Hi All,

I have been fooling around with the Foolproof process and have a few questions/observations.

First, is this your first attempt to make biodiesel? You saw what it says at the top of that page?

"NOTE: The two-stage biodiesel processes are advanced methods, not for novices -- learn the basics thoroughly first. The single-stage base method is the place to start. Start here."

"Here" being here:
"Where do I start?"

"Not for novices" is linked and takes you here:

Did you read that? If not you really should.

I do not get an emulsion when I add the alcohol to the

Emulsion? You mean this?

"6. Mix for five minutes -- the mixture will become murky because of solvent change (methanol is a polar compound, oil is strongly non-polar; a suspension will form)."

Are you starting with WVO? It's best to start with SVO. You're giving yourself too many variables all at once, instead of starting at the beginning with the simplest process and adding new factors one at a time.

I am using store bought denatured alcohol which is quite dry by my tests, and seems to have 10 to 20% methanol in it.

Denatured alcohol will not work. It is mostly ethanol, and making ethyl esters is not easy, and also not for novices. See:

Ethyl esters -- making ethanol biodiesel

Also it is not dry, it will have about 5% water in it, and the biodiesel process is sensitive to water, especially ethyl esters.

You need 99%+ methanol, and then start with a single-stage base reaction with SVO, virgin oil.

I have gotten plenty of soap in the final fuel even after a good separation of glycerin.

You're sure you got a separation of glycerine?

I know there is plenty of FFA in my starting oil.

How do you know?

Is there
a test to determine if the acid stage is working or how far along the esterification is.? I did the shake with water test and the original oil
becomes a milkshake.

You shook the original oil? Or what your process produced?

The acid stage product separates quickly but is murky.

I don't think so.

Go back to the beginning Joe, don't take short-cuts.

Best wishes

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever

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