On 8/oct/04 Greg H wrote  to me (Still haven't read the list rules have you.)
I now reply.
I have now found time to re-read more carefully the 3 pages of rules/ useful 
guidance. makes much more sense second time around. I also read the guidance on 
'on top' responses, and Netiquette. I did not make time to read the book by 
Virginia Shea.
 Having read these rules I can see that I have proceeded incorrectly, and 
without proper etiquette. Let's see if I now properly understand where all the 
places that I have gone wrong. Perhaps you may find time to check this Greg and 
help me refine my etiquette, contribution, and proper use of the group. This 
'confession' may also serve as helpful direction to aspiring new members.
1. Firstly, I should have taken the advice to observe the group's chat and 
manners, and researched archived info' before 'blundering in'.
2. I also should have re-read rules, BEFORE contributing.
3. I probably have upset etiquette by adding to the subject line, as I've done 
above, as this might interefere with the 'thread', and searching archives. Can 
Greg ,or other, please comment on this. Should I start a new subject or 
'thread', rather than confuse existing  subjects?
4. I should have researched parts of my chosen subjects much more thoroughly.
5. I sometimes use colloquial English, and abbreviations, and should use my 
'best English'.
6. I have already had my wrist slapped ( colloquial English again- but 
expressive meaning clear?) for 
' Adverising Of Goods Or Services'. I accept in relation to ' proportional to 
member's contribution' as I was clearly a new boy on the block, BUT I strongly 
refute 'Adverising' as I have no financial gain. It is a technology that I am 
totally committed to environmentally. But nonetheless, I accept the 'spirit' of 
how it was brought to my attention, and 'proportional to contribution'.
7. Wrist slapping continued for 'calling for an offlist response'. I am 
'guilty, guilty,guilty!'.Apologies, I now understand the rule and will not do 
so again.
                This the first ever discussion list I have joined. I have poor 
IT skills which does not help joining a group like this, but the group has 
helped me. I find the level of debate and knowledge superlative for a 
fuels/sustainability group and it is of great interest to me. I apologise if I 
have offended Greg or others by my etiquette, or lack of it.
 Perhaps Greg, or others, may want to comment on whether they think I have now 
read and understood the rules sufficiently to continue,or I am still missing 
major issues, and to suggest helpful comment re point 3 above, re Subject 
Heading, and 'thread of discussion'. 

Don Johnston
Environmental Coordinator , Portsmouth City Council
Chair, Solent Energy and Environment Management Group

Winner ; National Champion-Science and Technology, Green Apple Awards 2002

Tel: 023 9283 4247

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Johnston, Don
Sent: 11 October 2004 19:03
Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Cellulosic Ethanol -was: US

Greg, I confess. I must find time to read the rules. I chose to answer 
correspondence first. Its 7:00pm, I have 147 unread messages, and I guess my 
employer might well suggest that I should even be on this list. 

Don Johnston
Environmental Coordinator , Portsmouth City Council
Chair, Solent Energy and Environment Management Group

Winner ; National Champion-Science and Technology, Green Apple Awards 2002

Tel: 023 9283 4247

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Greg Harbican
Sent: 08 October 2004 17:52
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Cellulosic Ethanol -was: US

Still hSaven't read the list rules have you.

Greg H.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Johnston, Don" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 09:18
Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Cellulosic Ethanol -was: US

Right on! Greg. You did not make me LOL.
Wait til you read my next one. I wonder if you will get involved?

Don Johnston
Environmental Coordinator , Portsmouth City Council
Chair, Solent Energy and Environment Management Group

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