   You make some very valid points. It would be useful to see these
prices rebased in Euros. I'm not sure what proportion of the list's
readers are based in areas more closely allied to the Euro than to the
US dollar, but I suspect it's quite a high proportion. For me the US
dollar is a fairly meaningless measure, because it has changed so
dramatically against my local currency (GB pounds). While we don't use
Euros, they are much more stable relative to the pound than the US

Another effect of US taxation policy on fuel is that the current high
crude prices have a proportionally large effect on pump prices there.
However here in the UK prices are significantly less than 10% higher
than a couple of months ago - in other words, the current high prices
have only a very small effect on people's perceptions, and hence a very
small economic impact. I suspect the economic impact in the US will be
a lot higher, another reflection of a much higher dependency on this
one, limited resource.


 --- Hakan Falk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> MH,
> The list is not really accurate, since it is using dates before the
> both 
> the recent price rises and even more important the dollars large fall
> to 
> most of the currencies used in respective country. If you include and
> study 
> this, you will see that US is hit by a "double wammy". For many of
> the 
> countries the Euro is applicable, or the currency follow the Euro and
> it 
> will show more modest rises in local currency, than the sharp rise in
> US 
> dollar and currencies connected to the dollar. It is unbelievable
> that the 
> Americans are so used to only study their own "belly button", that
> they 
> cannot see in which direction they are heading.
> Combine this with the tendency of OPEC countries to sign 
> delivery/development contracts with other countries than US plus 
> "coalition" and the writing is on the wall. For NG it is the risk
> that the 
> resources are signed up with others, when US finally get their 
> transportation/import act together. Oil producers are intimidated by
> the 
> Bush policies and do not trust US or the dollar any longer. They are 
> hedging and it is very obvious. It looks like the US "strong man"
> policies 
> are starting to backfire and it is not only the debt situation and
> the 
> trade balance that are falling apart. President George W. Bush is the
> most 
> expensive president in US history and it is remarkable that the US 
> population do not see it clearly, or think that they can afford him
> for 4 
> more years. It is very large and obvious risks that "the sh-t will
> hit the 
> fan". I do not understand that he even want to be president for an
> other 
> period. LOL
> Luc touched on this very important situation in an earlier post, a
> petty 
> that he got it a bit muddled by involving Israel in it. The economic 
> vulnerability and policies is worth its own independent analysis,
> even if 
> it is a case for some connections.
> Hakan
> At 02:02 PM 10/19/2004, you wrote:
> >  I was recently over at
> >
> >  Energy Information Administration
> >  US Department Of Energy
> >  International   Energy Annual
> >  http://www.eia.doe.gov/iea/
> >
> >  and clicked on PRICES then on
> >
> >  Table 7.2 World Survey of Recent Selected Petroleum Product Prices
> > (Including Taxes)
> >
> >  Heres a sampling below --
> >
> >  U.S. Dollars per U.S. Gallon
> >  Region/Country      Date        Gasoline     Diesel
> >  Canada               1Q/2003        2.24         1.43
> >  US                      1/2003         1.65          1.49
> >  Brazil                   1/2003         2.44         1.52
> >  Colombia             1/2003         1.65          0.85
> >  Paraguay             1/2003         1.62          1.30
> >  Venezuela            1/2003         0.16          0.10
> >  France              1Q/2003         4.74          3.61
> >  Germany           1Q/2003         4.39          3.46
> >  Spain                1Q/2003         3.43          2.99
> >  Sweden             1Q/2003         4.45         3.70
> >  UK                    1Q/2003         4.95         4.76
> >  Poland               1Q/2003         3.53         2.83
> >  Russia                 1/2003          0.69         0.63
> >  Iran                     2002            0.34         0.07
> >  Kuwait                 2002            0.78         0.68
> >  Saudi Arabia         2002            0.91         0.37
> >  Libya                   2002            0.56         0.50
> >  Nigeria                 2002            0.82         0.82
> >  South Africa         2002            1.41         1.25
> >  Australia            1Q/2003          1.65         2.18
> >  China                 4Q/2002        1.32          1.21
> >  Hong Kong         1Q/2003        5.44          3.07
> >  India                   2002            2.50          1.72
> >  Indonesia            2002             0.68          0.72
> >  Japan                 1Q/2003        3.36          2.67
> >  New Zealand       1Q/2003        2.40          1.42
> >  Thailand             4Q/2002         1.36         1.25
> >
> >  Includes additional pricing for --
> >  Residential Fuels -
> >    Light Fuel Oil, Kerosene, Liquefied Petroleum Gas.
> >  Industrial Fuels -
> >    U.S. Dollars per Barrel - Light Fuel Oil, Heavy Fuel Oil.
> >
> >  U.S. Gasoline and Crude Oil Prices by Year 1918-1999 chart
> >  (In Constant 1995 Dollars)
> > 
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