--- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The global food trade - the vital numbers
> - For every calorie of carrot flown into the UK from South Africa, 
> use 66 calories of fuel.
> - Of every 100 fruits consumed in the UK, only five will now have 
> been produced domestically.
> - One shopping basket of organic products could have travelled 
> 241,000 kilometres and released as much CO2 into the atmosphere as 
> average four-bedroom house does through cooking meals over eight 
> months.
> - In 1998 the UK imported 61,400 tonnes of poultry meat from the 
> Netherlands. In the same year it exported 33,100 tonnes of poultry 
> meat back to the Netherlands.
> - In 1997 126 million litres of milk were imported into the UK, 
> 270 million litres were exported at the same time.

Would the phrase "Taking coals to Newcastle" fit with your post above?
>From the link below, I gleaned one paragraph about coals to Newcastle:
URL-> http://www.thenortheast.fsnet.co.uk/page49.htm
Paragraph from URL->
Recorded coal mines supplying coal to Newcastle existed at Elswick, 
Winlaton, Heworth and the Town Moor. By 1378 Newcastle shipped 15,000 
tons of coal per year and exported coal to many parts of Europe as 
well as importing iron ore from Sweden. In 1452 t rades included the 
keelmen who ferried the coal to collier ships in the centre of the 
Tyne. The phrase "coals to Newcastle", meaning an unnecessary 
pursuit, was first recorded in 1538.
Also, while digging around on the web for the phrase, I coincidently 
ran across a recent biofuels article pertaining to the phrase "Coals 
to Newcastle":

Text version:
"No More Coals To Newcastle!"
UK Firm Pioneers Biodiesel That Grows on Trees
by Candida Jones for D1 Oils

The British have a saying, "taking coals to Newcastle", that 
Americans might render as "taking steel to Pittsburgh". Newcastle, 
one of the centres of Britain's industrial revolution, was for 
hundreds of years the main source of coal for London. So taking coal 
to the city was the epitome of a pointless activity. Now, however, D1 
Oils, a UK company based in Newcastle, has come up with a new and 
environmentally sound spin on the old adage. Rather than dealing in 
the kind of carbon-rich products that Newcastle's economy depended on 
for so many years (and left its countryside scarred and its towns 
polluted), D1 will be importing to the UK vegetable oil from some of 
the poorest countries in the world for refining into biodiesel. 
Biodiesel is a renewable liquid fuel extracted from biological raw 
material and is an excellent low-carbon substitute for oil in the 
transport sector. The vegetable oil which D1 will import will be 
derived mainly from the jatropha tree, which can grow in some of the 
least hospitable soils in Africa and Asia, bringing work and foreign 
currency to those who grow and refine the energy crop, and bringing 
clean fuel alternatives to both the developed and developing world. 
In short, the cultivation of energy crops may be just what the 
developing world needs if it is to avoid taking the same polluted 
path to industrialization that Newcastle itself embarked upon over 
200 years ago. 

Jatropha ö the fuel of the future 

D1 is focusing its efforts on extracting oil from the seeds of the 
jatropha tree, which, once processed, has similar physical and 
chemical properties and a similar energy value to normal fossil 
diesel, and which can be blended with conventional diesel. Jatropha 
seeds have an oil yield of up to 40%, and produce profitable 
byproducts such as glycerine for cosmetics and seed cake for 
fertilizer and animal feed. Jatropha can be grown almost anywhere but 
does especially well in West Africa, Southern Africa and India. It 
grows quickly, and is hardy and drought-tolerant. Jatropha 
establishes itself easily even in arid and waste land where other 
crops would perish, and such land is often abundant in the poorest 
areas of the developing world. Jatropha can even be grown on semi-
desert using waste water, making it a useful tool in the prevention 
of desertification. Since planting, growing and refining jatropha 
seeds requires manpower, its cultivation would generate large numbers 
of agricultural jobs in regions where there is often widespread 
poverty. D1 does not aim simply to cultivate the seeds for the 
benefit of foreign markets; it has developed a modular transportable 
refinery for producing biodiesel locally from various feedstocks. The 
refinery produces minimal emissions, uses virtually no water and can 
be powered in remote locations by its own biodiesel. Indeed, using 
biodiesel in transport and in power generation will allow the 
developing world to expand its economy and industry without this 
growth being at the expense of its environment. 

But importing biodiesel from the jatropha tree would also help 
Europe. It would provide a crucial fillip to the EU's biofuels policy 
while assisting with the realisation of clean-air legislation, 
climate change reduction and security of supply. 

Biofuels legislation 

The EU's Biofuels directive requires a minimum level of biofuels as a 
proportion of fuels sold of 2% by 2005, 5.75% by 2010 and 20% by 
2020. These targets will create a demand of 14m tonnes of biofuels by 
2010 of which the European Commission expects biodiesel to represent 
7.8m tonnes. Currently the EU relies on the heavily-subsidized 
cultivation of rapeseed and sunflower to help meet these targets. 
Already some 3m hectares of agricultural land across the EU 
cultivates 10m tonnes of rapeseed, an area roughly the size of 
Belgium, but since just 20% of this (or 2m tonnes) is ultimately used 
for biodiesel as opposed to edible rapeseed oil, another whole 
Belgium would have to be covered in the yellow rape seed blanket to 
meet the EU biofuel targets. Rapeseed also tires the land, requiring 
a combination of crop rotation and fossil-based fertilizers to keep 
production going and preventing farmers from growing more 
environmentally-friendly organic products or less intensive crops. D1 
believes that jatropha could fill the biofuels gap which is currently 
being plugged by ever more crops of rapeseed. 

Biodiesel ö better for health and the environment 

The cultivation of energy crops brings with it health and 
environmental benefits for both the host country and the importing 
nations. According to the International Energy Association (IEA) the 
use of oil, including diesel, for road transport will double in the 
next 25 years and greenhouses gases will increase commensurably with 
disastrous repercussions for our environment. Compared with mineral 
diesel, however, biodiesel reduces particle emissions (PM) by 30%, 
carbon monoxide (CO), which affects air quality and human health, by 
50% and sodium monoxide (SOx) by 50%. The US Department of Energy has 
confirmed that "the biodiesel 20 mix (a 20% biodiesel solution) emits 
16% less CO2 than petrol diesel", making even diluted biodiesel a 
preferable option to conventional fuel. Unlike mineral diesel, 
biodiesel is non-toxic and is biodegradable. In tests sponsored by 
the US Department of Agriculture biodiesel was confirmed as ten times 
less toxic than table salt and as biodegradable as dextrose. Added to 
these statistics the obvious need for the world to find alternative 
energy sources to volatile Middle Eastern oil and the EU's stated 
objective of ensuring a secure and diverse energy supply, and 
biodiesel becomes an ever more attractive alternative. 

Progress in the developing world 

D1 has already embarked on the long road of finding ideal locations 
for the cultivation of jatropha, securing supply deals and planning 
refineries both in the UK and on location in the developing world. 
This winter D1 expects to open its first refinery in Newcastle. Plans 
are already underway to establish facilities at various locations in 
the developing world, and D1 has signed plantation agreements in 
Burkina Faso, Ghana, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa and Zambia. 


India offers an ideal market for biodiesel. Not only is the country 
undergoing rapid economic expansion, but increases in world oil 
prices have been a catalyst for India to speed up a non-fossil fuel 
development programme. India also has large areas of poor quality 
land ideal for the cultivation of energy crops, so growing jatropha 
will not divert land away from growing vital food crops. 

It is estimated that 75% of the increase in world demand for oil over 
will come from transport. Given India's booming economy, its 
transport sector will consume ever higher amounts of fuel over the 
coming years. Indeed, demand for diesel fuel only is expected to grow 
from current levels of 44m mt to 67m mt by end of decade. Aware of 
these predictions, the government of India has a $300m biofuels 
programme in place which foresees India replacing 5% of current 
diesel with biodiesel by 2005/6, eventually rising to 20%. 

D1 Oils India, a subsidiary of D1, is already in discussions with the 
Indian government to see how it can help India meet these targets. 
According to D1 estimates, for India to reach its target of 20% 
biodiesel mix, some 2m hectares of jatropha will be needed. With this 
target in mind, D1 has been working with the Tamil Nadu agricultural 
university on research into jatropha and large-scale planting and has 
put forward proposals to plant jatropha in Tamil Nadu, Madhya 
Pradesh, Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh. 

D1 wants to involve local organisations, ranging from NGOs to women's 
self-help groups, in the planting. Ultimately, it intends to site 
refineries across India, supplying direct to buyers such as Indian 
Oil. D1 estimates that 10,000 hectares will be required for each 
refinery, producing 8,000 tonnes of diesel from 20,000 tonnes of 

"In addition to bringing our biodiesel expertise to the Indian Sub 
continent we will work with state agricultural universities to 
produce the focused fertilisers for the Jatropha tree. There will be 
a branch in each of the target states", says Roger King of D1 Oils 


D1 is also able to produce biodiesel from other feedstocks, such as 
coconut oil. In June this year D1 Oils signed an agreement with the 
Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) for a pilot project producing 
biodiesel from coconuts for export to Japan and possibly China. The 
oil will be produced from a coconut plantation of 10,000 hectares on 
the Bondoc Peninsula in Quezon Province. Utimately, the company is 
also planning to teach farmers how to intercrop jatropha with coconut 
palms to boost overall production of feedstock. D1 will provide the 
technology, training and quality standards support for an on-site 
biodiesel refinery. The government of the Philippines is to introduce 
a 1-2% blend of coconut biodiesel for its own transport industry, so 
this kind of production work will ultimately benefit both the 
Philippines and Japan. In April this year, Philippine President 
Macapagal-Arroyo announced that the development of coconut biodiesel 
production would form a major part of government's efforts to reduce 
energy costs. The PCA, together with the Department of the 
Environment and Natural Resources, are promoting the use of biodiesel 
to meet the emissions standards laid down by the Philippine Clean Air 
Act of 1999. If the pilot project is successful, the model will be 
rolled out to 27 other regions of the Philippines, with plantations 
covering a further 25,000 hectares. 

"Given clean air rules coming into force in Japan, and the 
Philippines, and government tax incentives in other countries, we 
expect the biodiesel market in Asia to expand rapidly", says Mark 
Quinn, CEO of D1 Oils. "The agricultural sector in developing 
countries like the Philippines has the opportunity to meet this 
demand by growing biofuel crops on a large scale and producing 
biodiesel for export and for their own transport needs". 

According to Danilo Coronacion, PCA Administrator, "Our vision is to 
make the Philippines the biodiesel production centre for the Asia-
Pacific region. The use of diesel will benefit both coconut farmers 
and reduce the Philippines dependence on imported oil." 

The concept of using biodiesel may seem a new one, but it is not. 
Rudolph Diesel's first engine ran on peanut oil and now, a century 
later, it seems we are finally learning that natural oils are better 
for our health, our environment and ultimately our economy than 
fossil alternatives. The planting of trees in the developing world 
can not only provide millions of man hours of jobs, it can also help 
reclaim marginal and waste land, reduce poverty, provide "carbon 
sinks" that soak up green house gases and assist the world's poorest 
agricultural sectors. Non-food energy crops in the developing world 
can be grown economically because of the hotter, drier climate, are 
not subject to EU tariffs and could feed EU's need for biodiesel and 
the developing world's need for cleaner transport fuel. With a view 
to continuing D1's march towards a cleaner future, D1 Oils is 
planning a stock market floatation in London this autumn to expand 
its current operations. If acorns can produce huge oak trees then 
there seems little reason why jatropha seeds can't help produce the 
energy revolution the world so desperately needs. 

Candida is an environmental writer and consultant. She is former 
editor of Environmental Business News Briefing and a former 
journalist at Financial Times Energy.

Ron B.
I always liked the name Newcastle. Never been there, though.

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