Hi Todd,

I understand your statement about finding pieces that can adapt to the
jigsaw puzzle.  Many people condemn, find fault, and criticize.  As the
Beatles once said, there are no problems, only solutions.  And that is
the joy of creativity... finding solutions.  I appreciate your bent
towards solutions and this is the crux of what we can do in an exchange
of ideas.  We should be promoting each other's goodness and "will to
good".  So, lets promote actual production of biofuels.  This means the
entire fun of all of the interchange... make it work for positive
action.  More than a mind game of wits, we need to inspire each other to

Best wishes,

... do you offer any solutions.  I wonder why. Perhaps no viable answers
other than rebuilding an entire energy industry?

Seems that it's a lot easier or perhaps more fun simply to isolate
and shred it to pieces rather than look a jigsaw puzzle in its totality,

Todd Swearingnen

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