Cross-post and previous post - tallex2002 posted it here on 30 August.


>Sun 'to give us cheap fuel'
>SCIENTISTS say they have found the Holy Grail
>of fuel and can supply unlimited, super-cheap
>energy to everyone on Earth in seven years.
>They claim to have found how to use the SUN
>to turn WATER into power and so end our
>reliance on oil, coal and gas.

The sun might be unlimited, for the next five billion years or so 
anyway, as the story says, but water? Water is not an unlimited 

It's just no use taking a narrow view of these things, they have to 
be seen in the round.

>full story
>We will see if this tech actually gets out in the market
>place and is not put on a shelf somewhere to collect dust.

I'm sure there's a place for it other than the shelf, but not in this 
shape - it's the same old one-size-fits-all "best solution" approach 
that so often does more harm than good in the end, and where there 
are benefits it's too ofen to all the wrong people, at the expense of 
those who were supposed to benefit.

I'll post some information about water resources, and water and oil, 
below, much of it previously posted here and to be found in the list 
archives. There's a lot more in the archives.




"It's a lot like oil. Nobody talks (yet!) about a Hubbert's Peak for 
water, though it strikes me it's a lot more relevant..."

"Water is already as contentious an issue as oil, or more so, in many 
parts of the Middle East, and the world. Meanwhile Americans are 
increasingly unhappy about the fact that privatized water supplies in 
the US are being operated by as German company. The corporatization 
of water supplies worldwide proceeds apace, and is causing very great 

See CorpWatch, some good stuff there:
Water Wars

"There is growing alarm around the scarcity of water worldwide -- a 
crisis that is only expected to get worse. Their are fierce battles 
being waged over who should control this precious resource. One 
vision, put forward by major corporations trying to make a buck on 
water services, and their allies in government, is that water is a 
valuable commodity to be regulated by the market. The other, sees 
water as a basic human right.

"This Issue looks at confrontations between communities and water 
giants like Suez and Viviendi of France, the German-British 
conglomerate RWE-Thames and Bechtel in the United States. These 
showdowns are being fought in places like Cochabamba, Bolivia and 
Soweto township in Johannesburg, South Africa. They are also being 
fought in communities around the United States and Europe.

"We seek to bring you the stories and voices of those on the 
frontlines of the global water wars..."

War for Natural Resources - Mixing Oil And Water:


"Blue Gold - The Global Water Crisis and the Commodification of the 
World's Water Supply" by Maude Barlow, Chair, IFG Committee on the 
Globalization of Water, National Chair, Council of Canadians
June 1999
A Special Report
Produced and Published by the International Forum on Globalization (IFG)
"The wars of the next century will be about water."  - The World Bank
Report Summary:

Here are a couple of excerpts:

The Corporate Theft Of The World's Water

The Public Pain Of Private Water

"... the relentless search for secure water supplies to feed the 
insatiable appetites of the water-bottling corporations [22.3 billion 
U.S. gallons in 2000] is having damaging effects. In rural 
communities throughout much of the world, the industry has been 
buying up farmland to access wells and then moving on when the wells 
are depleted. In Uruguay and other parts of Latin America, 
foreign-based water corporations have been buying up vast wilderness 
tracts and even whole water systems to hold for future development. 
In some cases, these companies end up draining the water system of 
the entire area, not just the water on their land tracts."
-- Debunking The Myths Of Bottled Water - An Excerpt From "Blue Gold" 
by Maude Barlow

Maude Barlow has written much about this, try a Google (or archives) 
search for "Maude Barlow water" (without the quotes). Such as:

"Who Owns Water?" September 2, 2002

Bechtel And Blood For Water: War As An Excuse For Enlarging Corporate Rule
By Vandana Shiva, May 12, 2003

"... since the city's water services were sold off to French-based 
multinational Suez (formerly Suez Lyonnaise) the bills have tripled 
and many people can no longer afford to keep the water flowing. 
Instead, they are drinking untreated river water, making it hardly 
surprising that in February 2001, Alexandra fell victim to a cholera 
outbreak which claimed four lives. The government's response? - Start 
evicting the squatters. In an ironic shift, former anti-apartheid 
activists in Alexandra and Soweto have turned to resisting water 
privatisation as the new threat to life and dignity."
White Gold July 9th 2002

That's in Johannesburg. The water actually comes from Lesotho:

"The dams are not good news for the people of the Lestho highlands. 
Much of Lesotho's economy is based on subsistence farming, but the 
dams have flooded valuable agricultural land in the river valleys - 
the Katse Dam alone displaced several thousand people, most of whom 
ended up moving to the slums of the capital city, Maseru, or to 
villages further up the mountains where there is no spare land for 
them and, ironically, often no water supply. People who were formerly 
self-sufficient farmers are supposed to be compensated by food 
handouts. Lesotho is currently on the brink of famine, like much of 
southern Africa, and has begun soliciting food aid - a fact perhaps 
not wholly unconnected to the flooding of farmlandŠ Meanwhile, a 
study of the rivers downstream of the dam shows severe pollution, 
death of fish and vegetation and increased spread of human and animal 
diseases - all a result of decreased water flow."

Same story everywhere this happens. This way works:

"Promoting Local Water Management in Nepal", IDRC Reports. January 
23, 1998 -- In the Himalayan kingdom of Nepal, the land of the 
world's tallest mountains, smaller may be better. At least, that's 
what two engineers believe when it comes to water management. "We've 
got to get rid of the fixation in our part of the world that water 
means projects, and projects means large projects," says Dipak 
Gyawali of the Nepal Water Conservation Foundation (NWCF). Gyawali 
and his partner, Ajaya Dixit, see themselves as myth-busters with a 
mission: to convince the government to examine all of the options for 
wise water management before embarking on costly high risk, large 
projects. Among the myths they are determined to bust: that Nepal is 
rich in water; that a heavy annual rainfall means a good water 
supply; that large water projects are beneficial and create jobs; and 
that textbook water engineering -- involving the construction of dams 
and embankments -- is always the best option for Nepal. They say 
existing studies show that mega-projects are more politically 
motivated than practical, and tend to promise more than they deliver 
in terms of jobs, irrigation potential, and flood control. Instead, 
the pair favours locally based alternatives, such as less expensive 
mini-reservoirs, which retain water and help fight erosion, or small 
water-driven turbines to power homes and local industries.

There's abundant evidence for that from all round the world, no 
matter how little notice the World Bank and the usual suspects feel 
like taking.

Same with afforestation - let the local people do it and keep the big 
guys OUT. If you want trees, that is, rather than resources and a 
cash-flow to pillage.

Same with biofuels too - local-level, micro-regional, and sod the big 
guys, they're no use.


West and Central Africa -- 20m people in six countries rely on Lake 
Chad for water; the lake has shrunk by 95% in the last 38 years

China -- Two-thirds of cities are facing severe water shortages

Iran -- up to 60% of people living in rural areas could be forced by 
drought to migrate to the cities

Central Asia -- the level of the Aral Sea, formerly the world's 
fourth biggest inland sea, has dropped 16m (53 ft) and its area has 
almost halved

"Bangladesh capital faces acute water crisis", Planet Ark, December 
13, 2001, Bangladesh -- Bangladesh authorities have been forced to 
call in the army to distribute drinking water in parts of the capital 
due to a chronic water shortage in the teeming city of nearly 10 
million. Dhaka regularly faces devastating floods in the wet season, 
but higher consumption is outstripping supplies.

"Honduras rations drinking water due to lack of rain", Tegucigalpa, 
Honduras, Associated Press, December 11, 2001 -- The Honduran 
government initiated a seven-month rationing program for drinking 
water in the capital due to unseasonably low rainfall that has left 
aquifers practically dry... Honduras and countries across Central 
America suffered from an intensive four-month drought that left more 
than 366,000 people malnourished and damaged 700,000 hectares (1.7 
million acres) of grain crops in Honduras.

"Drought Covers 20 Percent of the World", ENS, October 4, 2001, 
Washington, DC -- A new satellite-based method for early detection, 
monitoring and analysis of drought shows that almost 20 percent of 
the world's landmass has been stricken by drought over the past two 

"International water crisis looms", National Post Online, Canadian 
Press, August 13, 2001 -- Millions of people face water shortage 
problems -- estimates vary from 450 million to 1.4 billion. The 
number will skyrocket to 2.7 billion by 2025, says a new study by the 
International Water Management Institute (previous studies put the 
estimate at 2.5 billion people by 2050, while other current estimates 
see as much as half or even two-thirds of the total world population 
suffering water shortages by 2025). Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, with 
some of the most heavily populated and poorest regions of the world, 
will be most affected, along with the Mediterranean region, including 
some parts of southern Europe, North Africa, and parts of North and 
South America. 
"Pressure Rising on World's Fresh Water Supply", ENS, August 14, 2001

"Floods", New York Times, Beijing, August 26, 1998 -- At a government 
news conference on the disastrous floods Tuesday, Zhao Qizheng, chief 
of the State Council Information Office, said the government had 
decided to shut down logging activities in the upper catchments of 
the Yangtze River. The deforestation has led to more rapid runoff of 
rain waters and increased silting of river and lake beds. He said all 
cleared areas would be replanted in a long-term strategy of 
ecological restoration.

"Drought Evaporates Water Supply for Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Canton", 
Shenzhen, China, ENS, August 24, 1999 -- At the same time that flood 
waters along the Yangtze River in central China have killed 800 and 
displaced millions this summer, the drying up of the East River in 
southern China's Guangdong Province has led to a serious water 
shortage problem in the Pearl River Delta.

"Iran drought turns lakes to scorched earth", Reuters, August 01, 
2001 -- Iran is suffering its worst drought in 30 years. Most of the 
country's wetlands have dried out, and many farmers are struggling to 
"Iran flood toll reaches 200, foreign aid arrives", ENN, August 15, 2001
"Drought Chokes Off Iran's Water and Its Economy", New York Times, 
September 18, 2001

"Sudan Flooded Out After Parching Drought", ENS, August 23, 2001 -- 
Widespread flooding in northern Sudan after two consecutive years of 
serious drought have displaced tens of thousands of people, destroyed 
crops and threatened food security, the United Nations Food and 
Agriculture Organization (FA0) said.

"Asia's Dry Lands Crisis too Critical to Ignore", ENS, Bangkok, 
Thailand, November 10, 2000 -- The world can no longer afford to 
ignore the crisis in Asia's dry lands, the United Nations Environment 
Programme (UNEP) said. According to UNEP's Global Environmental 
Outlook 2000 report, half of all land in South Asia has lost 
agricultural potential because of poor agricultural practices, 
deforestation, overgrazing and climate change. Degraded areas include 
the sand dunes of Syria, the steeply eroded mountain slopes of Nepal, 
and the deforested and overgrazed highlands of Laos. The result, said 
UNEP, is desertification. Dramatic examples of this can also be seen 
in the encroachment of desert in Western China, India and Pakistan, 
and dust problems in the two Koreas and Japan, said the organization.

"Countries and their water wars", The Earth Times, December 21, 2001 
-- Wars over ownership of fresh water sources and rivers are already 
underway in several parts of the world and deserts are expanding, 
while people argue about how to deal with water conservation and the 
importance of fresh water in geopolitics.

"World water crisis will threaten one in three --UN", Reuters, August 
13, 2001, Stockholm -- A looming water crisis could threaten one in 
three people by 2025, sparking as much conflict this century as oil 
did in the last, the U.N.-sponsored Third World Water Forum said in a 
statement. "Water could become the new oil as a major source of 
conflict," Dutch Crown Prince Willem-Alexander, patron of the 1999 
World Water Forum, said after delivering the opening speech in 

"US expert warns Middle East of water crisis", Reuters, Damascus, 
Syria, July 20, 2001 -- A former US senator and water expert has 
warned that the Middle East could face a grave water shortage in the 
next few years and urged leaders of the region to engage in joint 
efforts to solve the problem. Paul Simon, author of "Protecting the 
World's Water Supplies", warned in a lecture in Damascus on Wednesday 
that wars in the next 15 years would be launched to control water, 
not oil. He said US intelligence agencies had named at least 10 areas 
in the world where wars over water were likely.

"Africa's potential water wars", BBC News, November 15, 1999 -- The 
main conflicts in Africa during the next 25 years could be over that 
most precious of commodities -- water, as countries fight for access 
to scarce resources. Potential 'water wars' are likely in areas where 
rivers and lakes are shared by more than one country, according to a 
UN Development Programme (UNDP) report. The possible flashpoints are 
the Nile, Niger, Volta and Zambezi basins. The report predicts 
population growth and economic development will lead to nearly one in 
two people in Africa living in countries facing water scarcity or 
what is known as 'water stress' within 25 years.

"East African Water Clash Slams Nile Treaty", Nairobi, Kenya, October 
18, 2001 (ENS) -- In a debate that may lead to confrontation between 
Egypt and eastern Africa nations over the River Nile, Kenya's members 
of parliament have voiced concern over the legality of an 
international treaty that bars east African countries from using 
water from Lake Victoria for irrigation. They dismissed the 1929 Nile 
Water Agreement as "obsolete" and called on the government to demand 
the review of the treaty and seek support of Tanzania and Uganda. 
"This treaty only benefits Egypt and we cannot sit back while we have 
water we can use to irrigate our land," said Energy Minister Raila 

The Economist magazine's Africa editor Richard Dowdon says part of 
Egypt's motivation for supporting Eritrea in its conflict with 
Ethiopia is its mistrust of Ethiopia's plans for the Blue Nile. 
During the previous Ethiopian government, tensions with Egypt 
increased rapidly when Ethiopia considered building dams on the Nile.

"The next war in our region will be over the waters of the Nile, not 
politics." --  then-Egyptian foreign minister Boutros Boutros-Ghali, 

"Water wars: Part l - The Middle East", BBC News, 15 March, 2000 -- 
Meir Ben Meir, former Israeli Water Commissioner, paints a gloomy 
picture of possible conflict over water between Israel, the 
Palestinians, Jordan and Syria. "I can promise that if there is not 
sufficient water in our region, if there is scarcity of water, if 
people remain thirsty for water, then we shall doubtless face war. At 
the moment, I project the scarcity of water within 5 years," he says. 
The Jordan Valley is not unique. In other ancient water systems - the 
Nile, the Tigris and the Euphrates - there is also a danger of 
conflict over water.

"Water Wars", by Jim Rogers February 2001, Worth magazine -- In 1995, 
World Bank vice president Ismail Serageldin said that "the wars of 
the next century will be about water." Already such conflicts are 
springing up all over the world. In the Middle East, debates over the 
use of the Jordan River have led to dangerous squabbles between 
Israel and its neighbors. Turkey and Syria have argued over water 
rights in the Tigris-Euphrates basins for years. Other sources, such 
as the Aral Sea between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, as well as the 
Ganges, which runs between India and Bangladesh, also are points of 

"Water Wars of the Near Future", 2,300-word article by Marq de 
Villiers, author of "Water: The Fate of Our Most Precious Resource" 
-- "Water shortages may not lead to shooting wars, but they most 
certainly lead to food shortages, increased poverty, and to the 
spread of disease. They make people poorer. They increase the 
migrations of peoples, further straining the massive mega-slums of 
the developing world. Standards of living deteriorate, social unrest 
and violence increase... Bangladesh may never go to war with India... 
but the stress caused by water shortages led to massive migrations of 
people, upsetting the ethnic balance of several Bangladeshi and 
Indian states, and leading to the rise of terrorist and nascent 
revolutionary movements. By other definitions, then -- water wars."

"Water Conflict Chronology", compiled by Peter Gleick of the Pacific 
Institute for Studies in Development, Environment, and Security -- 
charts 63 incidents of conflict over water, mostly violent, since 
1500 AD. The timeline shows that water conflicts are becoming more 
frequent and more serious.

"The Last Oasis: Facing Water Scarcity", by Sandra Postel , 1992, 
Worldwatch, ISBN 0-393-31744-7
"Water scarcity will affect everything from prospects for peace in 
the Middle East to global food security, the growth of cities, and 
the location of industries," said Sandra Postel. Already, 26 
countries have more people than their water supplies can adequately 
support. Tensions are mounting over scarce water in the Middle East 
and could ignite during this decade. And competition for water is 
intensifying between city dwellers and farmers around Beijing, New 
Delhi, Phoenix, and other water-short areas. Building large new dams 
and river diversions is becoming prohibitively costly and 
environmentally damaging. "In most cases, measures to conserve water 
and use it more efficiently are now the most cost-effective and 
environmentally sound ways of meeting water needs," Postel says. 
"Together they constitute our 'last oasis'--and they have barely been 
tapped." With techniques available today, farmers could cut their 
water demands by 10-50 percent, industries by 40-90 percent, and 
cities by a third with no sacrifice of economic output or quality of 

"IMF Forces African Countries to Privatize Water", Globalization 
Challenge Initiative, 8 February 2001 -- A review of IMF loan 
policies in forty random countries reveals that, during 2000, IMF 
loan agreements in 12 countries included conditions imposing water 
privatization or full cost recovery. In general, it is African 
countries, and the smallest, poorest and most debt-ridden countries 
that are being subjected to IMF conditions on water privatization and 
full cost recovery... Water privatization and greater cost recovery 
make water less accessible and less affordable to the low-income 
communities that make up the majority of the population in developing 

"Water Wars -- Privatization, Pollution, and Profit", by Vandana 
Shiva, 2002, South End Press, ISBN 0-89608-650-X
While drought and desertification are intensifying around the world, 
corporations are aggressively converting free-flowing water into 
bottled profits. The water wars of the twenty-first century may match 
-- or even surpass -- the oil wars of the twentieth. Vandana Shiva, 
"the world's most prominent radical scientist" (the Guardian), shines 
a light on activists who are fighting corporate maneuvers to convert 
this life-sustaining resource into more gold for the elites. Outlines 
the emergence of corporate culture and the historical erosion of 
communal water rights. Shiva calls for a movement to preserve water 
access for all, and offers a blueprint for global resistance based on 
examples of successful campaigns.

"Monsanto and water privatization", by Vandana Shiva, The Hindu, May 
1, 1999 -- Over the past few years, Monsanto, a chemical firm, has 
positioned itself as an agricultural company through control over 
seed -- the first link in the food chain. Monsanto now wants to 
control water, the very basis of life. "What you are seeing is not 
just a consolidation of seed companies, it's really a consolidation 
of the entire food chain. Since water is as central to food 
production as seed is, and without water life is not possible, 
Monsanto is now trying to establish its control over water," said 
Robert Farley of Monsanto. "Monsanto plans to launch a new water 
business, starting with India and Mexico since both these countries 
are facing water shortages." Privatization and commodification of 
water are a threat to the right to life. Water is a commons and must 
be managed as a commons. It cannot be controlled and sold by a life 
sciences corporation that peddles in death.

Poor pay more -- poor people in the developing world pay on average 
12 times more per litre of water than the rich do and it's often 
contaminated, according to the World Commission on Water for the 21st 
Century. Poor people pay huge premiums to water vendors -- 60 times 
more in Jakarta, 83 times more in Karachi, 100 times more in Haiti 
and Mauritania. 1.2 billion people around the world lack access to 
safe water, and 3.4 million of them die each year from water-related 

"Monsanto plan to cash in on world water crisis", Independent 
(London) September 26, 1999 -- Monsanto, the genetically modified 
food giant, drew up plans to make billions of dollars out of the 
world's water crisis, confidential company documents reveal. The 
documents, seen by the Independent on Sunday, identify a "vast 
economic opportunity" for the company in impending global shortages 
of resources such as water. They outline a strategy to use 
"environmental issues" to "deliver strong financial returns". The 
business plan adds that two billion people worldwide "still lack 
reasonable access to safe water" and says that this is likely to rise 
to 2.5 billion over the next decade. "Initial entry into the water 
business will create US$400m in annual revenues". The plan foresees 
the potential to create several billion dollars in annual revenue. 
Monsanto recently dropped plans to establish water businesses in 
India and Mexico. A Monsanto spokesman confirmed that the company had 
made plans to exploit the world water situation but had decided 
several months ago not to proceed. He did not rule out that the 
company might return to them in the future.

Water flows uphill toward money -- The village of El Mayor in the 
Colorado Delta in Mexico grew up by a great waterway, rich with fish, 
farms and forests. "Our river is gone," laments chief  Onesimo 
Gonzales. "No more fishing. Trees are dead. No one plants. The wells 
are dry." The remaining families coax murky water for washing from a 
distant borehole, but for drinking or cooking they wait for trucks 
that sell clean water at seven pesos (65 cents) for a five-gallon 
jug. At that rate, they would pay $13 million for the same amount of 
Colorado River water that developers of Shadow Lake near Palm 
Springs, California, bought for $3,400 for their $70 million 
water-ski estate. The villagers' plight typifies what is happening 
around the world as politics and engineering shape access to 
dwindling water sources. -- "Wealth Dictates Where Water Flows" (AP) 
May 18, 2001

Newfoundland plan to export water stirs controversy", Wall Street 
Journal , April 11, 2001 -- A plan by the Canadian province of 
Newfoundland to sell lake water to the United States is meeting steep 
opposition from some Canadian officials. The plan is to sell 13 
billion gallons of fresh water per year from Gisborne Lake. 
Newfoundland stands to gain $1.3 million a month in payments from the 
company that would export the water. But critics say the deal would 
set a dangerous precedent by making Canada's water a tradable good 
that would be subject to the rules of the North American Free Trade 
Agreement (NAFTA). If that happens, the country may not be able to 
stop U.S. or Mexican companies from exporting it. "If Newfoundland 
does this, we will lose sovereign rights over our water," said Maude 
Barlow, chairman of the lobby group Council of Canadians. "To see our 
water sucked up by the Americans would be too much." [Subscription 

"The Human Right to Water", by Peter Gleick, President, Pacific 
Institute for Studies in Development, Environment, and Security, 1(5) 
Water Policy 487-503 (1999), Elsevier Science -- More than a billion 
people in the developing world lack safe drinking water. The failure 
of the international aid community, nations, and local organizations 
to satisfy these basic human needs has led to substantial, 
unnecessary, and preventable human suffering. Access to a basic water 
requirement is a fundamental human right implicitly and explicitly 
supported by international law, declarations, and State practice. 
Governments, international aid agencies, non-governmental 
organizations, and local communities should work to provide all 
humans with a basic water requirement and to guarantee that water as 
a human right. (Acrobat file, 124kb)

The Blue Planet Project is an international effort begun by The 
Council of Canadians to protect the world's fresh water from the 
growing threats of trade and privatization. During March 16-22, 2000, 
activists from Canada and more than a dozen other countries met in 
The Hague to oppose the trade and privatization agenda of the Second 
World Water Forum and to kick start an international network to 
protect water as a common resource and a basic human right.

"Blue Gold -- The Global Water Crisis and the  Commodification of the 
World's Water Supply", by Maude Barlow, International Forum on 
Globalization Committee on the Globalization of Water, 1999 -- 
Experience shows that selling water on the open market does not 
address the needs of poor, thirsty people. On the contrary, 
privatized water is delivered to those who can pay for it, such as 
wealthy cities and individuals and water intensive industries such as 
agriculture and high-tech... Selling water to the highest bidder will 
only exacerbate the worst impacts of the world water crisis.

"Bolivia's War Over Water" reports from the scene by Jim Shultz, 
executive director,  The Democracy Center -- In April 2000 Bolivia 
grabbed the world's attention when the city of Cochabamba erupted in 
a public uprising over water prices. In 1999, following World Bank 
advice, Bolivia had granted a 40-year privatization lease to a 
subsidiary of the Bechtel Corporation, giving it control over the 
water on which more than half a million people survive. Immediately 
the company doubled and tripled water rates for some of South 
America's poorest families. The entire city went on a general strike. 
The military killed a seventeen-year-old boy and arrested the water 
rights leaders. But after four months of unrest the Bolivian 
government forced Bechtel out of Cochambamba.

"Water as Commodity -- The Wrong Prescription", by Maude Barlow, 
Council of Canadians: "Water as a fundamental right is guaranteed in 
the Universal Declaration on Human Rights: A growing movement of 
people believe that the imperatives of economic 
globalization-unlimited growth, a seamless global consumer market, 
corporate rule, deregulation, privatization, and free trade-are the 
driving forces behind the destruction of our water systems. These 
must be challenged and rejected if the world's water is to be saved."

"Billions without clean water", BBC News, 14 March, 2000 -- Half the 
world's population is living in unsanitary conditions without access 
to clean water, according to a UN-backed report. The report, drawn up 
by the World Commission on Water for the 21st Century, says three 
billion of the world's most deprived people live in squalor and 
misery without access to proper sanitation. It says access to water 
should be seen as a basic human right as well as a key factor in the 
fight against diseases such as typhoid and cholera. UN water expert 
Brian Appleton says 5,000 children die needlessly every day from 
waterborne illnesses: "That's equivalent to 12 full jumbo jets 
crashing every day," he says. "If 12 full Jumbo jets were crashing 
every day, the world would want to do something about it -- they 
would want to find out why it was happening."

"India's Ganges, a holy river of pollution", Reuters, Allahabad, 
India, January 14, 2001 -- Hindus believe that a dip in the holy 
Ganges during the Maha Kumbh Mela festival will cleanse their souls 
of sin. But the pollution that bedevils the river could do untold 
damage to the bodies of the faithful who will bathe in the Indian 
city of Allahabad over the next few weeks. Ram Surat Das, a barefoot 
old man, emerged from a crowd of Ganges bathers on Saturday holding a 
steel pot of water. "I'll use this for drinking and cooking and get 
some more tonight," he said. "It's absolutely clean. Of course it is, 
it's Ganges water." So far he has survived the physical onslaught of 
raw sewage, rotting carcasses, industrial effluent, fertilisers and 
pesticides that infect the river from the Himalayan foothills to the 
Bay of Bengal. Experts say pollution is to blame for a host of 
diseases -- hepatitis, amoebic dysentery, typhoid, cholera and cancer 
-- among the roughly 400 million people who live in the vast Gangetic 

"Millions dying needlessly from dirty water - WHO", Reuters, 
Brussels, March 23, 2001 -- More than one billion people have no 
access to clean water and 3.4 million die every year from diseases 
that could be easily remedied by better supplies and sanitation, says 
the World Health Organisation. The world's poor pay more than the 
rich for worse water -- up to 20 percent of household incomes -- but 
are more at risk from water-borne illnesses, the WHO said during a 
news conference to mark World Water Day yesterday. "About $16 billion 
is spent on the provision of safe water and sanitation throughout the 
world," said Wilfried Kreisel, executive director of the WHO's 
European Union Office. "In order to halve the number of people 
suffering from diseases due to contaminated water, it would be 
necessary to spend $23 billion. (The $7 billion difference) is one 
tenth of what Europeans spend annually on alcoholic beverages."

"Rivers Have Long Way to Flow to Meet New EU Law", Brussels, Belgium, 
April 25, 2001 (ENS) -- Habitat destruction and pollution from 
industry and agriculture have left many of Europe's rivers needing to 
be revived in order to meet new European Union water standards. The 
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) says 50 out of 69 river stretches in 
16 European countries suffer from "poor ecological status" due to 
canals, dams and locks, floodplain drainage, over-abstraction of 
water, industrial discharges, insufficient water treatment and heavy 
use of fertilizers.

"Biggest U.S. Water Polluters Not Punished", Washington, DC, May 28, 
2001 (ENS) - More than one in four -- 26 percent -- of the nation's 
largest industrial, municipal and federal facilities were in 
"significant" violation of the Clean Water Act at least once during a 
recent 15 month period. A new report by the U.S. Public Interest 
Research Group (PIRG) says both state agencies and the U.S. EPA have 
failed to properly pursue and punish polluters. The report, 
"Polluters' Playground: How the Government Permits Pollution," tells 
of the continued dumping of hundreds of millions of pounds of toxic 
chemicals into waterways and the significant violation of the Clean 
Water Act by almost 1,700 large facilities. Of 42 industrial 
facilities in Significant Non-Compliance for the entire 15 month 
period, EPA records indicate only one received a fine over the past 
five years.

"EPA Seeks Clean Water Rule Delay -- Revision Planned to Make 
Pollution Control 'Workable'", Washington Post, July 17, 2001 -- The 
Bush administration yesterday sought a lengthy delay in adopting a 
new rule for cleaning up thousands of the country's polluted lakes, 
rivers and streams while it attempts to rewrite the measure.The rule, 
drafted by the Clinton administration, has been sharply criticized by 
conservative Republicans in Congress and challenged in court by 
utilities, manufacturers and farm groups that say it could force them 
to spend tens of billions of dollars more annually on water cleanup.

"Water Ills Tied to Animal Waste, Study Concludes", Los Angeles 
Times, July 25, 2001 -- Improper disposal of animal waste at hog, 
dairy and egg farms is threatening drinking-water supplies, 
recreational waters and health in parts of Southern California and 
across the nation, according to a report released Tuesday by the 
Natural Resources Defense Council. The "Cesspools of Shame" report 
says waste water at so-called factory farms contains viruses and 
bacteria, antibiotics, nitrates, ammonia, metals and other toxins 
that contaminate aquifers and recreational waters. Improper waste 
storage has also resulted in fish kills and the release of toxic 
airborne chemicals that cause human illness, the report says. 

"Free drugs from your faucet -- How did tiny amounts of nearly every 
drug under the sun get into our drinking water -- and what are they 
doing to us?",, October 25, 2001 -- The U.S. water supply 
is laced with residues of hundreds of medicinal and household 
chemicals, compounds that originate not at a Dow Chemical drainage 
pipe but from our own personal plumbing. The contaminants come from 
our bladders and bowels, our bathtub drains and kitchen sinks. As 
much as 90 percent of anything the doctor orders you to swallow 
passes out of your body and into your toilet. Wastes from farm 
animals are never treated -- and loaded with antibiotics and 
fertility hormones. As chemists make new concoctions, the water 
supply takes the hit.

"Pharmaceuticals found in Canada's water system", Toronto Globe and 
Mail, September 5, 2001, Ottawa -- Traces of medical drugs such as 
antibiotics, estrogen and antidepressants are being found in Canada's 
water system, Health Canada scientists say. Studies found 
pharmaceutical compounds and chemicals from products such as 
cosmetics and shampoos, veterinary medicines, food additives and 
genetically modified foods in samples taken from sewage effluent. 
Research conducted on water systems in Europe has discovered 
compounds that make up such drugs as ASA, antidepressants and 
blood-pressure medications. 

"Many of world's lakes face death, expert warns", Reuters. November 
12, 2001, Tokyo -- Many of the world's freshwater lakes face death by 
pollution, resulting in catastrophe for the human populations that 
depend on them, an environmental expert warned. "There is not a lake 
left on the planet that is not already being affected by human 
activities," said William Cosgrove, vice president of the World Water 
Council. "We're killing the lakes, and that could be disaster to the 
human communities that depend on them." He said the situation faced 
by many of the world's lakes -- estimated to number some five million 
-- is dire.

"Aerosol Pollution Could Drain Earth's Water Cycle", San Diego, 
California, December 7, 2001 (ENS) -- Pollution may be seriously 
weakening the Earth's water cycle, reducing rainfall and threatening 
fresh water supplies. A new study by researchers at the Scripps 
Institution of Oceanography suggests that tiny particles of soot and 
other pollutants are having a far greater effect on the planet's 
hydrological cycle than previously realized, directly affecting fresh 
water availability and quality. The aerosols are a mixture of 
sulfates, nitrates, organic particles, fly ash, and mineral dust, 
formed by fossil fuel combustion and burning of forests and other 

"African Ministers Mobilize to Finance Clean Water", Bonn, Germany, 
December 10, 2001 (ENS) -- African ministers in charge of water from 
22 countries are urging that action to reduce death rates due to poor 
hygiene and polluted water be placed at the core of the forthcoming 
World Summit on Sustainable Development in South Africa. There is a 
need for "drastic measures to improve water, sanitation and hygiene 
conditions for all our peoples," they declared. The recommendation 
comes in the wake of figures showing that 6,000 people a day, or over 
two million a year, are dying as a result of sub-standard sanitation.

"Hidden Groundwater Pollution Problem Runs Deep", Washington, DC, 
December 11, 2000 (ENS) -- Toxic chemicals are contaminating 
groundwater on every inhabited continent, endangering the world's 
most valuable supplies of freshwater, reports a new study from the 
Worldwatch Institute. This first global survey of groundwater 
pollution shows that a toxic brew of pesticides, nitrogen 
fertilizers, industrial chemicals and heavy metals is fouling 
groundwater everywhere. The study by the Washington, DC based 
Worldwatch Institute also found that the damage is often worst in the 
very places where people most need water.

"One billion people at risk from world's shrinking and polluted 
lakes", Tokyo (AP) November 12, 2001 --  Nearly 1 billion people are 
at risk because of overuse and pollution of the world's lakes, said 
global experts gathered in central Japan to draw up plans for 
fighting the trend. Already, more than half the world's lakes and 
reservoirs -- representing 90 percent of all liquid fresh water on 
the Earth's surface -- have been harmed by pollution and drainage, 
said delegates at the International Conference on Conservation and 
Management of Lakes. 

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