I would really be concerned with a system like this. If you are not careful on 
how it is set up, you will mix biodiesel and water as noted. When the water 
comes through the biodiesel, it may not separate before it is suck up by the 
pump again. I would be really careful of a system like this unless you have a 
big water supply for the water wash and it is deep and the pick up point of the 
water is well below where the biodiesel and water meet. 

I think you could accomplish the same thing by putting a copper pipe through 
the biodiesel to the water, at the bottom. The copper pipe could have holes 
drilled in it at the water line, some above and some below. Then you could 
drill a bigger hole at the bottom of the copper pipe. Then you could run an air 
line through the pipe and bring it back around and put it in the hole at the 
bottom of the pipe and make sure the air hose is looking up. This way you could 
have the ultimate bubble wash as the air bubbles would bring the water from the 
bottom of the processor to the top and the water would go out the holes drilled 
at the top of the pipe and clean the biodiesel as it trickle backs down. 

As previously stated, you should make sure that the pipe is well below the 
point were biodiesel and water meet so you won't suck up any biodiesel and 
start to mix them up.


From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] ultimate pump wash
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed"

Hello Luc

It's no ordinary watering can head:

Journey to Forever 90-litre processor

Scroll down to "processor lid".

But all you need is the principle, of course, then adapt what you can 
find to do the same job in your set-up. As you're doing.

I'm not quite clear on it though. "The water gets pumped up and then 
falls like rain all over the surface of the BD" - only the water? Or 
are you pumping BD as well, or mixed BD and water? If it's only the 
water, all you have is a sort of glorified mist-washer, with rain 
rather than mist. Well, maybe that's okay. But I'd've thought a pump 
would pull liquid out of the bottom faster than the water raining on 
top will percolate down, isn't it pulling BD as well, and mixing the 
water and BD? Is the BD getting mixed with water, or just rained on?



>OK, this time I think I just might have gotten it :) I was 
>re-reading through the 90 liter processor at JtF as I recalled 
>something about a shower head being used.
>Well, it turned out to be a watering can head, but same idea.
>I have set up a system where the water is pumped up from the exit 
>pipe in the Standpipe design
>http://www.veggieavenger.com/avengerboard/viewtopic.php?t=333) to 
>the top of the wash tank and there it is distributed via a "T" 
>section to fall like rain over the BD. It works, but still not to my 
>satisfaction. Enter the watering can idea. Instead of the "T" 
>section with perferated hose actiing as a distributor tomorow I am 
>on the hunt for a pair of large, flat shower heads that can be used 
>instead. That should do it once and for all. The water gets pumped 
>up  and then falls like rain all over the surface of the BD washing 
>it as it sinks to the bottom and gets pumped back up again and again 
>and again.
>And that should about do it for the Ultimate Pump Wash :) Other 
>methods might work better but with the very limited head space I 
>have to work with this it is for me. I will post an update (even if 
>it doesn't work... but it will, ha!)
>I figure that with TWO shower heads the entire area should be 
>suficiently covered so as to do a good job, and that is the only 
>thing I will be satisfied with, a GOOD job.

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