Diesel Particulate Matter [subscriber access]
DieselNet Technology Guide

Diesel Particulate Matter

W. Addy Majewski

Abstract: Diesel particulate matter (DPM) is the most complex of 
diesel emissions. Diesel particulates, as defined by most emission 
standards, are sampled from diluted and cooled exhaust gases. This 
definition includes both solids, as well as liquid material which 
condenses during the dilution process. The basic fractions of DPM are 
elemental carbon, heavy hydrocarbons derived from the fuel and 
lubricating oil, and hydrated sulfuric acid derived from the fuel 
sulfur. DPM contains a large portion of the polynuclear aromatic 
hydrocarbons (PAH) found in diesel exhaust. Diesel particulates 
include small nuclei mode particles of diameters below 0.04 mm and 
their agglomerates of diameters up to 1 mm.

        What Are Diesel Particulates
        Composition of DPM
        Solid Fraction
        Soluble Organic Fraction
        Sulfate Particulates
        Particle Size Distribution

What Are Diesel Particulates

Particulate matter-perhaps the most characteristic of diesel 
emissions-is responsible for the black smoke traditionally associated 
with diesel powered vehicles. The diesel particulate matter emission 
is usually abbreviated as PM or DPM, the latter acronym being more 
common in occupational health applications. Diesel particulates form 
a very complex aerosol system. Despite considerable amount of basic 
research, neither the formation of PM in the engine cylinder, nor its 
physical and chemical properties or human health effects are fully 
understood. Nevertheless, on the basis of what is already known, PM 
is perceived as one of the major harmful emissions produced by diesel 
engines. Diesel particulates are subject to diesel emission 
regulations worldwide and, along with NOx, have become the focus in 
diesel emission control technology.

Contrary to gaseous diesel emissions, PM is not a well defined 
chemical species. The definition of particulate matter is in fact 
determined by its sampling method, the detailed specification of 
which is an important part of all diesel emission regulations. PM 
sampling involves drawing an exhaust gas sample from the vehicle's 
exhaust system, diluting it with air, and filtering through sampling 
filters. The mass of particulate emissions is determined based on the 
weight of PM collected on the sampling filter. It is quite obvious 
that any changes in the procedure, for example using a different type 
of sampling filter or different dilution parameters, may produce 
different results. Standardization of sampling methods is of utmost 
importance if results from different laboratories are to be 
comparable. Such standards have been developed for the measurement of 
PM mass in the area of public health regulations (i.e., emission 
standards for diesel engines and vehicles) worldwide. Whenever 
reference to "particulate matter" is made throughout these papers, it 
is quietly assumed that the sampling was performed from diluted and 
cooled exhaust, in accordance with these standards (unless explicitly 
stated otherwise). However, it should be realized that other sampling 
procedures and corresponding definitions of PM are perfectly 
possible. Ongoing research in Europe is aimed at developing 
standardized measuring methods based on particle number emissions, 
rather than mass, for the inclusion in future emission standards in 
addition to the PM mass metric [Andersson 2002]. So far no common 
standard has been reached in the area of diesel occupational health 
regulations, where a number of different measuring methods-and 
corresponding DPM definitions-exist in parallel.

Diesel particulate matter, as specified by the US EPA procedures and 
most other standards and regulations worldwide, is sampled by 
filtering diluted diesel exhaust at temperatures not higher than 
125¡F (52¡C). This cooling effect is typically achieved with 
laboratory dilution ratios in the range 3:1 - 20:1. Devices which are 
used in the laboratory to produce the mixture of air with diesel 
exhaust gas are known as dilution tunnels. The intention of this 
procedure is to simulate conditions at which diesel particulates are 
released from vehicles into the atmosphere. The substance which is 
sampled and regulated is supposed to correspond to diesel soot which 
is suspended in the ambient air. Fiberglas filters which are used for 
laboratory PM sampling capture solid particles, as well as liquid 
droplets, or mist, which condense from exhaust gases during the 
dilution process. In effect, the definition of PM extends to "any 
matter"-all solid and liquid material (condensate)-present in the 
diluted and cooled diesel exhaust. It should be emphasized that the 
above definition of diesel particulates is to a large degree 
arbitrary. Since the atmospheric dilution ratios of PM (about 
500-1000) are much higher than those used in laboratory dilution 
tunnels, the simulation of the atmospheric dilution is far from 
perfect [Kittelson 1998a].

Diesel particulates are composed of elemental carbon particles which 
agglomerate and adsorb other species to form structures of complex 
physical and chemical properties. Diesel particulates have a bimodal 
size distribution. They are a mixture of nuclei mode and accumulation 
mode particles, schematically shown in Figure 1. Nuclei mode 
particles are very small-according to most authors, their diameters 
are between approximately 0.007 and 0.04 mm (micron). More recent 
studies redefine the nuclei mode particle size range to be even 
smaller, from 0.003 to 0.03 mm [Kittelson 2002], thus making them 
comparable to certain large molecules. Nuclei mode particles are 
often referred to as nanoparticles, although these two terms are not 
the same. Nanoparticles are usually defined as particles below 50 nm 
in diameter (0.05 mm). This is an arbitrary definition, not related 
to the physical properties of diesel exhaust; nanoparticles include 
practically all nuclei mode particles, but may also contain a certain 
fraction of the accumulation mode.

The nature of nuclei mode particles is still studied in research 
laboratories. It is believed that nuclei mode particles are primarily 
volatile and consist mainly of hydrocarbon and hydrated sulfuric acid 
condensates which are formed from gaseous precursors as temperature 
decreases in the exhaust system and after mixing with cold air, be it 
in the laboratory dilution tunnel or in the ambient air. These 
volatile particles are very unstable; their concentrations strongly 
depend on dilution conditions such as dilution ratio and residence 
time. A small amount of nuclei mode particles may consist of solid 
material, such as carbon or metallic ash from lube oil additives 
[Tobias 2001][Kittelson 1998a]. Nuclei mode particles constitute the 
majority of particle number-on the order of 90%-but only a few 
percent of the PM mass.


Figure 1. Schematic of Diesel Particulate Matter

Accumulation mode particulates are formed by agglomeration of primary 
carbon particles and other solid materials, accompanied by adsorption 
of gases and condensation of vapors. They are composed mainly of 
solid carbon mixed with condensed heavy hydrocarbons (Figure 1), but 
may also include sulfur compounds, metallic ash, cylinder wear 
metals, etc. Diameters of the accumulation mode particles are between 
approximately 0.04 and 1 mm with a maximum concentration between 0.1 
and 0.2 mm [Brown 2000][Kittelson 1998a]. Most PM mass emission (but 
only a small proportion of the total particle number) is composed of 
agglomerated particles.

Composition of Diesel Particulates

Based on analysis performed by a combination of physical and chemical 
methods, PM is traditionally divided into three main fractions, which 
can be further sub-categorized, as follows:

1.      Solid fraction (SOL)

* elemental carbon
* ash

2.      Soluble organic fraction (SOF)

* organic material derived from engine lubricating oil
* organic material derived from fuel

3.      Sulfate particulates (SO4)

* sulfuric acid
* water

According to that classification, the total particulate matter (TPM) 
can be defined as:

(1)TPM = SOL + SOF + SO4

Particles leaving the engine are composed primarily of solid phase, 
carbon material (SOL). Both individual (nuclei mode) and agglomerated 
carbon particles are formed in the combustion chamber. In the exhaust 
system, depending on the temperature, the particles undergo limited 
oxidation and further agglomeration. Some particles are deposited on 
the exhaust pipe walls due to thermophoretic forces (i.e., mass 
transfer driven by temperature gradient). Other PM precursors 
including hydrocarbons, sulfur oxides, and water are present in the 
hot diesel exhaust as gases or vapors.

Another source of solid material in diesel exhaust are metal ash 
compounds derived from lubricating oil additives, as well as from 
engine wear. Nucleation of volatile ash constituents is believed to 
take place during expansion stroke in the engine cylinder. The ash 
nuclei can then agglomerate to form accumulation mode particles. The 
relative proportion of ash generally increases in new engines, due to 
less carbon particulates and lower total PM mass.

Physical and chemical properties of PM change once the exhaust gases 
enter the dilution tunnel, are mixed with air, and cooled to below 
52¡C. Heavy hydrocarbons, which are derived from lubricating oil and 
unburned fuel, condense or adsorb onto the surface of carbon 
particles forming the organic portion of PM (SOF). If the amount of 
carbon particles that can act as a "sponge" is insufficient, 
hydrocarbons will nucleate forming increased numbers of volatile 
(liquid) nuclei mode particles. In the dilution tunnel, the total 
hydrocarbon material from the combustion chamber becomes finally 
proportioned between particulate (SOF) and gas phase hydrocarbons (at 
least in theory; in practice a portion of diesel hydrocarbon material 
may be measured and accounted for twice: in the particulate phase and 
in the gaseous phase).

Sulfuric acid in diesel exhaust is derived from the fuel sulfur. 
Sulfur leaves the combustion chamber primarily in the form of sulfur 
dioxide (>95%) and a small proportion of sulfur trioxide (typically 
2-5%; this proportion may be significantly increased by oxidation 
catalysts). In the presence of water, SO3 reacts to produce sulfuric 

(2)SO3 + H2O ® H2SO4

Sulfate particulates are formed in the dilution tunnel through a 
heteronucleation process from the molecules of H2SO4 and water. 
During PM measurements, sulfate particulates are deposited on the 
filters together with the carbonaceous material. It was once believed 
that sulfuric acid is attached to or associated with carbon 
particles. Later research found that sulfate particles may be also 
separate from carbon particles [Walters 1988]. It is now envisioned 
that sulfate particulates, while existing in the accumulation mode 
mixed with carbon and organic SOF material, are also an important 
source of volatile (H2SO4 - H2O) nuclei mode particles [Kittelson 
2002]. Depending on the availability of metal based compounds, 
sulfuric acid may also form solid (non-volatile) sulfate salts.

The composition of PM varies greatly depending on the engine 
technology, test conditions, and, in the case of sulfate 
particulates, the sulfur content in the fuel. An example PM 
composition from a post-1994 US heavy-duty diesel engine is 
illustrated in Figure 2 [Kittelson 1998a].


Figure 2. Composition of Diesel Particulate Matter

HD diesel engine, US FTP transient cycle

Diesel particulates also include (usually as a part of the SOF) 
certain other classes of heavy hydrocarbon or hydrocarbon-derived 
material of special interest, for example the polynuclear aromatic 
hydrocarbons (PAH) or dioxins. Concentrations of these substances are 
orders of magnitude lower in comparison to the primary PM components, 
making them "invisible" in Figure 2. Due to extremely high biological 
activity in their pure state, the presence of some of these compounds 
in diesel exhaust attracted a lot of attention. PAHs and dioxins will 
be discussed in more detail below.

Solid Fraction


The solid fraction of diesel particulates is composed primarily of 
elemental carbon, sometimes also referred to as the "inorganic 
carbon". This carbon, not chemically bound with other elements, is 
the finely dispersed "carbon black" or "soot" substance responsible 
for black smoke emissions. The carbonaceous PM fraction results from 
the heterogeneous combustion process in diesel engines, where solid 
particle precursors are formed in both diffusion and premixed flame. 
Hexagonal arrays of carbon atoms in soot particles form platelet-like 
structures. The platelets are arranged in layers, typically 2 to 5, 
to form leaf-shaped graphite crystallites. The crystallites are 
randomly packed with their planes generally parallel to the surface 
of the primary (i.e., nuclei mode) particle. These three structures 
are shown schematically in Figure 3 [Broome 1971].


Figure 3. Structure of Primary Carbon Particle

The primary particles agglomerate in the cylinder, while traveling 
through the exhaust system, and after discharge into the atmosphere. 
The structure of an agglomerated diesel particle is shown in the 
transmission electron microscope (TEM) picture, Figure 4 [Dreher 
2002]. A primary particle in an agglomerate can be seen in picture 
(a). The particle if formed of numerous graphite crystallites, few 
nanometers in size, ordered to yield an onion-like structure. Both 
the size and the arrangement of the crystallites are in reasonably 
good agreement with the representation in Figure 3. The agglomerated 
particle in Figure 4 (b) exhibits a grape-like structure formed of 
hundreds of nuclei mode particles.


Figure 4. TEM Pictures of Agglomerated Carbon Particle

Courtesy of NMI

As apparent from Figure 4, while nuclei mode particulates are nearly 
spherical, sphere is a poor approximation for the shape of the 
accumulation mode particle. Agglomerated particulates often form 
chain-like elongated structures of no well defined "diameter". This 
presents a certain difficulty in PM sizing methods, since particle 
sizes have to be expressed using various types of equivalent particle 
diameters which differ depending on the measurement principle.


Another important component of the solid fraction of PM is metallic 
ash. In new engines producing less carbon particulates, the relative 
importance of non-carbon solid particulate emissions increases. 
Particulate matter from US post-1994 HD diesel engines contain 10% 
and more of ash [Abdul-Khalek 1998]. This proportion may increase 
even further in future engines.

Ash emissions receive a lot of attention from the developers of 
diesel particulate filter materials, which must be formulated to 
resist corrosion by ash compounds. In general, diesel exhaust ash 
consists of a mixture of the following components [Merkel 2001]:

* Sulfates, phosphates, or oxides of calcium (Ca), zinc (Zn), 
magnesium (Mg), and other metals that are formed in the engine's 
combustion chamber from burning of additives in the engine 
lubricating oil. These chemicals are present in lube oil as 
detergents, dispersants, acid neutralizers, anti-oxidants, corrosion 
inhibitors, anti-wear and extreme pressure additives, etc. Lube oil 
ash emissions can be modeled based on the known oil ash content 
(typically around 1.5%) and oil consumption rate (typically 0.1-0.2% 
of the diesel fuel consumption).
* Metal oxide impurities resulting from the engine wear, which are 
carried into the combustion chamber by the lube oil. These include 
oxides of iron (Fe), copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), and aluminum (Al).
* Iron oxides resulting from corrosion of the engine exhaust manifold 
and other exhaust system components. Depending upon the metallurgy of 
the exhaust system materials, these particles may also include 
chromium, nickel, and aluminum.

Furthermore, if metallic fuel additives are used to facilitate the 
regeneration of particulate filters, exhaust gases will contain the 
corresponding metal oxide ash. Metals used for that purpose include 
cerium, iron, and strontium. Metallic additives could become a source 
of high numbers of solid nuclei mode particle emissions [Kittelson 

Example composition of ash from a heavy-duty diesel vehicle is shown 
as "Ash A" in Table 1 [Merkel 2001]. The ash was collected in a 
particulate filter over a 100,000 km long experiment. Ash analysis 
revealed the presence of (Zn,Mg)3(PO4)2 and CaSO4, as agglomerates of 
primary particles of 100-500 nm in size. The BET surface area of the 
ash was 10 m2/g.
Table 1
Composition of Diesel Particulate Ash
Oxide   Ash A   Ash B   Ash C
Weight percent of oxide in ash
CaO     29.6    20.7    10.4
ZnO     9.9     6.9     3.5
MgO     5.5     3.9     1.9
SO3     38.8    27.2    13.6
P2O5    15.8    11.1    5.5
Fe2O3   0.41    30.3    0.14
CeO2    0.0     0.0     65.0

Ashes "B" and "C" were prepared by doping ash A with iron and cerium, 
respectively, to simulate the use of additives for filter 
regeneration. The amount of additive was modeled based on the assumed 
concentrations of 10 ppm Fe and 40 ppm Ce in the fuel.

Soluble Organic Fraction


Hydrocarbons adsorbed on the surface of carbon particles and/or 
present in the form of fine droplets form the soluble organic 
fraction (SOF) of diesel particulates. The adjective "soluble" takes 
its origin in the analytical technique which utilizes extraction with 
solvents to isolate the organic fraction of particulates. Sometimes 
this fraction is also referred to as VOF-volatile organic fraction. 
VOF is usually measured by vacuum evaporation and its interpretation 
is very close to that of SOF. In some laboratories, however, the 
evaporated fraction may also include water-soluble material. The VOC 
should be then adjusted for sulfates, which are determined by 
chemical analysis. If no such adjustment is made, the interpretation 
of VOC should rather be the sum of SOF and sulfate particulates, SO4.

It should be emphasized again that the SOF fraction becomes liquid 
only after cooling to below 52¡C in the laboratory dilution tunnel. 
At the temperatures in diesel exhaust, most of the SOF compounds 
exist as vapors, especially at higher engine loads when temperatures 
are high. One needs to keep this realization in mind to understand 
the changes that occur to diesel particulates in such aftertreatment 
devices as oxidation catalysts or particulate filters.

The proportion of SOF in the total PM may vary significantly between 
engines. Particulates with low SOF content are called "dry" 
particulates. PM of high SOF content is called "wet" particulate. In 
wet particulates, the organic fraction may constitute over 50% of the 
total PM, indicating a multi-layer hydrocarbon adsorption on the 
surface of the particles. In dry particulates, the SOF content may be 
as low as 10% and less. In a given engine, the SOF is strongly 
dependent on the operating conditions (i.e., test modes and duty 
cycles). Typically, SOF content is highest at light engine loads when 
exhaust temperatures are low. This is illustrated in Figure 5, which 
presents total PM emissions (represented by the size of the circles) 
and their SOF content, as measured at a number of steady state 
conditions from a 2.8 liter DI diesel engine [Horiuchi 1990]. All 
measurements at exhaust temperatures up to 200¡C (measured at the 
inlet to a catalyst) showed SOF content in excess of 50% of total PM. 
At high engine loads of above 70% and temperatures of 400¡C and more, 
the SOF dropped to less than 5%.


Figure 5. PM Composition at Different Engine Operating Conditions

2.8 liter, DI, turbocharged diesel engine; 0.38 wt.% S in fuel; PM 
emission/SOF content (g/bhp-hr/%): A 2.48/69%; B 0.66/55%; C 
1.12/65%; D 1.60/58%; E 0.85/21%; F 0.52/46%; G 0.90/10%; H 0.54/25%; 
I 0.71/33%; J 1.41/2.7%; K 0.51/8.7%; L 0.45/11%; M 0.45/4.0%

This temperature trend was also confirmed by cold-start emission 
tests, which were reported to produce approximately 25% higher SOF 
levels than hot-start emissions [Wachter 1990]. Two-stroke engines 
also tend to have higher SOF emissions than their four-stroke 
counterparts. The fluctuations in SOF with engine technology and with 
engine test cycle may be extremely important in developing PM control 
strategies, since solids behave differently from the SOF in both 
diesel oxidation catalysts and in particulate filters.

The SOF is typically composed of lube oil derived hydrocarbons, with 
a small contribution from the higher boiling end diesel fuel 
hydrocarbons. Diesel fuel is composed of hydrocarbons having boiling 
range equal to that of aliphatic hydrocarbons with 12 to 20 atoms of 
carbon in their molecules. Diesel lube oil is a continuum of many 
compounds with boiling points comparable to normal aliphatic 
hydrocarbons in the range between C18 and C36. Figure 6 shows an 
example chromatogram of diesel particulate SOF compared with 
chromatograms of diesel lube oil and diesel fuel. The particulates 
were collected from a diesel engine running at low speed and high 
load [Voss 1995]. The chromatogram of SOF sample closely resembles 
that of diesel lube oil hydrocarbons.


Figure 6. Analysis of SOF from Diesel Particulates

Lube oil hydrocarbons are also believed to be the major contributor 
to nuclei mode SOF. Experiments were reported, where the volatility 
of nuclei mode particles was found to be similar to that of C24 - C32 
normal alkanes, implying the lube oil origin [Kittelson 2002].

The proportion of lube oil derived SOF also shows considerable 
variability. A study with pre-Euro 1 light-duty vehicles found that 
the lube oil derived SOF material contributed anywhere between 19 and 
88% of the total PM emission [Cartellieri 1984].

Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons

The SOF fraction contains most of the polynuclear (or polycyclic) 
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and nitro-PAHs emitted with diesel 
exhaust gases. PAHs are aromatic hydrocarbons with two or more (up to 
five or six) benzene rings joined in various, more or less clustered 
forms. They attracted special attention because of their mutagenic 
and, in some cases, carcinogenic character. There was a proliferation 
of scientific publications on PAHs in the late 1980's. Judging by the 
number of publications, there is less interest in the PAHs today. 
However, these compounds are still studied by air quality agencies, 
notably by the US EPA under its "air toxics" regulations.


Figure 7. Example PAH Compounds

PAHs include tens of compounds, some of them having very complex 
structures (Table 2). They may also contain cyclopentane rings and 
heterogeneous rings with atoms of nitrogen (PANH) or sulfur (PASH).
Table 2
PAHs Identified in Diesel Particulate Extracts [Mills 1983]
Compound        M*      Compound        M*
Acenaphthylene  152     Pyrene  202
Dibenzofuran    168     Ethylmethylphenanthrene 220
Fluorene        166     Methylfluoranthene      216
Methylfluorene  180     Ethylmethylphenanthrene 220
Methyldibenzofuran      182     Benzo(a)fluorene        216
Dibenzothiophene        184     Methylpyrene    216
Phenanthrene    178     Naphtobenzothiophene    234
Anthracene      178     Ethylpyrene     230
Benzo(h)quinoline       179     Benzo(g,h,i)fluoranthene        228
Acridine        179     Benz(a)anthracene       228
Dimethylfluorene        194     Chrysene        228
Methyldibenzothiophene  198     Methylnaphtobenzothiophene      248
Dimethylfluorene        190     Methylchrysene  242
Methyldibenzothiophene  198     Binaphtyl       254
Methylphenanthrene      192     Benzofluoranthene       252
4h-Cyclopenta(d,e,f)phenanthrene        190     Benzo(e)pyrene  252
Ethyldibenzothiofene    212     Benzo(a)pyrene  252
Ethylphenanthrene       206     Dibenz(a,h)anthracene   278
Fluoranthene    202     Benzo(b)chrysene        278
Benzacenaphthylene      202     Benzo(g,h,i)perylene    276
Benz(d,e,f)dibenzothiofene      208     Coronene        380
* M - Molecular Mass

The US EPA introduces the term Polycyclic Organic Matter (POM), 
defined as a class of air toxic compounds with more than one benzene 
ring and a boiling point of 100¡C and higher. The POM class is almost 
identical with the PAH compounds. A group of seven polynuclear 
aromatic hydrocarbons (benz(a)anthracene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, 
benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, chrysene, 
7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene, and indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene), all 
identified as probable human carcinogens, are often used by the EPA 
as surrogates for the entire group of POM compounds.

PAHs in the exhaust gas are split between gas and particulate phase. 
A fraction of the light, 2-ring compounds is present in the gas. The 
most harmful compounds of four or more rings can be found almost 
exclusively in the organic fraction (SOF) of diesel particulate 

PAHs are present in diesel fuels, with their concentrations typically 
varying between 1.5 and 2.5%. Some of them (0.2 - 1% of the total 
fuel PAH) survive combustion and can be found in the exhaust gas 
[Williams 1986]. While it is also believed that some of the heaviest 
PAH compounds can be generated by pyrosynthesis in the engine 
cylinder, fuel appears to be the dominant source of PAH in diesel 
exhaust [Froelund 1997][Schramm 1994]. Another phenomenon occurring 
in the engine is the formation of nitro-derivatives of PAHs due to 
high NOx concentrations.

Emissions of PAHs typically constitute a fraction of a percent of the 
total PM emission, with many studies reporting at about 0.5% of total 
PM [Rogge 1993]. Concentrations of particular PAH compounds vary from 
0 to about 250 mg/mile, with total PAH emission reaching anywhere 
from 1 to more than 10 mg/mile, depending on engine technology. In 
volumetric units, most single PAH species are measured between 0 and 
100 mg/m3, with some species reaching above 150 mg/m3 [Williams 1986].


Dioxins is the generic term for a special group of chlorinated 
polynuclear hydrocarbon compounds, which are characterized by 
extremely high toxicity, suspected carcinogenicity, and resistance to 
biological breakdown. Even though the term "dioxin" refers chemically 
to a simple heterocyclic ring with two atoms of oxygen and with no 
chlorine atoms, its meaning in environmental sciences extends over 
three families of chlorinated compounds: the chlorinated 
dibenzo-p-dioxins (CDDs), chlorinated dibenzofurans (CDFs) and 
certain polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Sometimes the term "dioxin" 
is also used to refer to the well-studied and one of the most toxic 
dioxins, the 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD - Figure 8). 
Dioxins are created primarily during incineration of 
chlorine-containing wastes, manufacturing of some chlorine-containing 
chemicals (PVC, herbicides, ...), chlorine-bleaching of wood pulp and 
paper, and in some natural processes.


Figure 8. Example Dioxin Compounds: TCDD and TCDF

Studies detecting CDD/CDFs in used motor oils [Ballschmiter 1986], 
followed by discoveries of elevated levels of CDD/CDFs in European 
traffic tunnels raised concerns that motor vehicles, including diesel 
engines, may be contributors to nationwide ambient dioxin levels 
[Jones 1993]. In its draft dioxin health assessment document [EPA 
2000], the US EPA reviewed the existing literature and provided 
estimates for dioxin emission factors from internal combustion 
engines, as listed in Table 3 (in pico-grams per km and pico-grams 
per liter of fuel).
Table 3
Dioxin Emission Factors (US EPA 2000)
Fuel / Vehicle  TEQ, pg/km      TEQ, pg/L       FCà, km/L
Diesel trucks*  172     946a    5.5
Unleaded gasoline (w/catalyst)  1.5     14.9    10
Leaded gasoline 45      450     10
* - highway trucks only, no data existed for non-road engines
à - fuel consumption
a - based on assumed fuel consumption of 5.5 km/L (fuel consumption 
not reported in the analyzed studies)

Various dioxin compounds may have greatly different toxicities. 
Emissions of dioxin mixtures, such as those in Table 3, are typically 
expressed using toxicity equivalency factors (TEQ), in which the 
concentration of each compound is corrected based on its toxic 
effect, relative to the toxicity of TCDD and TCDF. In other words, 
the TEQ data represents a calculated concentration (or mass) of 
TCDD/TCDF that would have a toxic effect equivalent to that of the 
real mixture.

Available literature data shows considerable spread of emission 
factors. Data reviewed by the EPA varied anywhere from "non 
detectable" to over 600 pg TEQ/km, resulting in a low confidence 
rating assigned to the above factor of 172 pg TEQ/km. A more recent 
study by EPA authors investigated dioxin emissions from six diesel 
trucks, to measure emission factors from 8 to 164 pg TEQ/km, with an 
average of 47 pg TEQ/km [Gullett 2002].

According to the EPA inventories, diesel engines are only a minor 
source of dioxin emission in the USA, being attributed 1.1% of the 
total atmospheric release (33.5 g TEQ per year in 1995, compared to a 
total from all sources of 2,888 g TEQ) [EPA 2000].

It must be emphasized that certain catalytic combustion additives may 
increase emissions of dioxins by orders of magnitude, as it was 
reported with copper compounds [Heeb 1998]. Therefore, fuel 
additives/fuel borne catalysts must always be evaluated for their 
dioxin formation activity.

Sulfate Particulates

Sulfate particulates are composed primarily of hydrated sulfuric acid 
and, as such, are mostly liquid. Formation of sulfate particulates 
requires an interaction between molecules of H2SO4 and H2O. The 
process is theoretically modeled as heteromolecular nucleation 
[Baumgard 1996]. According to this theory, both sulfuric acid and 
water vapor can be undersaturated and still produce particles. The 
nucleation starts with small molecular clusters, which then grow into 
more stable nuclei particles. Most stable sulfate particulates are 
formed when the molar ratio of H2O to H2SO4 equals 8:3 (i.e., 2.67:1 
or 0.49:1 by weight). Nuclei sulfate particles are composed of 
approximately 8000 molecules of H2O and 3000 molecules of H2SO4. It 
is believed that sulfate particulates are separate from carbon 
particles and are present in the exhaust gas primarily as nuclei mode 

Formation of particles in dilution tunnel depends on H2SO4 and H2O 
vapor pressures which are functions of:

* fuel sulfur level
* conversion of fuel sulfur to SO3
* air/fuel ratio
* dilution tunnel temperature
* dilution tunnel relative humidity.

Dilution tunnel sampling variability can be, thus, minimized by 
maintaining a constant relative humidity and using a constant sulfur 
level fuel. It should be noted that PM sampling procedures which are 
currently in place do not have any special requirements regarding the 
relative humidity in the dilution tunnel, while, according to the 
heteronucleation theory, the rate of sulfate particulates nucleation 
strongly depends on that parameter.

In addition to sulfuric acid, sulfate particulates may also include 
sulfate salts. The most common salt is calcium sulfate (CaSO4), which 
can be formed in reactions between H2SO4 and calcium compounds 
originating from lube oil additives. Various sulfates may be also 
produced in reactions between sulfuric acid and exhaust system 
components. Sulfate particulates of high salt content would bound 
less water, as most sulfate salts are less hydrophilic than sulfuric 

As discussed earlier, the TPM emission is determined by weighing the 
total mass of material collected on the sampling filter. As a 
consequence, the sulfuric acid, sulfate salts, and combined water are 
all counted as part of TPM. The exact amount of water which is 
combined with sulfate particulates changes as sulfuric acid on the 
filter reaches equilibrium with moisture in the surrounding 
atmosphere. Sampling filters are typically pre-conditioned at 
controlled conditions until their mass stabilizes. Assuming that 
sulfate particulates are pure sulfuric acid, the amount of combined 
water may be determined from Figure 9 depending on the relative 
humidity during pre-conditioning of the sampling filter [SAE 1995]. 
If filters are pre-conditioned at typical conditions of 50% relative 
humidity and 25¡C, each gram of sulfuric acid is associated with 1.32 
gram of water. This corresponds to an average hydration ratio of 
7.19, i.e., the chemical composition of sulfate particulates would be 
H2SO4 ´ 7.19 H2O (the molecular mass of H2SO4 and H2O is 98.08 and 
18.016, respectively).


Figure 9. Mass of Bound H2O Per Gram of H2SO4

Samples collected for the determination of PM emissions can be 
chemically analyzed for sulfates. Care should be taken while 
interpreting the results. Different methods may be used for the 
analysis and reporting of results for sulfates-an unregulated diesel 
emission. Many laboratories would report the result as mass of the 
SO4 group (molecular mass of 96.06 g/mole). Certain corrections are 
necessary to estimate the corresponding overall contribution of 
sulfates to the TPM emission. To be exact, the SO4 result should be 
first multiplied by the molecular mass ratio of 98.08/96.06 to 
convert to H2SO4. If calcium sulfate or other salts were present in 
the sample, the contribution of the cations remains unknown, unless a 
separate chemical analysis is performed. However, one can easily 
adjust the H2SO4 figure for combined H2O by adding the water portion 
which, as determined from Figure 9, often contributes more to the 
total PM mass than sulfuric acid alone.

Particle Size Distribution

Size distribution is discussed in detail in Diesel Exhaust Particle Size.

An increased interest in diesel particle size distribution has been 
sparked by medical research which indicates that adverse health 
effects from exposure to particulates may be increasing with 
decreasing particle size, even if the particles are composed of 
toxicologically inert materials. In the USA, these concerns have been 
reflected by the introduction in 1997 of new ambient air quality 
standards for particulates smaller than 2.5 mm in addition to the 
existing standards for particulates below 10 mm (PM10).

Size distributions of diesel exhaust particulates exhibit bimodal 
character with two concentration peaks which correspond to the nuclei 
and accumulation mode particles. The nuclei mode is usually fairly 
insignificant (a few percent) if mass distributions are presented. In 
particle number representation, however, the nuclei mode often 
accounts for over 90% of the total particulate count. Since the late 
1990's, a number of emission laboratories have undertaken PM size 
distribution investigations. Quite opposite to the total particulate 
mass quantification, the particulate size distribution measurements 
are far from being standardized. Due to differences in particulate 
sampling and the variety of measuring methods which are used, test 
results from different laboratories have not been consistent. An 
important objective of the ongoing research is to develop standard 
measurement procedures, which would allow for reliable quantification 
of particle number emissions and size distributions [Andersson 
2002][Kittelson 2002].

An increased interest in the size of diesel particulates was 
triggered by a study funded by the Health Effects Institute (HEI) 
which investigated two heavy-duty diesel engines to find increased 
numbers of nanoparticles in the engine of newer generation [Bagley 
1996]. That observation, although based on a single engine 
measurement, implicated that PM emissions from new technology engines 
might be of more health concern, despite their lower PM mass. Later 
studies have generally not confirmed these findings, suggesting that 
they were characteristic to the particular engine tested by the HEI. 
A very comprehensive study sponsored by the Coordinating Research 
Council (CRC E-43) concluded that newer, low PM mass engines produce 
generally fewer particle numbers that their older predecessors 
[Kittelson 2002]. More light has been also shed on the nature of 
nuclei mode particulates, indicating that health concerns in relation 
to nanoparticle emissions from diesel engines, although real, may 
have been exaggerated. For instance, it is now believed that nuclei 
mode particles from diesel engines are composed primarily of liquid 
condensates, as opposed to solid material, making them less likely to 
cause harm to human lungs. Furthermore, the smallest size particles 
are very short-lived in the atmosphere. A 90 % reduction (and nearly 
100% in the range below 0.1 mm) of total particle number 
concentrations occurs within a few minutes or a 100-1000 m distance 
[Capaldo 2001]. Thus, diesel and other mobile particle sources 
influence particle number concentrations in the ambient air within a 
limited area mainly near roadways.

Discussion of particulate number emissions and size distributions is 
not possible without more background on particle formation, 
characterization, and measurement, all of the above areas involving 
many unresolved issues. These topics are discusses in more detail in 
the Diesel Exhaust Particle Size paper.


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