The entire Jewish invasion of the Dead Sea Region is an attack on
Christianity. Jesus Christ said He came only to find the (spiritual) lost
sheep of Israel. That being true, then who has "right of return" to New
Israel? The followers of Jesus Christ. Since the Jews are against the
teachings of Christ as they tell all who listen, then what could this be but
an invasion  of antichrists (I John 2:22)?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Hakan Falk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2004 6:33 AM
Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Re: Jewish settlers atttack US christians

> Or any of the Israeli and Palestinian sources. -:)
> The war is not only physical fighting and I would say that both Israel,
> Palestine and US outperform Al Jazeera in professional misinformation, so
> they start to look as a credible source in the comparisons. LOL
> Anyone interested in the events must however take the information with
> grains of salt and try to see through it.
> Hakan
> At 02:56 PM 10/5/2004, you wrote:
> >I can't believe that someone would actually use
> >Aljazeera as a news source. LOL. I know it's
> >difficult to find news sources having any degree
> >of intergrity in reporting, but
> >really.....Aljazeera? You might as well take the
> >White House spokesman's word as the truth, the
> >whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
> >
> >Tim
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Behalf Of fox mulder
> >Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2004 3:55 AM
> >Subject: [Biofuel] Re: Jewish settlers atttack US
> >christians
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Jewish settlers attack US Christians
> >By  Khalid Amayreh in the West Bank
> >
> >Thursday 30 September 2004, 2:24 Makka Time, 23:24
> >GMT
> >
> >
> >Palestinian children fear attacks from settlers
> >
> >Jewish settler immigrants from North America have
> >attacked and severely
> >beat
> >American Christian peace volunteers near the
> >village
> >of Yatta south
> >west of
> >Hebron.
> >
> >Palestinian and Israeli sources said the attack
> >occurred on Wednesday.
> >
> >According to the Hebron-based Christian Peace
> >Making
> >Team (CPT), five
> >settlers carrying iron chains and baseball clubs,
> >assaulted two male
> >and
> >female volunteers who were escorting Palestinian
> >schoolchildren to
> >their
> >school at the village of Tuba near the settlement
> >of
> >Maon in the
> >southern
> >Hebron hills.
> >
> >The assailants reportedly beat the two volunteers
> >and
> >robbed them. The
> >pair
> >were evacuated by an Israeli ambulance to a
> >hospital
> >in the southern
> >Israeli
> >town of Be'ir Sheva were their condition is said
> >to be
> >moderate.
> >
> >The assailants also stole a bag belonging to a
> >female
> >volunteer named
> >Kim
> >Lamberty. The bag contained a passport, money and
> >a
> >cellular phone. It
> >is
> >not clear if the settlers had wanted to attack
> >Palestinian
> >schoolchildren
> >who fled to their homes.
> >
> >Volunteers severly beaten
> >
> >CPT spokesperson in Hebron, Cal Carpenter told
> > that one
> >of the
> >volunteers had a collapsed lung while a woman
> >volunteer had sustained
> >cuts
> >and bruises.
> >
> >Asked why he thought the settlers assaulted his
> >colleagues, Carpenter
> >said
> >the settlers "didn't like what we were doing,
> >namely
> >escorting
> >Palestinian
> >kids to their schools."
> >
> >"They apparently were unhappy to see us stand by
> >the
> >kids whom the
> >settlers
> >want to abuseÁ€ they thought that we were
> >frustrating
> >their efforts."
> >
> >Carpenter said the CPT volunteers wouldn't be
> >intimidated by the Jewish
> >settlers "savagery."
> >
> >"We will go to the village tomorrow and we will
> >escort
> >the kids to
> >their
> >school."
> >
> >According to Palestinian locals, the settlers in
> >the
> >area despise the
> >Christian activists for "helping the Palestinians
> >stay
> >in the area."
> >
> >'Disrupting efforts'
> >
> >"The settlers believe the Christians are
> >disrupting
> >their efforts to
> >get the
> >Palestinians to leave the area," one local told
> >
> >
> >The incident came less than 48 hours after a
> >Jewish
> >settler from a
> >settlement near the Northern West Bank town of
> >Nablus
> >murdered a
> >Palestinian
> >driver and father of eight children.
> >
> >The settler, however, has been freed from police
> >custody and placed
> >under
> >temporary house arrest.
> >
> >  The Israeli army, in concert with settler leaders
> >in
> >the area, have
> >been
> >trying to expel several hundred Palestinian
> >families
> >from the area for
> >the
> >purpose of expanding the settlement of Maon.
> >
> >Two years ago, the army destroyed hundreds of
> >caves
> >and many cisterns
> >belonging to Palestinians in order to force them
> >to
> >leave.
> >
> >Relations between the settlers and the Christian
> >volunteers have never
> >been
> >good.
> >
> >Jewish settlers, indoctrinated by a staunchly
> >anti-Christian ideology,
> >routinely throw rocks and shout obscenities at the
> >volunteers.
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