Hello all,


----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Sunday, August 22, 2004 9:57 PM
Subject: Sustainable Petroleum Warlords
Protest groups are in court trying to get permission to exercise their free 
speech rights in New York's Central Park. It is deplorable that this issue even 
lands in front of a judge, and there is little doubt that a justifiably 
paranoid imperialistic regime is behind this blatant denial of constitutional 
rights. But to gain a deeper understanding of the root cause of this amazing 
hypocrisy, let us ask ourselves how the criminal minds responsible have arrived 
in positions of sufficient power to execute their twisted ideology.

First we must be reminded that the so-called "other side" of the political coin 
attempted to contain the protestors at their convention in a steel cage guarded 
by the military they control. So this is not a partisan issue at all, there is 
a clear division between elected officials and the public they are supposed to 
serve. The division is deepened by the government and its corporate supporters 
by the use of extensive security forces that look more and more like full scale 
military units. These are deployed to protect the elected officials from the 
public as they go about the business of making deals with leaders of corporate 
interests that can't even be sued in court, again by the public they so 
passionately claim to be serving. 

Once we have accepted the premise that both major political parties are heavily 
insulated from the general public, we can proceed to gain deeper understanding 
by asking what it is that empowers these people. The answer is control of 
resources. These are the criminals, their lawyers and financial experts that 
have control of the nation's resources, and the next important principle to 
understand is contained in the constitution itself. That is the principle that 
the government is of, by and for the people. 

You see, unless the general public goes along with their plan, elected 
officials actually have no more power than regular people. In fact, for the 
most part it is members of the general public itself that not only cleans their 
toilets, but also serves as the armed force hired at minimum wage to protect 
them from the general public! So it really is "The Company Store" on a grand 
scale, and it only works because so many "go along" with it in pursuit of a 
distorted American Dream that has been sold to them by corporate marketing 
experts whose only real interest is in providing a life of luxury and ease for 
themselves now, and to hell with the future, much less his fellow man.

With this foundation firmly in place, we can now introduce the concept that 
started this rant, that is, what empowers these people? How exactly does the 
general public turn over power to them on a daily basis? There are certainly a 
number of factors involved, but chief among them surely has to be 
Transportation. Since the discovery of the wheel, mankind has been using 
technology to seek easier, faster modes of transportation. During the last few 
decades petroleum has been the primary source of energy used for 
transportation, and in fact such a dependency has developed that Americans for 
the most part are willing to go to war to secure the majority of what is 
available. Sharing all the symptoms of other addictions, petroleum abusers will 
suffer withdrawal pains physically, emotionally and financially if they were to 
suddenly stop or moderate their consumption. Even the ideas of slower speeds, 
carpooling, public transit and smaller cars are all so offensive they are 
angrily rej
 ected as violations of "personal liberty" - in fact there is little 
disagreement that the private automobile has become the primary symbol of 
American Freedom and Prosperity. Frequent Flier Miles have become a part of 
this culture of consumption providing incentives, upgrades and special 
treatment to the most consumptive and wasteful travelers. 

Now that we have established the dominant role Transportation plays, it becomes 
easier to seek solutions. What is the common factor that makes transportation 
so expensive? I propose that a primary factor is speed. It is a simple law of 
physics that:

      > It takes Energy to move Mass
      > More Mass requires More Energy, and
      > More Speed requires More Energy 

A simple demonstration can be done by peddling a bicycle as fast as you can, 
and then maintain that speed for a while. It will not take long for you to 
realize that it takes more energy to maintain a higher rate of speed, in case 
there was any doubt. On the other hand, conduct the same experiment, but 
instead pedal with less force and use the gears to maintain an average speed of 
5 to 10 miles per hour and you will travel much further on less energy, though 
it may take a few minutes longer to get there. 

Modern western culture values time as a commodity - speed is not only sexy, it 
is also at the heart of capitalism. Petroleum is the primary energy source that 
provides this essential element of speed. Entire business models are based on 
time savings alone, for example overnight delivery of documents and packages. 
The jet airline industry consumes vast amounts of petroleum, flying not only 
several million people, but also millions of tons of cargo all over the world 
every day. Incredibly, one of the largest oil consumers of all is the military 
itself in the process of guarding and securing even more supplies.

Now 75,000 people want to travel to New York to hold a 2 day protest during a 
political convention. Some estimates place the number much higher, and there 
sure are several organizations that have been organized for the sole purpose of 
urging more to make the journey and join them for a real show of force in 
opposition to the war for more oil.

Well, I say they could do better to stay home and protest by not buying 
anything at all from "The Company Store". The New York City tourism office gets 
it and is offering protesters coupons for discounts at popular corporate retail 
outlets such as Starbucks and McDonalds. Amazingly, thousands of protestors 
will take the bait and exchange some of their wealth for some of the corporate 
manna in the form of airline tickets, hotels, food, and crap imported from 
China, thereby financially supporting the very regime they claim to be 

While holding signs that exclaim "No Blood for Oil", they will board jet 
aircraft after parking their SUV and rent cars when they get where they are 
going. The concept of conservation is wholeheartedly endorsed, for the 
corporations. Propose personal reductions in consumption and watch the addicted 
ones obstinately refuse to accept personal responsibility, insisting their 
mission is unique, and therefore exempting them from blame. Conservation is 
great - for someone else. THEY should do something about it.  

Let me be very clear: It is western cultures addiction to high speed 
transportation powered by petroleum that is at the heart of the worldwide 
unrest we are experiencing today. It is the daily injections of millions of 
barrels of oil that keep this fast pace going. Those who have control of 
petroleum resources are running this world, and the general public supports 
that in just about every aspect of their daily lives. They support the 
petroleum warlords by their buying choices including everything from filling up 
the tank of their SUV to flying across the country on a jet airplane or 
consuming products transported from thousands of miles away that could have 
been produced locally.

Cheap petroleum has powered the Industrial farms that have driven thousands of 
small family farms out of business, further concentrating the wealth into the 
hands of a few. But the illusion of cheap petroleum has been shattered now. The 
true cost is beginning to emerge, and those who derive their power from it are 
doing all they can to keep the illusion alive long enough for them to seize 
control of the next great discovery of a source of energy. Signs of desperation 
are seen in actions such as The Patriot Act, legislation that further strips 
citizens of constitutional rights and acts of war in over 100 countries 
worldwide by western military forces. Often these military forces are paid 
mercenaries, or "Private Contractors" rather than legitimate volunteer forces.

Cheap petroleum powers "The Daily Commute" millions make to their jobs, which 
are increasingly further away from the sub-urban housing sprawl they live in, 
which is consuming farmland at an alarming pace. Everyone must have 
increasingly larger housing that is heavily insulated against the natural world 
by pesticides and energy consumptive appliances to control the indoor 
temperature at all times. This insular effect is effective in helping the 
addicted to ignore the environmental cost of their lifestyle, and perpetuates 
the general disconnect from personal responsibility for their part in the 
empowerment of the petroleum warlords.

Cheap petroleum powers the true Weapons of Mass Destruction, the billions of 
cars, trucks, jet aircraft and other petroleum fueled machinery that is 
rampaging all over the planet, killing indiscriminately all life that dares to 
cross in its path, and polluting the air and water we depend on for life. 
Behold the carnage from the seat of a bicycle or by taking a walk down the side 
of any road. Pull over to the side of any major highway and odds are good the 
rotting flesh or skeleton of an animal will be found nearby. The area in front 
of our own homes is unsafe for children and pets due to mindless drivers 
piloting their 2 tons of fun through the neighborhood whilst chatting on the 
cell phone and fiddling with the Premium Sound System. Up to 40% of the average 
American's income is consumed by private transportation and more innocent 
Americans are murdered every year by cars and trucks for the crime of walking 
or riding a bike than died on 9/11/01. Of these, 10%,  (about 400) ar
 e children on their way to or from school.

Meanwhile, obesity from lack of exercise imposes an enormous burden on the 
health care and insurance industries, and cancer clusters, asthma, birth 
defects, and a host of other human health tragedies are directly linked to 
chemicals and toxic substances derived from petroleum that have seeped into our 
water supply. 

Ultimately, society itself bears the majority of these costs, and the tragedies 
are mostly found among the poor and less fortunate rather than the stockholders 
of the industries that should be held responsible. Yet, the poorest and least 
fortunate have the greatest need for efficient transportation to improve their 
lives, and it is inaccessible due to poor policy and planning by leadership 
that is all too often wholly under the influence of the very industries they 
are elected to regulate. What this means is that the poorest pay the highest 
prices, for the lowest quality, with the most fees and taxes, and essentially 
can only perpetuate this condition without extraordinary intervention.

This is how the petroleum warlords derive their power; by encouraging and 
enabling America's unhealthy dependence on petroleum. So how about protest by 
not funding them anymore? Slow down, use less, ride a bike, walk, carpool, and 
demand an effective public transit system and use it. Why not stay home and 
conserve your resources instead of trading your wealth for corporate owned 
petroleum dependent services like airlines, hotels, food and transportation? By 
staying home you will serve a double penalty to them because you will keep more 
of your wealth and deny them the increase in theirs. This is how to withdraw 
your support of the petroleum warlords.

Imagine if those 75,000 protesters suddenly reduced their personal consumption 
of everything related to petroleum by 50%. Soon others would begin to see these 
leaders saving money and living healthier lives, while economically benefiting 
their local community by making more local choices to save travel. If these 
leaders' actions encouraged just a few others to do the same, and in turn those 
encouraged a few more, soon we would be living in a culture of Conservation 
instead of Consumption. 

Just imagine; policies would be adopted to discourage petroleum use, and 
neighborhoods would become safe again for children and pets as a sane public 
policy that puts the general public's health and well being ahead of wasteful 
private cars, SUVs, jets and other gluttonous forms of transportation. The 
fanatical petroleum warlords would be dethroned and their wild ideology would 
be sent to a dark corner to fester on its own poison. Control of the planets 
resources would be returned to the local communities it belongs to, while true 
capitalism would thrive and prevail rather than the fascist corporate control 
we know today as "The American Way" of life.

The first step begins with you, the individual petroleum addict. It is 
imperative that we each take stock of our personal dependence, and ask 
ourselves how different our lives would become if it were not so cheap and 
readily available. What owns who? What percentage of your income is supporting 
the habit? Where can conservation make a difference? What do you want to pass 
on to future generations? What are you personally willing to do, right now?

Average BTU consumed Per Passenger mile by mode of travel:
SUV: 4,591
Air: 4,123
Bus: 3,729
Car: 3,672
Train: 2,138
Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics:

If 75,000 protesters travel an average of just 125 miles each way to attend, 
they will consume about 750,000 gallons on travel alone. At $2 per gallon, the 
net result is a minimum $1.5 million dollar windfall for the petroleum 
warlords, so the act of protesting actually funds the regime that provides the 
fuel to transport the protesters protesting the regime for going to war to get 
the petroleum that they buy to fuel their transportation to the protest.or the 
next "sustainable eco-festival", no matter where it is.

Tim Castleman, © 2004

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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