Ethanol CH3 CH2 OH 

 New Reactor Puts Hydrogen From Renewable Fuels Within Reach
 Source:  University Of Minnesota
 Feb 12, 2004 -or-

 MINNEAPOLIS / ST. PAUL (2/12/2004) -- The first reactor
 capable of producing hydrogen from a renewable fuel source -
 ethanol - efficiently enough to hold economic potential has
 been invented by University of Minnesota engineers. When
 coupled with a hydrogen fuel cell, the unit - small enough to
 hold in your hand - could generate one kilowatt of power,
 almost enough to supply an average home, the researchers
 said. The technology is poised to remove the major stumbling
 block to the ãhydrogen economyä: no free hydrogen exists,
 except what is made at high cost from fossil fuels. The work
 will be published in the Feb. 13 issue of Science. 

 The researchers see an early use for their invention in remote
 areas, where the installation of new power lines is not feasible.
 People could buy ethanol and use it to power small hydrogen
 fuel cells in their basements. The process could also be
 extended to biodiesel fuels, the researchers said. Its benefits
 include reducing dependence on imported fuels, reducing
 carbon dioxide emissions (because the carbon dioxide
 produced by the reaction is stored in the next yearâs corn
 crop) and boosting rural economies.

 Hydrogen is now produced exclusively by a process called
 steam reforming, which requires very high temperatures and
 large furnaces÷in other words, a huge input of energy. Itâs
 unsuitable for any application except large-scale refineries, said
 Lanny Schmidt, Regents Professor of Chemical Engineering,
 who led the effort. Working with him were scientist Gregg
 Deluga, first author of the Science paper, and graduate student
 James Salge. All three are in the universityâs department of
 chemical engineering and materials science.

 ãThe hydrogen economy means cars and electricity powered
 by hydrogen,ä said Schmidt. ãBut hydrogen is hard to come
 by. You canât pipe it long distances. There are a few hydrogen
 fueling stations, but they strip hydrogen from
 methane÷natural gas÷on site. Itâs expensive, and because it
 uses fossil fuels, it increases carbon dioxide emissions, so this
 is only a short-term solution until renewable hydrogen is

 Ethanol is easy to transport and relatively nontoxic. It is
 already being produced from corn and used in car engines. But
 if it were used instead to produce hydrogen for a fuel cell, the
 whole process would be nearly three times as efficient. That
 is, a bushel of corn would yield three times as much power if
 its energy were channeled into hydrogen fuel cells rather than
 burned along with gasoline. 

 ãWe can potentially capture 50 percent of the energy stored in
 sugar [in corn], whereas converting the sugar to ethanol and
 burning the ethanol in a car would harvest only 20 percent of
 the energy in sugar,ä said Schmidt. ãEthanol in car engines is
 burned with 20 percent efficiency, but if you used ethanol to
 make hydrogen for a fuel cell, you would get 60 percent

 The difference, Deluga explained, is due in large part to the
 need to remove all the water from ethanol before it can be put
 in an automobile gas tank÷and the last drops of water are the
 hardest to remove. But the new process doesnât require pure
 ethanol; in fact, it strips hydrogen from both ethanol and
 water, yielding a hydrogen bonus. 

 The invention rests on two innovations: a catalyst based on the
 metals rhodium and ceria, and an automotive fuel injector that
 vaporizes and mixes the ethanol-water fuel. The vaporized fuel
 mixture is injected into a tube that contains a porous plug made
 from rhodium and ceria. The fuel mixture passes through the
 plug and emerges as a mixture of hydrogen, carbon dioxide
 and minor products. The reaction takes only 50 milliseconds
 and eliminates the flames and soot that commonly accompany
 ethanol combustion. 

 In a typical ethanol-water fuel mixture, one could ideally get
 five molecules of hydrogen for each molecule of ethanol.
 Reacting ethanol alone would yield three hydrogen molecules.
 So far, the Schmidt team has harvested four hydrogen
 molecules per ethanol molecule. 

 ãWeâre confident we can improve this technology to increase
 the yield of hydrogen and use it to power a workable fuel cell,ä
 said Salge. 

 The work was supported by the University of Minnesotaâs
 Initiative on Renewable Energy and the Environment, the
 National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of

 More about the research grants including ethanol reactor photo -- 

 Related news posts -- 

 [biofuel] Hydrogen Reactor  2004-02-13 

 [biofuel] Re: Scientists create fuel source  2004-02-13

 [biofuel] EERE Network News -- 02/18/04

 Re: [biofuel] From SCIENCE NEWS, March 6, 2004
 Engineers Find Economical Way to Make Hydrogen from Ethanol 
 and just below Novozymes enzyme cost break through. 

 Renewable Hydrogen from Ethanol by Autothermal Reforming
 G. A. Deluga, J. R. Salge, L. D. Schmidt, and X. E. Verykios
 Science 13 February 2004; 303: 993-997 [DOI: 10.1126/science.1093045] (in 
 Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science,
 University of Minnesota, Minneapolis MN 55455, USA.

 Ethanol and ethanol-water mixtures were converted directly into
 H2 with approximately 100% selectivity and >95% conversion by
 catalytic partial oxidation, with a residence time on
 rhodium-ceria catalysts of <10 milliseconds. Rapid vaporization
 and mixing with air with an automotive fuel injector were
 performed at temperatures sufficiently low and times
 sufficiently fast that homogeneous reactions producing carbon,
 acetaldehyde, ethylene, and total combustion products can be
 minimized. This process has great potential for low-cost H2
 generation in fuel cells for small portable applications where
 liquid fuel storage is essential and where systems must be
 small, simple, and robust.   [more]
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