this is buck,, read belowww,

Greetings Heidi,

I do understand straw bale very well, did a course on it years ago now in Arizona with the "Out on a bale, by mail" people. Unfortunately, straw bale is not a good building material for my area. I would have to truck bales in from well over a 100 miles away. My humidity is over 80% most of the year. We tested a rice straw bale on the property, it disintegrated in a single season, just as if it were hay. We have many insects here that just eat it and I do not allow chemicals on the property. Straw bale is a wonderful building material if you live in the right climate.

Bright Blessings,

At 04:30 PM 9/11/2004, you wrote:

hi heidi and kim,,,,,, for kim, when u sayy u do noat lallow chemicalss do you mean, insecticiaceds or all thingsss chemical, insulation foam, plastic sheeting eticif we can understaaadn what u mean by chemicals, i liveeee in a chemicala town,, i worked for kerr mcfgeee, we extracted borax, soda sash, phosphates, sulphatess, borate, all are chemical, salt, thats chemical, some ar43e immediately poisionussss, some take years, water if taken to excesss will kill you as surelllsy as arsenic, wihich also occuras here in the ground naturally,, im not being argumentativeee, what is acceptaable to your so that we, can make reasonableeeeee recocommnedatiaons,, i hesitrate to say we, as i do dnot presumeee to speak for eery one, also i dont like to say me,,, as i dont know everythisng and do not want to seem as if i have an evertytime for everthing answer, i am only a man, the more i and the other peopele here know about ht u want to accomplisheee and hwat u are willling to usse guidess in what we can suggest for guildlenlines ,,,,, as to yourrr humitddity level, u can dissregard evaporation th help your cooling problames, u must be albe to get energy from some other sources,,,, do you havee yearf around wind,, gravity, is there any hills with streams, sunlight for solar panelss,,im starting to ramble, so thats enough,,, buck

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