Liveing On Earth 
 May 14, 2004 
 Hydrogen at Home 

 Host Steve Curwood talks with Amory Lovins of the
 Rocky Mountain Institute in Colorado about the
 challenges of implementing a hydrogen economy in
 the United States. (16.5 minutes) 

 Listen with Real Player -or- MP3 -or- read the interview

 An excerpt below: 

 CURWOOD: Now, some people who work in the energy field donât think
 that future cars will all run off hydrogen. They say, look, what about
 getting fuel from biomass, agricultural byproducts, or even crops
 specifically grown to produce fuel. 

 LOVINS: Mm-hmm. 

 CURWOOD: How do you see that fitting into our future energy needs? 

 LOVINS: These are all competitors. And in fact, in our study
 ãWinning the Oil Endgameä, weâre looking at how they all interplay,
 and which ones have how much of the market in the long run. And
 I think the answer is going to be that theyâll all be active.
 We are already seeing a lot of biodiesel and other bio-fuels
 emerging in the market. 

 Those processes are getting steadily better. What they will tend to do,
 just like what hydrogen will tend to do, is squeeze out oil. Because these
 alternatives -- whether in saving oil or substituting for it -- tend to have
 rising reserves and falling costs, whereas oil tends to have falling reserves
 and rising costs. And the curves are starting to cross.  [more]
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