Hi Hoagy

> > Anyone see this?
> No but thank you Keith and speaking of real men and
> what they have to say I thought this excerpt from the
> article pasted below would be of possible future interest --
>   "Finally, we learn from Bob Woodward that, as a
>   reward for getting rid of Saddam Hussein, Bush
>   received what amounts to an in-kind campaign
>   contribution from the Saudi royal family. Don't
>   worry about rising gas prices, Prince Bandar assured
>   the president. After screwing Americans all summer
>   with high prices at the pump, Bandar promised Bush
>   the Saudis would pump more oil in the fall, thereby
>   lowering gas prices ö just before the election."

We had something about it before, but it's certainly worth spelling 
it out again, thankyou. I just hope people will remember it when it 
happens. And the media...

> > There's also a piece by Anthony Sampson in the Independent, but only
> > for subscribers (which I'm not): "Anthony Sampson: The war in Iraq is
> > distracting the West from the looming crisis in Saudi Arabia -- The
> > ultimate nightmare for Western consumers is to find that the biggest
> > oil exporter does not need to export" 22 May 2004
> >

I found this piece by Anthony Sampson, a different view:


Anthony Sampson: The war in Iraq is distracting the West from the 
looming crisis in Saudi Arabia

The ultimate nightmare for Western consumers is to find that the 
biggest oil exporter does not need to export

22 May 2004

It is only when the British public have to pay more for their petrol 
at the pumps that they take much interest in where it comes from. And 
today, they are right to link the price of petrol to the war in Iraq. 
But motorists too readily vent their anger on the companies whose 
name they see on the signs, particularly the two British companies, 
BP and Shell, which have always been convenient scapegoats.

It is tempting to blame the oil companies for the shortage of oil, 
and to depict the war in Iraq as a straightforward attempt to control 
its oil reserves in the interests of the big corporations. But the 
remarkable fact is that Tony Blair, though he talked much about 
British interests, prepared for war without consulting the companies 
that had the greatest interests in, and experts on, Middle East oil. 
And, in fact, both Sir Philip Watts of Shell and Lord Browne of BP 
were warning that war in Iraq was likely to destabilise supplies and 
antagonise other Islamic oil-producers.

It might seem surprising, but it has happened before. When Sir 
Anthony Eden launched the Suez War in 1956, also claiming to defend 
British interests, he did not consult Shell or BP, which had the most 
to lose. Both companies were deeply worried that such a dangerous 
adventure would antagonise Arab oil-producers through the Middle East 
- which it did, damaging British relations for years to come.

The truth is that governments that are bent on military adventures - 
contrary to most conspiracy theories - become curiously resistant to 
advice from commercial concerns, which often understand much more 
about the consequences. Before the Iraq war, the neo-conservatives in 
Washington had their own view of the importance of oil: they saw 
Saddam Hussein as a huge obstacle to American power, who was sitting 
"on top of 10 per cent of the world's oil supplies", as the 
Vice-President Dick Cheney explained.

They saw Iraq as a "huge gas-station", which could be liberated to 
reduce American dependence on the other gas-station, Saudi Arabia. 
And they wanted to break the power of Opec, the Arab-dominated oil 
cartel, and ensure cheap oil for American consumers. But they wanted 
to go to war with Iraq primarily for quite other reasons - to revenge 
the humiliation of 11 September, and to assert American influence and 
military supremacy in the Middle East. And their policy amounted to a 
reversal of the oil companies' policies over the previous decades, 
which had depended on co-operating with Islamic countries - which had 
most of the world's oil supplies under their ground.

It is important to look back on this fundamental reversal, which may 
prove to be the most serious blunder behind the war. For a continuing 
high oil price could do more economic damage to the West than any 
terrorism so far.

In the post-war decades, oil had been the most potent element in 
creating nationalism in Islamic countries. The awareness that Western 
companies were exploiting their oil-wealth provoked the successive 
popular revolutions against pro-Western regimes, including Iran in 
1951 and Iraq in 1958, and the formation of Opec in 1960; and the 
nationalist regimes gradually compelled firms to share their profits 
and control. It was the growth of Arab nationalism, together with 
anger against Israel, that finally enabled the oil powers to create 
their own cartel in 1973, which quadrupled the oil price and set back 
Western economic growth for several years.

The Western countries reduced their dependence on Opec by the 
Eighties, as they discovered more oil outside the Middle East, while 
Opec realised they had a common interest in securing stable prices 
and markets. But as oil became cheaper, Americans became more 
extravagant, while new industrialised countries, led by China, became 
huge new consumers of oil.

The key to supplies remained Saudi Arabia, the most important source 
of oil for the West, but it became more problematic. The US companies 
were determined to maintain good relations with the Saudi monarchy at 
all costs. But their corruption and ridiculous extravagance were 
provoking more discontent among the growing Saudi unemployed, who 
were turning towards fundamentalism; while many Saudi princes were 
buying them off by financing radical mosques and political movements.

It was Saudi wealth and corruption that provided the original 
provocation for Osama bin Laden and his teams of terrorists, first in 
Afghanistan and then across the world, while they became more 
determined to overthrow the corrupt monarchy inside the kingdom. Bin 
Laden made no secret that his eventual ambition was to seize power in 
his home country, and to re-establish the austere Wahabi religion on 
which the country was founded. But the Iraq war provided a massive 
distraction - as many had warned - from this ultimate nightmare.

The US neo-conservatives saw the liberation of Iraq as the means to 
counter their dependence on the Saudis, as Iraq's huge newly-found 
reserves could soon be brought on to the market. But the war has so 
far had precisely the opposite effect: Iraqi resistance has seriously 
limited oil production.

At the same time, the security of Saudi Arabia has looked much more 
doubtful. The Saudi government, with much US help, has massively 
increased the military defences of its own oilfields, with an 
estimated 20,000 troops and security guards. But the Americans have 
also become much more critical of the Saudi monarchy, while they are 
confronting internal terrorists who threaten to undermine their whole 

The extent of the revolt is hard to assess, for foreign journalists 
now have great difficulty in entering the country. But the 
well-informed newsletter Energy Intelligence gives a worrying account 
of the insecurity inside the kingdom. After terrorists attacked the 
security headquarters, the government declared an all-out war against 
the extremists, but new militant groups keep appearing. And in the 
end, there can be no purely military solution against an internal 

The war in Iraq, with all its blunders and horrors, has continued to 
distract the West from the crisis in Saudi Arabia, which was the more 
serious consequence of 11 September, and the ambitions of Osama bin 
Laden. A civil war in Saudi Arabia could provide a greater threat to 
Western security than either Iraq or Afghanistan.

For if the fundamentalists were eventually to take control of Saudi 
Arabia, they would not feel the same necessity as other producers to 
sell their oil to finance their development. They believe that it is 
wealth that has corrupted their country, and they could manage 
without it. That is the ultimate nightmare for Western consumers: to 
find that the biggest oil exporter does not need to export.

It is the growing uncertainty about the future of Arab oil supplies 
that lies behind the mounting price of petrol at the pumps. And as 
motorists complain about the cost of their journeys, they should 
question their government, not the oil companies. How they could have 
embarked with so little consultation on a war that would provoke such 
instability in countries on which they desperately depend for their 

> > --------
> >
> > http://www.arabnews.com/?page=6&section=0&article=44011&d=29&m=4&y=2004
> >
> > Saudi Oil Is Secure and Plentiful, Say Officials
> > Tim Kennedy, Arab News
> <snip>
> I agree with Bush:  Read Bob Woodward's book
> By Bill Press
> http://worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=38179
> Posted: April 23, 2004
> © 2004 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
> It is strange enough that President Bush would
> recommend any book. After all, he admits he never
> even reads a newspaper, let alone tackles an entire
> book.
> It is even more strange he would recommend
> reading Bob Woodward's latest book, "Plan of
> Attack," which hit bookstores this week. But there it
> is:  No. 1 on the "Suggested Reading List" of the
> official Bush-Cheney 2004 website ö ahead of books
> by such adoring acolytes as Karen Hughes, Mary
> Matalin, Lynne Cheney and Sean Hannity.
> For once, I agree with President Bush. In fact, I
> second the motion. Read Bob Woodward's book. I
> already have. And if every American voter did, John
> Kerry would win by a landslide.
> This is no book by a disgruntled former employee.
> Bob Woodward is the most respected, and best
> connected, investigative reporter in the country.
> President Bush likes Woodward so much he gave
> him two, unprecedented, interviews, totaling three
> and half hours ö and instructed the rest of his team
> to do likewise.
> In "Plan of Attack," you do not read how Woodward
> thinks the decision was made to invade Iraq. You
> read how George Bush, Dick Cheney, Colin Powell,
> Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, Andy Card,
> George Tenet, Gen. Tommy Franks and others told
> him decisions were made. And his tale is
> frightening.
> From Bob Woodward we learn, first of all, that
> Richard Clarke was right. Clarke was denounced by
> the White House for suggesting the Bush
> administration was asleep at the switch during the
> months leading up to Sept. 11. Yet Woodward
> confirms that, despite a warning to the president
> from CIA Director George Tenet naming al-Qaida as
> the most serious threat facing the United States, four
> meetings of agency deputies were held in the
> summer of 2001 with zero discussion of Osama bin
> Laden. Their entire focus, that early, was on Iraq.
> From Bob Woodward we learn that President Bush
> ordered planning for war in Iraq to begin as early as
> November 2001 ö even though he publicly denied it.
> On Dec. 28, 2001, for example, he received a briefing
> on Iraq war plans from Gen. Franks in Crawford,
> Texas. He walked out of the meeting and told
> reporters they discussed Afghanistan.
> From Bob Woodward we learn that both Bush and
> Cheney knowingly exaggerated the dangers posed
> by Iraq. Despite strong suspicions of illegal activity,
> the CIA admitted to the White House it had no
> concrete evidence that Saddam Hussein possessed
> weapons of mass destruction or nuclear weapons, or
> had any connection to al-Qaida. Nevertheless, the
> president and vice-president went around the
> country, telling Americans just the opposite.
> From Bob Woodward we learn that President Bush
> decided to go to war while inspectors were still
> searching for WMD and while he was still
> pretending to work with the United Nations. He
> informed Saudi Arabia's Prince Bandar of his
> decision before telling Secretary of State Colin
> Powell. And, when he finally did meet with Powell,
> it was to tell him he was going to war, not to ask his
> advice.
> From Bob Woodward we learn that Bush paid for
> his secret war planning by diverting to Iraq $700
> million from funds previously appropriated by
> Congress, following Sept. 11, for counterterrorism.
> And he did so without notifying members of
> Congress. Under the Constitution, Congress alone
> has the power of the purse. Bush's covert transfer of
> funds was dishonest, if not outright illegal.
>   Finally, we learn from Bob Woodward that, as a
>   reward for getting rid of Saddam Hussein, Bush
>   received what amounts to an in-kind campaign
>   contribution from the Saudi royal family. Don't
>   worry about rising gas prices, Prince Bandar assured
>   the president. After screwing Americans all summer
>   with high prices at the pump, Bandar promised Bush
>   the Saudis would pump more oil in the fall, thereby
>   lowering gas prices ö just before the election.
> So there you have the official portrait of George W.
> Bush his campaign wants you to read. As portrayed
> to Bob Woodward by leaders of the administration,
> from the top down, President Bush lied to Congress
> and the American people about every aspect of the
> war in Iraq. He stole funds from one ongoing war to
> start another. And he sold American consumers
> down the river to the king of Saudi Arabia.
> Yes, please, do what the president says. Read Bob
> Woodward's book. Read it and weep.

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