email-only! No option for the "Web only - no email" preference available at Yahoo.

We're sorry about this, the administrators discussed it a lot. One major reason is that there still is no good email list software available that also offers a fully functional web board interface, where messages can be sent, read and replied to, as at Yahoo. We have a Web archives (two archives!) where you can read messages and search for previous information, but you can't send messages from there.

It was decided that moving the list away from Yahoo outweighed the disadvantages of losing the Web interface. Also, using the Web as a discussion forum interface has its disadvantages. Web forums might be more sociable, arguably, but on average, discussion is more chatty and superficial, the noise to signal ratio is higher, there's less direction and development, and the users don't build up their own information resources - it's a bit like having no memory. The exception, well-run web boards that overcome these disadvantages, are in the minority, and often have a paid staff to manage them, or you have to pay a subscription to join. Neither of these options is open to us here.

By comparison, email discussions are usually meatier, and where it's subject specific as this list is, you can't help building up a good personal knowledge-base - which is why we're all here, after all. But it needs some technique.

We'd argue that if you're not prepared to learn the few simple skills required to handle an email list well, will you be prepared to learn the skills needed to make your own fuel well?

People sometimes complain that they're being swamped or flooded with hundreds of emails a day. But the Biofuel list isn't a high volume list, which would have 200-300 emails a day, just medium volume with about 30 or so messages a day. If you can't handle this list as an information resource then you should improve your techniques, because a whole world of knowledge is passing you by.

There is a Daily Digest option, a single email containing all that day's messages. But Daily Digests are not a good way of doing it, they only look like a good way at first, but they make the information less accessible, not more..

You need an email account that delivers email to your computer via a good email program (eg Eudora, or Outlook Express if you're careful about viruses). Then you have email filters that you can set so they automatically send mails on different subjects to different mailboxes - no "flooded" in-box. There are also search functions you can use to find information in what will soon grow into a very useful database on your own hard disk. Filters and separate mailboxes are essential to handling mailing lists properly, and perhaps the Internet in general.

Now you have a memory. When you ask questions they'll be better informed and you'll get better answers. You'll be more willing to answer other people's questions and to contribute generally. You benefit, everyone benefits, as a community we become more effective in advancing biofuels issues, and we all live happily ever after.

Please have a look at this previous message on handling email, it might help you:

Here's another way that a list member recommended - good!

"I'm accustomed to the e-mail system and simply file messages I want to keep in an archival folder. Everything else goes in the trash after reading because I know it's all archived for my benefit, and accessible when the need arises. (Thank you, thank you, thank you!)"

And yet another way from another member - BAD!

"My solution is to monitor the in-box regularly printing those items of special interest (for a resource file), and deleting those postings which are not of specific interest."

Printing??? Ulp... You can't grep dead trees. He hasn't realised what a computer does, and he hasn't discovered archives yet either. Another point that he misses, which the previous member didn't miss, is that it's impossible to pre-judge which information will turn out to be useful and which not. On a computer it just doesn't matter - the more information there is in your database the more sheer depth it will have, while it won't make searching any slower, and current-model computer hard disks have plenty of space, 40Gb and more. (That's equivalent to 40,000 to 50,000 books.)

Many members were on the "Web only - no email" option at Yahoo, but many other members are email adepts. Can we all try to help each other find our feet?

See also:
A Beginner's Guide to Effective Email


Best wishes

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
KYOTO Pref., Japan
Biofuel list owner

Biofuel mailing list

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Biofuel archives at (searchable):

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