May 27, 2004


Fiery Hell On Earth, Pt. 1

For some time now, I have been searching for answers to a deeply 
perplexing question: Why is the United States promoting the spread of 
atomic bombs worldwide?

By "atomic bombs" I mean the kind that turned Hiroshima and Nagasaki 
into a fiery hell in 1945 -- A-bombs made from plutonium (Nagasaki) 
or "enriched" uranium (Hiroshima).

In this series, I will briefly examine the facts, then consider some 
of the possible reasons why the U.S. might favor the proliferation of 
atomic weapons worldwide.

In at least four different ways, the U.S. is refusing to limit -- and 
in some cases is actively promoting -- the spread of atomic bombs 
around the globe.[1]

(1) The U.S. is helping foreign nations acquire nuclear power plants, 
which everyone acknowledges have provided the basis for A-bomb 
programs in India, Pakistan, South Africa, North Korea and, during 
the 1980s, in Iraq.[2] In the hands of a willing nation, nuclear 
power equals nuclear weapons.

(2) The U.S. is dragging its feet in achieving its stated goal of 
preventing theft of nuclear weapons within the former Soviet Union.[1]

(3) The U.S. is failing to retrieve 35,000 pounds of weapons-grade 
uranium that the U.S. loaned or gave to 43 countries during the past 
50 years. A crude but effective A-bomb requires 110 pounds (50 kg) of 
enriched uranium.[3]

(4) President Bush has ordered a fundamental shift in U.S. nuclear 
weapons policies, initiating what the New York Times calls "the 
second nuclear age."

These new policies entail (a) creation of a new class of smaller 
nuclear weapons, (b) guiding small A-bombs to their targets from 
outer space, (c) reducing the time it takes to launch a nuclear 
strike, and (d) a new policy of pre-emptive first use of nuclear 
weapons even against non-nuclear states.

"It is precisely these kinds of provocative new weapons capabilities 
-- at a time when the administration seeks to prevent proliferation 
of weapons of mass destruction elsewhere -- that worries even hawkish 
Republicans," says James Sterngold of the San Francisco Chronicle.[4]

Let's examine each of these four developments in more detail:

I. Nuclear power = nuclear weapons

The U.S. is urging -- and subsidizing -- foreign nations to build new 
nuclear power plants to generate electricity, while acknowledging 
that every nuclear power plant certainly provides the stepping stones 
to A-bombs.

For example, when Vice-President Dick Cheney visited China in April, 
2004, he was promoting the sale of Westinghouse nuclear power plants 
to the Chinese.[5] Current U.S. policy restricts the export of 
nuclear technology to China but the Bush administration is expected 
to lift those restrictions in September. The immediate beneficiaries 
will be Westinghouse and General Electric.[6] China has already 
announced plans to build 32 nuclear power plants, and to export the 
technology to other countries. For example, China has said it intends 
to help Pakistan build two large nuclear power plants capable of 
producing plutonium.[5]

Within the U.S. itself, in recent months two corporate consortiums 
have proposed building new nuclear power plants.[7] President Bush is 
an enthusiastic supporter of nuclear power.

But nuclear power plants always carry an unspoken danger. For nations 
that want to build A-bombs, nuclear power provides the basis for all 
that's needed in the way of technology, opportunity and know-how.

No one disputes this view -- the "nuclear club" has been able to 
expand only because the spread of nuclear power plants has been 
encouraged and subsidized. Why does the U.S. continue down this path?

As the New York Times wrote recently, "'If you look at every nation 
that's recently gone nuclear,' said Mr. [Paul] Leventhal of the 
Nuclear Control Institute, 'they've done it through the civilian 
nuclear fuel cycle: Iraq, North Korea, India, Pakistan, South Africa. 
And now we're worried about Iran.' The moral, he added, is that atoms 
for peace can be 'a shortcut to atoms for war.'"[8]

The Times goes on, "Today, with what seems like relative ease, 
scientists can divert an ostensibly peaceful program to make not only 
electricity but also highly pure uranium or plutonium, both excellent 
bomb fuels."[8]

And: "Experts now talk frankly about a subject that was once taboo: 
'virtual' weapon states - Japan, Germany, Belgium, Canada, Brazil, 
Kazakhstan, Taiwan and a dozen other countries that have mastered the 
basics of nuclear power and could, if they wanted, quickly cross the 
line to make nuclear arms, probably in a matter or months."[8] 
Experts call crossing that line "breakout."

Other nations thought to have the know-how (though not necessarily 
the inclination) to cross the breakout line include Egypt, Syria, 
Nigeria, and South Korea.

The U.S. is on record as vigorously opposing the proliferation of 
nuclear weapons. However, U.S. actions to prevent proliferation are 
half-hearted and contradictory at best.[1,9] For example, when U.S. 
allies break all the rules and export A-bomb technology, the U.S. 
looks the other way. Earlier this year, the world was rocked by news 
that Pakistan's chief nuclear engineer, Abdul Qadeer Khan, had sold a 
"complete package" of A-bomb technology to Libya, to North Korea, and 
probably to Iran. The "complete package" included enriched uranium, 
centrifuges for making more enriched uranium, and one or more designs 
for A-bombs.[10] Dr. Khan even maintained a telephone support hotline 
for his A-bomb customers. It was a good business -- Dr. Khan 
reportedly received more than $100 million from Libya alone.[11]

When Dr. Khan's international smuggling network was discovered, the 
President of Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf, forced Dr. Khan to 
retire as head of Khan Research Laboratories, then turned around and 
gave him an official pardon, lavished him with praise and gave him 
the title "special adviser" to the president.[10] According to the 
New York Times, "...some former and current American officials say 
there was considerable evidence that General Musharraf was turning a 
blind eye to Dr. Khan's activities, which they say may have involved 
parts of the Pakistani military."[12]

The Bush administration did nothing. "Although Mr. Bush has vowed to 
pursue and prosecute those who spread nuclear weapons technology, the 
administration did not criticize Mr. Musharraf when he decided to 
pardon Mr. Khan, who ran what now appears to be one of the largest 
nuclear proliferation networks in the past half-century."[10]

Did Dr. Khan provide bomb-grade uranium and nuclear know-how to Al 
Qaeda? "It's mystifying that the administration hasn't leaned on 
Pakistan to make Dr. Khan available for interrogation to ensure that 
his network is entirely closed," writes New York Times columnist 
Nicholas D. Kristof. "Several experts on Pakistan told me they 
believe that the [U.S.] administration has been so restrained because 
its top priority isn't combating nuclear proliferation -- it's 
getting President Pervez Musharraf's help in arresting Osama bin 
Laden before the November election," Kristof writes.[13]

Pakistan was not the only U.S. ally involved in selling A-bombs to 
Libya, North Korea and Iran. Dubai in the United Arab Emirates served 
as the "key transfer point" for all the technology Dr. Khan was 
selling. Just as the Cayman Islands are known for laundering drug 
money, Dubai is known for laundering black-market products like 
A-bomb parts.[14]

When President Bush learned of Dubai's role in Pakistan's atomic 
shopping mall, he again did nothing. As the scandal was breaking in 
March, 2004, the Times reported that Lockheed Martin was proceeding 
with the sale of 80 F-16 fighters to Dubai -- apparently a reward to 
a trusted and valued ally.[14]

Even when wealthy, technically-savvy governments play strictly by the 
rules, the civilian nuclear fuel cycle has proven impossible to 
control. For example, the Japanese acknowledged earlier this year 
that they have lost 435 pounds of plutonium -- enough to make about 
25 nuclear bombs as big as the one that wiped out Nagasaki in 1945. 
They know they produced it but they have no idea where it went.[15]

So long as the U.S. continues to promote nuclear power for itself and 
its allies, the fiery hell on earth draws ever closer and more vivid.

I used to think this problem of "nuclear weapons proliferation" was 
the "Achilles heel" of nuclear power -- the uncontrollable problem 
that would finally convince the world to stuff the nuclear power 
genie back into the bottle and never let it out again.

I am now wondering whether I had it exactly backwards: perhaps 
nuclear weaponry is the main appeal of nuclear power -- both to those 
who are buying it AND to those who are selling it. (More on this in 
Part 3.)

II. Turning a Blind Eye to Loose Soviet A-Bombs

The U.S. has continually failed to secure nuclear weapons left over 
from the cold war in countries of the former Soviet Union. As the New 
York Times reported in March 2004, "The bipartisan [U.S.] program to 
secure weapons of mass destruction is starved for funds -- but Mr. 
Bush is proposing a $41 million cut in 'cooperative threat reduction' 
with Russia."[13]

"I wouldn't be at all surprised if nuclear weapons are used over the 
next 15 or 20 years," Bruce Blair, president of the Center for 
Defense Information, told the New York Times recently, "first and 
foremost by a terrorist group that gets its hands on a Russian 
nuclear weapon or a Pakistani nuclear weapon."[13]

There are an estimated 15,000 nuclear weapons in the countries of the 
former Soviet Union -- 7,000 of them strategic weapons plus an 
estimated 8,000 tactical weapons.[3] Strategic weapons are the big 
ones capable of incinerating whole cities. They are covered by 
disarmament treaties and so have been pretty well inventoried. They 
are also physically large and protected with several layers of 
elaborate codes and anti-detonation devices. It would be extremely 
difficult to steal one and set it off.

But tactical nuclear weapons are a different story. "The most 
troublesome gap in the generally reassuring assessment of Russian 
weapons security is those tactical nuclear warheads -- smaller, 
short-range weapons like torpedoes, depth charges, artillery shells, 
mines. Although their smaller size and greater number makes them 
ideal candidates for theft, they have gotten far less attention 
simply because, unlike all of our long-range weapons, they happen not 
to be the subject of any formal treaty," says the New York Times.[3]

The commonly-used estimate of 8,000 tactical nukes is "an educated 
guess," says the Times. Other estimates range from a low of 4,000 to 
a high of 32,000 tactical A-bombs. Even the Russians don't seem to 
have a reliable inventory.[3]

"The other worrying thing about tactical nukes is that their anti-use 
devices are believed to be less sophisticated, because the weapons 
were designed to be employed in the battlefield. Some of the older 
systems are thought to have no permissive action links at all, so 
that setting one off would be about as complicated as hot-wiring a 
car," says the Times.[3]

But stealing a nuclear weapon may not be the easiest way for a 
terrorist group to join the nuclear club.

Bill Keller, who wrote the eye-opening article, "Nuclear Nightmares" 
for the New York Times magazine two years ago, says, "The closest 
thing I heard to consensus among those who study nuclear terror was 
this: building a nuclear bomb is easier than you think, probably 
easier than stealing one."[3]

III. Sluggish Response to Weapons-Grade Uranium

So the third way that the U.S. is promoting the spread of atomic 
bombs is by failing to retrieve the weapons-grade enriched uranium 
that the U.S. sent abroad during the past 50 years.

Here is the opening paragraph from a New York Times story March, 7, 
2004: "As the United States presses Iran and other countries to shut 
down their nuclear weapons development programs, government auditors 
have disclosed that the United States is making little effort to 
recover large quantities of weapons-grade uranium -- enough to make 
roughly 1,000 nuclear bombs -- that the government dispersed to 43 
countries over the last several decades," including Iran and 

Why would President Bush fiddle around in the face of a threat as 
serious and obvious as this one?
                                               --Peter Montague [To be 


[1] This newsletter was written before the New York Times 
editorialized as follows on May 28, 2004:

"While the Bush administration has been distracted by the invasion 
and occupation of Iraq, it has neglected the far more urgent threat 
to American security from dangerous nuclear materials that must be 
safeguarded before they can fall into the hands of terrorists. That 
is the inescapable conclusion to be drawn from a new report that 
documents the slow pace of protecting potential nuclear bomb material 
at loosely guarded sites around the world.

"The report -- prepared by researchers at the Kennedy School of 
Government at Harvard -- does not directly blame the invasion of Iraq 
for undermining that effort. It simply notes that less nuclear 
material was secured in the two years immediately after the 9/11 
attacks than in the two years before....

"The most plausible explanation is that the administration has 
focused so intensely on Iraq, which posed no nuclear threat, that it 
had little energy left for the real dangers. Indeed, the Harvard 
researchers said that if a tenth of the effort and resources devoted 
to Iraq in the last year was devoted to securing nuclear material 
wherever it might be, the job could be accomplished quickly."

[2] In early June, 1981, Israel bombed a nuclear power plant under 
construction in Iraq, asserting that Iraq intended it for making 
A-bombs. See Steven R. Weisman, "Reagan Asserts Israel Had Cause To 
Mistrust Iraq: Senate Panel Not Convinced," New York Times June 17, 
1981. pg. A1.

[3] Bill Keller, "Nuclear Nightmares," New York Times May 26, 2002.

[4] James Sterngold, "A new era of nuclear weapons: Bush's buildup 
begins with little debate in Congress," San Francisco Chronicle Dec. 
7, 2003.

[5] H. Josef Hebert, "Cheney to shop Westinghouse nuke technology to 
China," Salt Lake City (Utah) Tribune April 10, 2004.

[6] Reuters, "Asian countries in race for nuclear power," Economic 
Times [of India] April 11, 2004.

[7] "A 2nd Consortium Wants a Reactor," New York Times April 1, 2004.

[8] William J. Broad, "Nuclear Weapons in Iran: Plowshare or Sword," 
New York Times (Science Section) May 25, 2004.

[9] "Editorial: Half a Proliferation Program," New York Times Feb. 16, 2004.

[10] David E. Sanger, "U.S. Widens Its View of Pakistan Link to 
Korean Arms," New York Times Mar. 14, 2004.

[11] David E. Sanger and William J. Broad, "Pakistani's Nuclear 
Earnings: $100 Million," New York Times Mar. 16, 2004.

[12] David Rohde and Talat Hussain, "Delicate Dance for Musharraf In 
Nuclear case," New York Times Feb. 8, 2004.

[13] Nicholas D. Kristof, "A Nuclear 9/11," New York Times Mar. 10, 2004.

[14] Gary Milhollin and Kelly Motz, "OpEd: Nukes 'R' Us," New York 
Times Mar. 4, 2004.

[15] Bayan Rahman, "Japan Loses 206 kg of Plutonium," New York Times 
Jan. 28, 2003.

[16] Joel Brinkley and William J. Broad, "U.S. Lags in Recovering 
Fuel Suitable for Nuclear Arms," New York Times Mar. 7, 2004.

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