy and free markets have produced and
continue to produce have saved countless more lives, and provided for even
more than were lost in the settling of this land.  We are all benefiting
from this, our life expectancy is much higher than even two generations ago,
and our quality of life is unimaginable to those in the past.  Do you like
your medicine?  Your efficient, convenient way of life?  Your entertainment,
refrigerator, how about your computer, it's software and the Internet?  Have
you ever used a phone, or turned on a light, or read a newspaper, or
wondered about the mysteries of Space?  This country has developed more
technology than any other past or present, that we are all benefiting from.

Furthermore, who does the world look to for justice in the world?  Were it
not the Americans who emerged victorious in WWI and WWII saving the world
from tyranny and genocide?  Did anyone else contribute more to the plight of
the South Koreans, the Vietnamese, the Kuwaitis and Saudis, or to the people
of Yugoslavia?  Who stopped the communists from taking over the world?  Has
anyone else offered to bail out countless corrupt government after corrupt
government, saving people from poverty, without even asking to be re-paid?
Do I condone genocide?  Of course not.  But we, in this day and age, have
all benefited from it.  That is all I am saying.

As for my comments on the need to reduce incentive for stability in the
Middle East, I apologize for painting anyone on this list (who did not want
to be painted) as working toward reducing dependency on foreign oil,
specifically oil from the Middle East.  What I meant to say, is that I am
working to reduce our dependency on foreign oil so that we as a nation have
less of a reason (incentive) to meddle in the affairs of the Middle East.
As far as I can tell (and I have never been there) the region is fraught
with religious strife, brutality, ignorance, and hatred.  In short, most of
the countries there seem almost laughably behind the times given their
resources, corrupt, and no place to be if you were born with fallopian tubes
and a uterus.  Islamic law fosters fear, slows progress, and is easily
abused by those in power.  We are fighting the evil, backward, minority in
Iraq for many reasons, oil, hope, and liberation among them.  We have
attempted to provide them with hope for a brighter future, teach them about
democracy and free trade, so that we may watch them prosper, and no one can
seem to get past centuries old grudges and hatred toward one another and us.
It got so bad, one man ordered the hijacking and crashing of our own planes
(once again our inventions) into our own skyscrapers (dido) because we had
established a base in "The Holy Land" to promote stability in the region,
and he couldn't handle we "Infidels" on his turf.  Where were the Muslims
after 9/11?  I sure didn't hear cries of outrage and condemnation from their
community, did you?  In fact the silence, at least state-side, was
deafening.  We are "infidels," and every good Muslim must rid the world of
infidels according to the Koran, am I right?  So I say, "Fine, you want me
dead?  I'll fight you back by not buying your oil and watching you figure
out the world doesn't work that way anymore and changing.

I buy and promote biodiesel to give the people of the Middle East incentive
to find another line of work and move forward.  As for the non-American
majority on this list, stop and consider, for a moment where you would be
without us.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: appalenergy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 8:50 AM
  To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [biofuel] Re: US poll about Iraq war

  Crikey Ryan!

  Did you read what you wrote? Do you even understand what it is that
  you communicated?

  How distored a perspective can you have when you say

  > that much more good has come from our use
  > of the land for the good of the world, than from the natives who
  > it previously.

  And to justify such a statement of arrogance by trying to lay guilt
  on the doorsteps of those who came after such slaughter? How
  disconnected and disjointed can a human being's thought processes be?

  Benefitted? Haven't you figured out that the mindless and "depraved
  philosophy" of Manifest Destiny is something that global society is
  suffering the consequences from to this very day? Not to mention
  that it's acceptance and implementation in one era smooths the path
  for its implementation in every generation thereafter.

  Get real for a moment. It's somehow okay to slaughter and
  displace "the poor, savage, barbaric, nomadic ... natives" who
  cannot withstand overwhelming numbers, unimaginable weaponry and
  devastating disease?

  Who the hell are you or anyone else to pass such judgement?

  Wake up for Christ's sake!!! And everyone elses. Standing up for
  a "depraved philosophy that states we are morally compelled by God
  Almighty to kill weaker people and steal their land" is every bit as
  immoral and depraved as those who swing the sword, obliterate food
  supplies or intentionally seed blankets with smallpox - or any
  similar actions.

  And then you move on and take issue with applications of similar
  policies of arrogance in the present day? Something sure isn't wound
  and tensioned properly in your upstairs orbit if you can on the one
  hand see the insanity of Bush's implementation of Jacksonian policy
  but still endorse or justify such aberrations in historical context.

  Somehow you need to get a mental, emotional and even spiritual grip
  and start understanding that all those dead, maimed and displaced
  persons from previous generations that you so easily dismiss were as
  human as you are at this very moment - and judging by your words,
  perhaps more so in many respects.

  One can only wonder how you would perceive history if you were a
  mother or child or infant or weathered elder on the receiving end of
  a saber or bullet sent from "god."

  What are now "ghosts" were once brothers and sisters. And neither
  you nor anyone else has ever possessed the right to wave your hand
  and state that their murder is or was justified.

  As for your dismally blind and sweepingly general perspective on how
  well off the indigenous peoples of the North American continent are
  today or what the traits of a broadened education are?

  Whatever it is that you're smoking you need to put it down and take
  a long walk back into the world of reality.

  Todd Swearingen

  --- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, "Ryan Morgan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  > All I can add in our defense, is that much more good has come from
  our use
  > of the land for the good of the world, than from the natives who
  > it previously.  Yes, you too have benefited from Jackson' s quest,
  so find a
  > better argument about the poor, savage, barbaric, nomadic though
  > rich natives who fell easily to manifest destiny.  Their children
  are being
  > well taken care of, and now have the benefit of electricity,
  > housing, internal combustion, oh, and beer.  :)
  > Also, we sure picked a loser for a President in 2000, good thing
  we can kick
  > him out of office in 2004.  How many other countries refresh their
  > leadership on such a regular basis?  I agree with some who think
  his entire
  > administration should be behind bars for the atrocities,
  corruption, and
  > fleecing of not only the American public, but the entire world.  I
  > ashamed to be associated with our false President and his cabinet
  > days, but proud that I voted for Al Gore, and rightly so...as it
  turns out.
  > Is Kerry the answer?  Maybe, but at least he will choose an
  > different administration and get those crocked-good-for-nothin'
  > Rumsfelds, and Cheneys out of positions of power.  When push comes
  to shove,
  > and believe me it has!  The American public will do the right
  > In the mean time, we're all [here on this list] are just doing
  what we can
  > to reduce the need for foreign oil, to take the incentive away from
  > stability in the Middle East.  Personally I look forward to the
  day when the
  > economics of the region make it impossible to inhabit the area, at
  least on
  > the same scale.  Where will all of those people go?  Well, they
  may just
  > have to assimilate elsewhere, obey the law, get a job, and act
  > Enough of this 2000 year code of Islamic law already, the world
  > progress...they'll figure it out.
  > Please note I don't hate Native Americans or Muslim populations in
  > I believe all people are generally good, and have gone through the
  > years of feminist based philosophy that is State-sponsored
  University here
  > in the US.  With that said-
  > Flame away dear friends,
  > Ryan  :)
  >   -----Original Message-----
  >   From: Appal Energy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  >   Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 1:57 PM
  >   To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
  >   Subject: Re: [biofuel] US poll about Iraq war
  >   Why not ask the Israelis Ted?
  >   No. Wait. They haven't figured out their little problem yet
  >   Many don't agree with the analogy of Iraq being another Viet Nam.
  >   Rather, the comparison to the Gaza Strip or the West Bank is more
  >   appropriate - continual attrition, continual hate, continual
  >   continual occupation.
  >   But heck. The US has been very good at oppression, occupation
  and even
  >   genocide throughout its "illustrious" past. Just ask any
  American native.
  >   And for that? Jackson got his picture on the $20.
  >   One very queer country that pays homage to those who are the
  architects of
  >   such sweeping devastation.
  >   Todd Swearingen
  >   ----- Original Message -----
  >   From: "Ted Dinkelman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  >   To: <biofuel@yahoogroups.com>
  >   Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 2:02 PM
  >   Subject: Re: [biofuel] US poll about Iraq war
  >   > As the poll states, the majority think this is a bad idea. My
  > is
  >   how do we get out of it? Just quiting and going home would be a
  >   situation and staying will cost many lives on all sides.
  >   >
  >   > Ted
  >   >
  >   > Hakan Falk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  >   >
  >   >
  >   > I just saw the latest gallup polls about the Iraq war and Bush
  > of
  >   > it. As we said the whole time, "it were and is a bad idea to
  > unilaterally
  >   > occupy Iraq". Now finally a majority of the American people
  seems to
  > agree
  >   > with it and that Bush is not capable to handle it. Now we
  cannot find
  > any
  >   > majority population of any  country in the world, who think
  that the
  > Iraq
  >   > occupation was or is a good idea.
  >   >
  >   > We also find some fine ways of which the OPEC countries show
  > opinion
  >   > of what is happening. They are signing up the major
  development of
  > Natural
  >   > Gas with other countries, like Russia and China, and when US
  > have
  >   > transport capacity for NG, they will have difficulties to buy
  > The
  >   > same is happening on new oil exploration. They also have
  difficulties in
  >   > delivering more oil to US. This is not a surprise, if the
  proponents of
  >   the
  >   > opinion that we at the moment experience the Hubbert peak of
  >   > production. The other possibility is that the oil producing
  >   > prefer to sell to China, than to US. My personal opinion is
  that, even
  > if
  >   > they wanted, they cannot meet the growing demand in US and the
  world. US
  >   is
  >   > not only buying to meet higher demands, but is also buying
  > for
  >   > filling up their strategic storage reserve, that way pushing
  >   higher.
  >   >
  >   > Hakan
  >   >
  >   >
  >   >
  >   >
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