ihope this makes snese, kim has presented a problemm, that intrauques me,,,, if someone walks up ;to u ;with a 40 lbbb ham, sticks it to your chest and sayss eat this,,,firsts reactiaosn is probalbyy , i cant , its too big, imoopsiblle,,, what i might saayyy is,,, hey, give me aa loaf of breaddd, a jar of mayonaiase, some sun brewed tea, (from KINm) a sharp knifeee, and enough time ot workk on thismake ham sansdwiches,, break the problelma down intoa smaller manaageabvle pieces,what i thisnk i might do is get a ready made servel to keep the daily sstuff cooledd, butter, milk andy fresh meat,reduce the coolisng load on whatever reefer u wind up ;with, by preservinng, pickiling, jeryking, jams,thants how the turn ofthe centruy did it,,,,, my gramndmother did it, my mother,,, we used kerosene lamps untill i was aabout 12,, got rid of the lamps and got a refrigerator about the same time, we hunng peanuts and sweet ptattoes, , a gallon of kerosene will run a 12-15 cufttt servel for about three four daysss, i think,,, best i rember,, another ,, if u put a whatever box in the bround below the water tableee, what u will hnave is a rusty container with water in ti,, if u have a ready made hill, put it innn the hill,, if not put it on tomp of the grouand and pile diret on top ofit,, make yhour own hill, lots of dirt,,, this is almost , heck it is dozeer work, cept right on top,, this is not NOT shovel work, power,,,,,the baseeee must be large enough that weather or natural fall is not enough to carry your rcover away,what i wanted to say and forgott was start with manageable piecess, learn what u can do, what is so laabor intesiive or beyond your capabilities and adjsust so thatu get the best effieciency with what u can accomplishe,if u try to buy a righands weldidng time, these guys are ussed to doing refinery, oilfield, chem plant work at 50 plus dollars an hour,,,,, go to junior collece, learn to weld, cut, learn to fit, measure,,, buy a small gasolisne welder, make stuff, the moreee u knowww, the more u can do for yourselldf, make the tools work for you, dont work for the tools,,,,,,theyre harder than you,, they have no felings, no sympathey and theyll work u to death,buck

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